Participants and supports of the project
This site was designed and/or contributed to by
- Vincent Buard
- Richard Walter
- Julie Giovacchini
- Stéphane Marchand
- Francesca Masi
- Stefano Maso
- the SPIDER project
- the Università Ca'Foscari Venezia - Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali
- the Centre Jean Pépin (UMR 8230)
- the SPHERE (UMR 7219) laboratory and the GRAMATA center, the University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
- the Università di Roma Sapienza - Dipartimento di Filosofia
Comment citer cette page
Julie Giovacchini, "Participants and supports of the project"Site "Epicurei : index épistémologique et transcriptions enrichies de textes épicuriens - epistemological index and enriched transcriptions of Epicurean texts"
Consulté le 05/02/2025 sur la plateforme EMAN