Holographical-Lee (HoL)
Vernon Lee (Violet Paget) : Letters, notebooks and manuscripts - Lettres, carnets et manuscrits

Bibliographie de Vernon Lee

Textes de Vernon Lee

1- Editions de sa correspondance

Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). Vernon Lee’s Letters Home. London: Privately Printed, 1937.

Gagel, Amanda and Sophie Geoffroy. Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935.  6 Vols. London and New York: Routledge, 2016-2029. Contains unpublished letters by Vernon Lee, most of them translated for the first time into English by Crystal Hall (Italian-English) ; Sophie Geoffroy (French-English); Christa Zorn (German-English). In 6 volumes : Vol. I : 1866-1886 ; Vol. II : 1887-1889 ; Vol. III : 1890-1896; Vol. IV: 1897-1904; Vol. V: 1905-1919; Vol. VI: 1920-1935.

Gagel, Amanda (ed.) and Sophie Geoffroy (assoc. ed). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English), Crystal Hall (Italian-English) and Christa Zorn (German-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume I, 1865-1884. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2016. 658 p.

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume II, 1885-1889. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2020.

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume III, 1890-1896. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2023.

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume IV, 1897-1904. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2025. Forthcoming

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume V, 1905-1919. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2027. Forthcoming

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume VI, 1920-1935. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2029. Forthcoming

Sieberg, Herward and Christa Zorn (eds.). Foreword by Phyllis Mannocchi. The Anglo-German Correspondence of Vernon Lee and Irene Forbes-Mosse during World War I ; Women Writers’ Friendship Transcending Enemy Lines. Lewiston : Edwin Mellen Press, 2014. 464 pp.

2- Théâtre

Lee, Vernon. The Prince of the Hundred Soups. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1883.

Lee, Vernon. Ariadne in Mantua: A Romance in 5 Acts. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1903.

Lee, Vernon. The Ballet of the Nations: A Present-Day Morality (New York: Putnam’s Sons, 1915), unpaginated.

3- Fiction

a) Livres

Lee, Vernon. Tuscan Fairy Tales (Taken Down from the Mouths of the People). London: W. Satchell, 1880. (Published anonymously.)

Lee, Vernon. Ottilie: an Eighteenth Century Idyll. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1883.

Lee, Vernon. The Countess of Albany. London: W. H. Allen, 1884.

Lee, Vernon. Miss Brown. 3 vols. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1884.

Lee, Vernon. A Phantom Lover: A Fantastic Story. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1886; Boston: Robert Brothers, 1886; Rpt., unaltered, as “Oke of Okehurst” in Hauntings.

Lee, Vernon. Hauntings: Fantastic Stories. 1889. London: Heinemann, 1890. Bodley Head, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: Heinemann, 1892. New York: Lovell Coryell, ca. 1892.

Lee, Vernon. Penelope Brandling: A Tale of the Welsh Coast in the Eighteenth Century. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1903.

Lee, Vernon. Pope Jacynth and Other Fantastic Tales. London: Grant Richards, 1904. New York: John Lane, 1907.

Lee, Vernon. Sister Benvenuta and the Christ Child: an Eighteenth Century Legend. New York: Mitchell Kennerly, 1905. London: Grant Richards, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. In Praise of Old Gardens. Portland, Maine: Thomas B. Mosher, 1912.

Lee, Vernon. Louis Norbert: A Two-Fold Romance. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1914. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1920.

Lee, Vernon. For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1927. (Includes “Tanhaüser and the Gods”, “Marsyas in Flanders”, “The Virgin of the Seven Daggers”, “The Doll”, “Winthrop’s Adventure”).

A Vernon Lee Anthology. London: John Lane, 1929.

Lee, Vernon. The Snake Lady and Other Stories. Introd. by Horace Gregory (ed.). New York: Grove Press, 1954.

Lee, Vernon. Supernatural Tales: Excursions into Fantasy. London: Peter Owen, 1955.

Lee, Vernon. Pope Jacynth, and More Supernatural Tales. London: Peter Owen, 1956.

b) Contes, nouvelles, essais

Lee, Vernon. "Tuscan Peasant Plays". Fraser’s Magazine. February 1877.

Lee, Vernon. "Amour Dure". Hauntings : Fantastic Stories (1890). London : John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1906. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "Dionea". Hauntings : Fantastic Stories (1890). London : John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "Oke of Okehurst" (or «"The Phantom Lover"). Hauntings : Fantastic Stories (1890). London : John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "A Wicked Voice". Hauntings : Fantastic Stories (1890). London : John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1906. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "Pictor Sacrilegus". The Contemporary Review, 60 (1891): 188-206, 372-387. Reprinted in Renaissance Studies and Fancies. London: Smith, Elder, 1895.

