
This website is part of the Philiumm Project (2021-2026), founded by the European Research Council (N° ADG-101020985), more on the project's activities here).

The aim of the project is to reassess Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) philosophy through a systematic exploration of his unpublished mathematical manuscripts. As he himself emphasized on various occasions, these two facets of his work were closely related. Yet, half of his mathematical production is still completely unknown. Moreover, about half of what has been published appears to have been established without adhering to rigorous scientific standards. (more details here).

One central hypothesis in the project is a reinterpretation of what reducing a mathematical truth to an “identity” actually meant to Leibniz. This hypothesis has strong echoes in contemporary philosophy of logic and mathematics and will bring new insights into contemporary debates. We would also like to use this project to render Leibniz’ thought more accessible (especially to historians of mathematics, mathematics teachers and students) by the publication of an online edition and the development of new digital tools.


In close partnership with the Leibniz-Archiv in Hanover, our work revolves around five tasks corresponding to the following topics: Dyadica (binary arithmetic), Ars combinatoria, Foundations of differential calculus, Leibniz’ doctrine of mathematical abstraction and ‘Machines and thought’

On this website, you will find some of the texts we transcribed, together with some translations and the links to the original manuscripts hosted on the website of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek.

We also provide various resources on Leibniz.