CORREZ - Édition des lettres internationales adressées à Émile Zola

Lettre d'Harry W. Bernhardt à Émile Zola datée du 17 juin 1898

Auteur(s) : Bernhardt, Harry W.


Texte de la lettrePapier à lettres.

Tampon à gauche :
420 Walnut Street

À droite :
Philadelphia, __________ 189

Dactylographié à l'encre bleue :

Philadelphia, June 17, 1898.

M. Emile Zola,
Paris, France.
My Dear Sir : May I ask you to kindly advise me where I can obtain of the "Zola Medals" similar to that described on the enclosed clipping taken from the "Philadephia record".
I need hardly say to you I have taken the deepest interest in the infamous trial granted you by the French authorities, and that you have my sincere sympathy.
Trusting that you may be able to furnish me with the desired information, and with my best wished for your future welfare, believe me,
Sincerely yours,

Signature : Harry W. Bernhardt.

Les mots clés



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Notice créée par Richard Walter Notice créée le 02/07/2018 Dernière modification le 21/08/2020