Lee, Vernon. "Lady Tal". Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: William Heinemann, 1892, 7-19. Rpt. In Showalter, Elaine (ed.). Daughters of Decadence: Women Writers of the Fin-de-siècle. London: Virago, 1993. 192-261.

Lee, Vernon. "A Frivolous Conversion". Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: William Heinemann, 1892.

Lee, Vernon. "A Worldly Woman". Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: William Heinemann, 1892.

Lee, Vernon. "The Legend of Madame Krasinska". Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: William Heinemann, 1892. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "Ravenna and her Ghosts". Macmillan’s, 70 (1894): 380-389. Reprinted in the second edition of Limbo and Other Essays. London: Grant Richards, 1908.

Lee, Vernon. “Dionysus in the Euganean Hills. W. H. Pater In Memoriam". The Contemporary Review 120 (September 1921): 346-53.

Lee, Vernon. "The Gods and Ritter Tanhûser". For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1927.

Lee, Vernon. "Marsyas in Flanders". For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1927.

Lee, Vernon. “The House with the Loop-Holes”. Life and Letters, Aug. 1930 : 69-84.

Lee, Vernon. “A Culture Ghost: Or, Winthrop’s Adventure.” In Fraser’s Magazine, January 1881:1-29; rpt. in Appleton’s Journal, N° 10 (1881): 330-45; Rpt. In For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, the Bodley Head, 1927 (title: “Winthrop’s Adventure; an Eighteenth Century Singer”).

Lee, Vernon. “Voix maudite.” (Originally in French). In Les Lettres et les arts. Août 1887, 125-53. Rpt. In [Vernon Lee], Au pays de Vénus. Paris: Dentu, 1894.

Lee, Vernon. “The Virgin of the Seven Daggers ». In For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, 1927. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "The Doll" (1899). Rpt. For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London : John Lane, the Bodley Head, 1927.

Lee, Vernon. “A Wicked Voice.” (Slightly different from the French version). In Hauntings: Fantastic Stories. London: Heinemann, 1890. 195-237. Rpt. Hauntings: Fantastic Stories. New York: Books for Libraries, 1971.

Lee, Vernon. “An Eighteenth-Century Singer, an Imaginary Portrait.” The Fortnightly Review 1 Dec. 1891: 842-80.

Lee, Vernon. “A Seeker of Pagan Perfection. Being the Life of Domenico Neroni, Pictor Sacrilegus.” The Contemporary Review 60 (1891): 188-206, 372-387. Rpt. in Renaissance Fancies and Studies. London: Smith, Elder, 1895; Rpt. in The Snake Lady and Other Stories. Horace Gregory (ed.), 1956.

Lee, Vernon. “Ravenna and her Ghosts”. Macmillan’s, 70 (1894): 380-89. Rpt. In the 2nd ed. of Limbo and Other Essays. London: Grant Richards, 1908.

Lee, Vernon. “Prince Alberic and the Snake Lady”. The Yellow Book X, July 1896, 289-344. Rpt. In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "Pope Jayncth". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "A Wedding Chest". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "St Eudaemon and his Orange-Tree". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "The Featureless Wisdom". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "Ariadne in Mantua". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. “Schwester Benvenuta und das Christkind. Eine Klostergeschichte aus dem 18. Jahrhunderdt”. Deutsche Rundschau. Julius Rodenberg ed. Gebrüder Paetel, Berlin. 125 Band. Oktober-Dezember 1905, pp. 448-472.

Lee, Vernon. “Das Kruzifix in der Kirche zu Dunes.” Deutsche Rundschau. Julius Rodenberg ed. Gebrüder Paetel, Berlin. 138 Band. Januar-März 1909, pp. 129-139.

Lee, Vernon. “The Virgin of the Seven Daggers.” The English Review. January-February 1909. Rpt. in For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London : John Lane, the Bodley Head, 1927.

Lee, Vernon. “Out of Venice at Last”. The Westminster Gazette 1 June 1910.

Lee, Vernon. “The House with the Loop-Holes”. Life and Letters. Aug. 1930.

Lee, Vernon. “The Handling of Words: A Page of Walter Pater”. Life and Letters. 9: 50 (Sept-Nov 1933): 287-310.

"A Picture of The Nativity by Fra Filippo Lippi, as Explained by a Pious Florentine Gossip of his Day".

