CORREZ - Édition des lettres internationales adressées à Émile Zola

Lettre de H. Y. Sengelly à Émile Zola datée du 2 décembre 1896

Auteur(s) : Sengelly, H. Y.


Texte de la lettreCapital City Bank
Columbus Ohio
U. S. A.

December 2nd 96

Mr Emile Zola,

my dear sir_
If it is not intruding and troubling you all too much.
May I ask if you would grant me the honor and delight of a word from your pen, as an autograph moment to number among my historical treasures ?
I should appreciate the kindness ever so much. Some of the choisest hours of my recreation, are those with my anto-remembrances of the worlds Great authors, and if a word grom the pen of M Zola could be added, as a reminded of his art and kindness it would be a pleasure indeed.
With a hundred thanks and hoping that this is not asking all too much
I remain dear sir
Yours very sincerely
H. Y. Sengelly

Perhaps you would not mind
telling me wether you consider
the late Du Maurier greatest, as author or artist ?

Les mots clés



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Notice créée par Richard Walter Notice créée le 02/07/2018 Dernière modification le 21/08/2020