4- Essais

a) Livres

Lee, Vernon. Studies of the Eighteenth Century in Italy. London: W. Satchel, 1880. (2nd ed. 1887). Rpt. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1907. Rpt. New York : Da Capo Press, 1978.

Lee, Vernon. Belcaro: Being Essays on Sundry Aesthetical Questions. London: W. Satchell, 1881. Rpt. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1887.

Lee, Vernon. Euphorion: Being Studies of the Antique and the Medieval in the Renaissance. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1884.

Lee, Vernon. Baldwin. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1886.

Lee, Vernon. Juvenilia. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1887.

Lee, Vernon. Althea: A Second Book of Dialogues on Aspirations and Duties. London: Osgood, McIlvaine, 1894. [Includes “Orpheus in Rome]

Lee, Vernon. Renaissance Fancies and Studies. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1895.

Lee, Vernon. Limbo and Other Essays. London: Grant Richards, 1897.

Lee, Vernon. Genius Loci: Notes on Places. London: Grant Richards, 1899.

Lee, Vernon. Hortus Vitae: Essays on the Gardening of Life. London: Bodley Head, 1904.

Lee, Vernon. Hortus Vitae and Limbo. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1907.

Lee, Vernon. The Enchanted Woods and Other Essays. London: John Lane, 1905.

Lee, Vernon. The Spirit of Rome: Leaves from a Diary. London: John Lane, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. Genius Loci and the Enchanted Woods. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. The Sentimental Traveller. London: John Lane, 1908.

Lee, Vernon. Gospels of Anarchy and Other Contemporary Studies. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1908. [Includes “The Deterioration of the Soul”, “The Economic Parasitism of Women”]

Lee, Vernon. Limbo and Other Essays, to Which is Now Added Ariadne in Mantua. London: Bodley Head, 1908.

Lee, Vernon. Laurus Nobilis: Chapters on Art and Life. London: Bodley Head, 1909. [Includes “The Use of Beauty”, “Beauty and Sanity”]

Lee, Vernon. The Spirit of Rome and Laurus Nobilis. (1906). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1910.

Lee, Vernon. Vital Lies: Studies of Some Varieties of Recent Obscurantism. London: John Lane, 1912.

Lee, Vernon and Clementina Anstruther-Thomson. Beauty and Ugliness and Other Studies in Psychological Aesthetics. London: John Lane, "The Bodley Head" and New York: John  Lane Cy, 1912.

Lee, Vernon. The Beautiful; An Introduction to Psychological Aesthetics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1913.

Lee, Vernon. The Tower of the Mirrors and Other Essays on the Spirit of Places. London: John Lane, 1914. Rpt. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1922.

Lee, Vernon. The Ballet of the Nations: a Present-Day Morality. London: Chatto & Windus, 1915. New York: Putnam, 1915 (included and rewritten in Satan the Waster).

Lee, Vernon. Peace with Honour: Controversial Notes on the Settlement. London: Union of Democratic Control, 1915.

Lee, Vernon. Satan the Waster: a Philosophic War Trilogy with Notes and Introduction. London: John Lane, 1920. Rpt. With preface added in 1930.

Lee, Vernon. The Handling of Words and other Studies in Literary Psychology. London: John Lane, 1923. Rpt. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1968 (with an introduction by Royal A. Gettmann).

Lee, Vernon. The Handling of Words and other Studies in Literary Psychology. D. Seed ed. & intr. Lewiston: Edward Mellen Press, 1992.

Lee, Vernon (ed.) Art and Man: Essays & Fragments, by Clementina Anstruther-Thomson. Introduction by Vernon Lee. London: John Lane, 1924; Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press. 1924. Reprinted 1969.

Lee, Vernon. The Golden Keys. London: John Lane, 1925. Rpt. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1925.

Lee, Vernon. Proteus: Or the Future of Intelligence. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1925.

Lee, Vernon. The Poet’s Eye. Notes on Some Differences Between Verse and Prose. London: Hogarth Press, 1926.

Lee, Vernon. Music and Its Lovers: An Empirical Study of Emotional and Imaginative Responses to Music.  London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1932.

Lee, Vernon. Music and its Lovers: An Empirical Study of Emotional and Imaginative Responses to Music. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1932. 

b) Articles et chapitres de livre

Lee, Vernon. “Musical expression and the Composers of the 18th Century". New Quarterly Magazine, April 1877.

Lee, Vernon. "The Artistic Dualism of the Renaissance". The Contemporary Review(Septembre 1879) : 44-65.

Lee, Vernon. “The Art of Singing, Past and Present". British Quarterly Review. Oct. 1880.

Lee, Vernon. “Botticelli at the Villa Lemmi”. The Cornhill Magazine. July-Dec. 1882.

Lee, Vernon. “The Responsibilities of Unbelief: A Conversation between Three Rationalists”. The Contemporary Review 43 (May 1883): 685-710.

Lee, Vernon. Review of Giosuè Carducci, Lettere disperse ed inedite di Pietro Metastasio, vol. I (Bologne, Zanichelli). The Academy n° 602, (Nov. 17, 1883): 331.

Lee, Vernon. “The Immortality of the Maestro Galuppi ». Chap. 1 in Juvenilia, vol. II, 1887.

Lee, Vernon. “Orpheus in Rome: Irrelevant Talks on the Use of the Beautiful.” The Contemporary Review. June 1889: 828-49.

Lee, Vernon. “Emerson, Transcendentalists and Utilitarians”. The Contemporary Review, LXVII (March 1895), 345-420.

Lee, Vernon. "Cosmopolis" 1896. Rpt. 1904. 

Lee, Vernon. “The Need to Believe: an Agnostic’s Notes on Professor Wm. James ». The Fortnightly Review, LXXII (n. s. LXVI), Nov. 1899, 827-42.

Lee, Vernon. “Le rôle de l’élément moteur dans la perception esthétique visuelle.” MS essay. 1901.

Lee, Vernon. “A Postscript on Ruskin.” The North American Review, vol. 177, no. 564, 1903, pp. 678–90. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25119476. 

Vernon Lee and C. Anstruther-Thomson “Michelangelo’s Medicean Tombs”. Architectural Review. (16, no. 94, Septembre 1904), 101-110.

Lee, Vernon. "Introduction to The Life of St Mary Magdalen". transl. from the Italian of an unknown XIVth century writer by Valentina Hawtrey. John Lane, 1904.

Lee, Vernon. “The Riddle of Music.” The Quarterly Review 204 (Jan. 1906): 207-27. A scholarly review of: The Power of Sound by Edmund Gurney (London: Smith & Elder, 1880); Vom Musikalisch Shönen by Eduard Hanslick (9th ed. Leipzig: Barth, 1896); Essai sur l’esprit musical by Lionel Dauriac (Paris: Alcan, 1904); Les rapports de la musique et de la poésie by Jules Combarieu (Paris: Alcan, 1894); Die Musik als Ausdruck by Friedrich von Hausegger (Munich, 1887); La logique des sentiments by Théodule Ribot (Paris: Alcan, 1905); Grundegung der Aesthetick by Theodor Lipps (Hamburg: Voss, 1903).

Lee, Vernon. “Beauty and Sanity ». Laurus Nobilis: Chapters on Art and Life. London: Bodley Head, 1909.

Lee, Vernon. "Weiteres über Einfühlung". Zeitschrift für Aesthetik, 1910.

Lee, Vernon. “The Religious and Moral Status of Wagner ». The Fortnightly Review. New Series, 89, Jan-June 1911, pp. 868-885.

Lee, Vernon. "The Ethics of Glass Houses". The Nation (1912).

Lee, Vernon. “Vicarious Tragedy”. The Nation XI (29 June 1912): 466-7.

Lee, Vernon. “Angels Fear to Tread”. The Nation XI (7 September 1912): 828-9.

Lee, Vernon. “The Sense of Nationality”. The Nation XII (12 October 1912): 96-8.

Lee, Vernon. "Lessons of History". The Nation (1913).

Lee, Vernon. “Ein neuer Schweizer Roman”. Literarische Rundschau, 1913, pp. 471-473. Review of Waser, Maria. Die Geschichte der Anna Waser. Ein Roman aus der Wende des 17. Jahrhunderdts. Stuttgart, Berlin: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1913.

Lee, Vernon. “The Policy of the Allies”. The Nation XVI (2 February 1915): 649-50.

Lee, Vernon. “Bismarck Towers”. The New Statesman IV (20 February 1915): 481-3.

Lee, Vernon. “Militarists against Militarism”. Labour Leader XII, no. 13 (1 April 1915): 3.

Lee, Vernon. “May Day Messages for British Women”. Labour Leader XII, no. 17 (29 April 1915): 5.

Lee, Vernon. “Après la Mêlée”. The New Statesman V (19 June 1915): 249-51.

Lee, Vernon. “The Wish for Unanimity and the Willingness for War, France-Italy, 1911-13”. [written before August 1914]. The Cambridge Magazine IV (12 June 1915): 482, 484.

Lee, Vernon. “War the Grave of All Good”. Labour Leader XII, no. 43 (28 October 1915): 3.
Lee, Vernon. “Enmity”. War and Peace III, no. 25 (October 1915): 11-12.

Lee, Vernon. “The Heart of a Neutral”. The Atlantic Monthly CXVI (November 1915): 687.

Lee, Vernon. “Letter to the Editor”. The Nation XV (22 August 1914): 766-7.

Lee, Vernon. “Introduction”. Mnemic Psychology. By Richard Semon. Transl. from the German by Bella Duffy. New York: Macmillan, 1923. 11-53. Rpt. London; Allen and Unwin, 1923.

Lee, Vernon. “Introduction”. Art and Man: Essays and Fragments. By Clementina Anstruther-Thomson. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1924.

Lee, Vernon. “John Singer Sargent: In Memoriam.” In Evan Charteris (ed.). John Singer Sargent. London: Heinemann, 1927.

Réception de Vernon Lee

1- Traductions et éditions critiques

Traductions en français

Lee, Vernon. « La Madone aux sept glaives ». Trad. Eugene Lee-Hamilton. Ill. Alejandro Carnicero. Presentation by Sophie Geoffroy: "Ex-voto dans le goût espagnol". Le Novelliste, Voyage en d’autres mondes, N° 7 “Après la fin », N°7, 2023.

Ravenne et ses fantômes, traduit de l'anglais, annoté et postfacé par Olivier Favier. Évian: Alidades, 2009.

La voix maudite ; trois nouvelles fantastiques de Vernon Lee. Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux (ed. et trad.), Rennes : Terre de Brume, 2001 [Contient : « La voix maudite », « Winthrop, fantaisie musicale », « La Vierge aux sept poignards », and a short story by Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux: « Poggio Bracciolini »].

« Winthrop, fantaisie musicale ». Trad par Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux. La voix maudite. 2001; from Vernon Lee, “Winthrop’s Adventure, an Eighteenth Century Singer ». Fraser’s Magazine. January 1881.

“La Vierge aux sept poignards ». Trad par Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux. La voix maudite 2001; from Vernon Lee, “The Virgin of the Seven Daggers ». In For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, 1927.

« La poupée », Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux transl., in Le Visage vert. Paris, Joëlle Losfeld, 2001, pp. 70-81. From Vernon Lee, « The Doll » (1899); rpt. in For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, 1927.

Alice Oke. Trad. par Michel Desforges. Toulouse : Ombres, 1990.

Richter, Anne (ed.). Le Fantastique féminin, d’Anne Radcliffe à Patricia Highsmith. Verviers: André Gérard, Marabout, 1977. Rpt. Paris : Complexe, 1995. (Contient “Une voix maléfique” Trad. Michel Chrestien).

Antonio Vivarelli, portrait imaginaire d’un chanteur italien du XVIIIème siècle. Trad. par Michel Desforges.  Toulouse : Ombres, “Petite bibliothèque Ombres”, 1993.

Les épées de l’effroi; histoires surnaturelles; le monde évanescent des ombres et des mystères abandonnés. Trad. par Michel Chrestien. Verviers: Marabout, “Fantastique, 363”, 1970.

Lee, Vernon. “Une voix maléfique.” Trad. par Michel Chrestien. In [Vernon Lee] Les épées de l’effroi; histoires surnaturelles ; le monde évanescent des ombres et des mystères abandonnés. Verviers: Marabout, “Fantastique, 363”, 1970.

Lee, Vernon. “La Vierge aux sept poignards.” Trad. par Michel Chestien. In [Vernon Lee] Les épées de l’effroi; histoires surnaturelles. Verviers: Marabout, “Fantastique, 363”, 1970.

Vernon Lee, Etudes et Réflexions sur l’Art. Choix et traduction de Berthe Noufflard. D’après Renaissance Fancies and Studies (1895). Paris : Corréâ, 1938.

Lee, Vernon. Les mensonges vitaux : études sur quelques variétés de l’obscurantisme contemporain. Traduit de l’anglais par le Dr Eugène Bernard Leroy. Paris : F. Alcan, 1921. [Comprend : "Les deux pragmatismes"; "Qu’est-ce-que la vérité ?"; "Les Vérités mystiques"; "Fruits pour la vie"; "Modernisme et volonté de croire"; "L’Apologétique anthropologique"; "Le Mythe syndicaliste"; "Vérités qui sont des malentendus"; "Adieux aux mensonges vitaux"; "Humanisme".]

Lee, Vernon. Ariane à Mantoue. Drame traduit de l’anglais par Mme A. Foulon de Vaulx et l’auteur. S. l. , 1910. https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1506224b/f34.item

"Orphée à Rome". S. l., 1895. Revue des Deux Mondes, 1er novembre 1895.

Lee, Vernon. Miss Brown. Translated by "Robert de Cerisy". Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1889.

"Le théâtre populaire en Toscane" [signé A. V. (V. Paget)]. S. l. n. d. Revue britannique, 9ème série, tome III.

Traductions en italien

Ottilie, Un idillio settecentesco, a cura e traduzione di Elisa Bizzotto. Edizioni Solfanelli. 2023. [ISBN-978-88-3305-486-5]

Presenze: Dark Tales. La serie gotica della British Library (Italian Edition). Trad. Nicola Ferloni. Vallardi A., 2023.

Satana Il Dilapidore. Trilogia filosofica della Grande Guerra. Trad. Alberto Palazzi. Italia: il glifo ebooks, 27 maggio 2020. 368 p. ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 8897527523; ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-8897527527.

L'avventura di Winthrop (Biblioteca di Alphaville Vol. 20) (Italian Edition), A cura di Stefano Lorenzin, Alphaville edizioni digitali, 2014.

Antichi giardini italiani. [In Praise of Old Gardens, 1897]. Edición en Italiano. A cura E. Macellari. Trad. M. Tornar. Tabula Fati, 2013.

Genius loci. [Genius Loci. Notes on places]. Edición en Italiano. Nota di Attilio Brilli. Traduzione di Simonetta Neri. Palermo : Sellerio editore, 2007.

Ravenna e i suoi fantasmi : un racconto dimenticato di Vernon Lee e note sull’immagine e l’immaginario di una città. A cura di Eraldo Baldini e Sara Trevisan ; testi di Eraldo Baldini … [et al.]. Ravenna : Longo, 2005.

Dionea e altre storie fantastiche by Vernon Lee. Con una nota di Attilio Brilli ; traduzione di Simonetta Neri. Palermo : Sellerio, 2001.

L’avventura di Winthrop, La leggenda di madame Krasinska, Il cassone nunziale by Vernon Lee. Traduzione e cura di Sandro Melani. Bologna : Re Enzo, 2000.

Arianna a Mantova by Vernon Lee. A cura di Enrico Groppali. Palermo : Sellerio, 1996.

Arianna in Mantova. Severi, Rita (ed.). Verona: Edizioni Postumia-Cierre, 1996.

Fantasmi inglesi; M.R. James, Vernon Lee, Hugh Walpole, Oliver Onions, F. Marion Crawford. A cura Gianni Pilo e Sebastiano Fusco. Newton Compton, 1994.

La vita musicale nell’Italia del Settecento by Vernon Lee. Introduzione di Armando Torno. Firenze : Passigli, 1994.

Il sangue e la rosa : Storie di Vampiri. Vernon Lee, Horacio Quiroga, Bram Stoker e altri. Edición en Italiano. Trento: Biblioteca Reverdito Editore, 1988.

Ombre italiane : racconti by Vernon Lee. Traduzione di Arnaldo Ederle ; con uno scritto di Mario Praz. Parma : U. Guanda, 1988.

Gotico femminile: 16 racconti di autrici dell’orrore. Edición en Italiano. A cura Elinor Childe and John G. Pinamonte, Milano, 1986. Rpt. Jouvence, 2020. Presenta: Marguerite De Navarre; Aphra Behn; Marie-Catherine D'Aulnoy; Madame De Staël; Ann Radcliffe; Jane Austen; Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley; George Sand; Charlotte Brontë; Emily Brontë; Matilde Serao; Vernon Lee: La Voce malefica; Carolina Invernizio; Grazia Deledda; Wanda Von Sacher-Masoch.

L’amante fantasma; Tre racconti. A cura di Attilio Brilli. Bagno a Ripoli : Passagli editori, 1984. 130 p. ISBN :978-88-368-0402-3

Il Settecento in Italia : letteratura, teatro, musica ; studii di Vernon Lee. Milano : Fratelli Dumolard, 1881. 2 vol.

Il parassitismo della donna by Vernon Lee. Traduzione autorizzata di Carolina Pironti. Città di Castello : S. Lapi, 1912.

Il Settecento in Italia : accademie, musica, teatro by Vernon Lee. Traduzione dall’ultima edizione inglese di Margherita Farina-Cini. Napoli : R. Ricciardi, 1932.

Possessioni. Tre storie improbabili. Edición en Italiano. A cura di Attilio Brilli. Palermo : Sellerio editore, “la memoria”, 1982.  

Gilman, Charlotte Stetson. La donna e l’economia sociale : studio delle relazioni economiche fra uomini e donne e della loro azione nell’evoluzione sociale / C. P. Stetson. Traduzione autorizzata di Carolina Pironti. Con proemio di Vernon Lee. Firenze : G. Barbèra, 1902.

Traductions en allemand

Genius Loci: Ins Deutsche. Übertragen von Irene Forbes-Mosse (geb. Gräfin von Flemming). Jena; Leipzig: Eugen Diederichs, 1905.

Unsere Liebe Frau der Sieben Dolche / The Virgin of the Seven Daggers, bilingual (German/English) edition. Saarbrücken: Calambac Verlag, 2017.

Traductions en espagnol

Vernon Lee, Mi Vida Estética. Castellano. Prologo de Lorena Fuster. Traducción de Olivia de Miguel. La Micro, 2023.

Una mujer de mundo : un relato cortès.Trad. Castellano. Traducción de Pilar Lafuente. Sevilla: El Paseo Editorial, 2023.

Sobre el Estillo. Trad. Castellano. Traducción de Blanca Gago Dominguez. Madrid : Escolar y Mayo, 2023.

Presencias. Los Dark Tales de la British Library. [Vernon Lee, “A Phantom Lover” and Other Dark Tales]. Trad. Castellano. Traducción de Begoña Prat Rojo. Barcelona : Duomo Ediciones, 2023.

La Psicologià de una escritora de arte. Prologo de Rafael Accorinti. Carpe Noctem, 2022.

Genius Loci. Notas sobre sitios. Prologo de Maria Belmonte. Trad. Rodrigo Verano. Athenaica, 2022.

La Vieajera Sentimental. Edizion de Miguel Angel Martinez-Cabeza. Trad. Castellano. Madrid: Abada Editores, 2021.

Los mejores cuentos de Vampiros: Leyendas de vampiros (Los mejores cuentos de… nº 15) Edición en Español por Bram Stoker, Edgar Allan Poe, et ál. Mestas Ediciones, 2020. [Vernon Lee, “Marsias en Flandes”]

Los mejores cuentos de Grandes Escritoras: Obras maestras escritas por mujeres ; Shelley, Alcott, Bazan, Lee, de La Fayette… (Los mejores cuentos de… nº 32). Edición en Español. Mestas Ediciones, 2020.

Vanitas. Castellano. Traducción de José Luis Piquero González. Ediciones de la Isla de Siltola, 2019.

El espíritu de Roma: Fragmentos de un diario (Cuadernos de Horizonte nº 18). Castillano. Traducción de Amparo Serrano de Haro. ‎ La Línea del Horizonte; N.º 1 edición (3 julio 2019)

Cuatro damas del misterio. Edición en Español por Louisa May Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, Vernon Lee, Margaret Oliphant. Traducción de Goran Gallarza, Marina Alonso, Javier Ruiz, Francisco G. González. Editorial Funambulista S.L., “Grandes clasicos”, 2019.

Embrujada [Hauntings]. Edición en Español por Violet Paget. Reveladas, 2019.

Damas oscuras: Cuentos de fantasmas de escritoras Victorianas eminentes (Impedimenta nº 169). Castellano. Edición en Español de Charlotte Bronte, Elizabeth Gaskell, Dinah Mulock, Catherine Crowe, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Rosa Mulholland, Amelia B. Edward, Rhoda Broughton, Mrs. Henry Wood, Vernon Lee, Charlotte Riddell, Margaret Oliphant, Lanoe Falconer, Louisa Baldwin, Violet Hunt, Mary Cholmondeley, Ella D’Arcy, Gertrude Atherton, Willa Cather, Mary E. Wilkins (Freeman). Traducción de Alicia Frieyro Gutiérrez, Olalla García García, Sara Lekanda Teijeiro, Magdalena Palmer Molera, Consuelo Rubio Alcover. Formato: Edición Kindle. Publisher : Editorial Impedimenta, 2017.

Guerra. Lee. Bierce. Twain. En edición bilingüe, con nuevas y cuidadas traducciones. Castellano. Traducción de varios autores. Rasmia Ediciones, “Triadas”, 2016.

Amour dure, Vernon Lee. Presentacion de Javier Mariàs. Nota previa, traduccion y edicion de Antonio Iriarte. Reino de Redonda, 2007.

La Voz maligna. Atalanta, "Ars brevis", 2006.

El Principe Alberico y la dama serpiente. Trad. castellano Marta Lila Murillo. Valdemar, 2006.

El Deus i El Cavaller Tanhüser. Traducción de Roser Berdagué. Barcelona : Laertes, 1996.

Galeria de Espectros : Un fantasma Enamorado/Vernon Lee ; La Puerta Abierta/Margaret Oliphant ; Monsieur Maurice/Amelia B. Edwards. Trad. Castellano. Traducción de Agustin Temes, Rafael Diaz Santander, Jose Luis Checa. Madrid: Valdemar, 1995.

La Virgen de los Siete Punales. Trad. Miriam Rovira. Barcelona: El Blanco Daten, coll. "Los Jovenes Bibliofilos", 1992.

Textes inspirés de Vernon Lee (Espagnol)

Colleoni, Mario. Contra Florencia, ‎ La Línea del Horizonte Ediciones, 2019.

Traductions en Catalan

La Verge Dels Set Punyals ; La Veu Perversa. [“The Virgin of the Seven Daggers”; “A Wicked Voice”]. Edición en Catalán. Prologuista Jordi Vidal Tubau. Traducción de Roser Berdagué, Jordi Vidal Tubau. Barcelona : Laertes, 1998.

Els déus i el cavaller Tanhûser. Trad. catalàn Roser Berdagué. Laertes editorial, Coleccio L'Arcà, 1996.

El fantasma enamorat. Trad. catalàn. Laertes editorial, 1987.

Traductions en Portugais

Clássicos do horror, do estranho e do sobrenatural n° 5; contos de Vernon Lee, Gustave Le Rouge e Joseph-Emile Poirier. Ficções Pulp! Tradução exclusiva (Portuguese Edition). Edición en Portugués. Parte de: Clássicos do horror, do estranho e do sobrenatural (6 libros) por Vernon Lee, Gustave le Rouge, et ál. Apresenta: Vernon Lee, “A Boneca” [The Doll]; Poirier: “Os Condenados de Ker-Ys” [Les condamnés de Ker-Ys]; Le Rouge: “No Ventre de Huitzilopochtli” [Dans le ventre de Huitzilopochtli].

Traductions en Portugais (Brésil)

Vitorianas Macabras. Ed. and transl. Marcia Heloisa.  Charlotte Brontë, Henrietta Dorothy Everett, Vernon Lee, Rhoda Broughton, Charlotte Riddell, E. Nesbit, Amelia B. Edwards, Mary Elizabeth Braddon. Edición en Portugués brasileño. Darkside, 2020.

Adaptations musicales et théâtrales

Smyth, Ethel. Les Naufrageurs (The Wreckers)

Texts by Vernon Lee

1- Letters

Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). Vernon Lee’s Letters Home. London: Privately Printed, 1937.

Gagel, Amanda and Sophie Geoffroy. Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935. 6 Vols. London and New York: Routledge, 2016-2029. Contains unpublished letters by Vernon Lee, most of them translated for the first time into English by Crystal Hall (Italian-English) ; Sophie Geoffroy (French-English); Christa Zorn (German-English). In 6 volumes : Vol. I : 1866-1886 ; Vol. II : 1887-1889 ; Vol. III : 1890-1896; Vol. IV: 1897-1904; Vol. V: 1905-1919; Vol. VI: 1920-1935.

Gagel, Amanda (ed.) and Sophie Geoffroy (assoc. ed). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English), Crystal Hall (Italian-English) and Christa Zorn (German-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume I, 1865-1884. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2016. 658 p.

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume II, 1885-1889. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2020.

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume III, 1890-1896. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2023.

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume IV, 1897-1904. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2025. Forthcoming

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume V, 1905-1919. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2027. Forthcoming

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume VI, 1920-1935. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2029. Forthcoming

Sieberg, Herward and Christa Zorn (eds.). Foreword by Phyllis Mannocchi. The Anglo-German Correspondence of Vernon Lee and Irene Forbes-Mosse during World War I ; Women Writers’ Friendship Transcending Enemy Lines. Lewiston : Edwin Mellen Press, 2014. 464 pp.

2- Theatre

Lee, Vernon. The Prince of the Hundred Soups. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1883.

Lee, Vernon. Ariadne in Mantua: A Romance in 5 Acts. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1903.

Lee, Vernon. The Ballet of the Nations: A Present-Day Morality (New York: Putnam’s Sons, 1915), unpaginated.

3- Fiction

a) Books

Lee, Vernon. Tuscan Fairy Tales (Taken Down from the Mouths of the People). London: W. Satchell, 1880. (Published anonymously.)

Lee, Vernon. Ottilie: an Eighteenth Century Idyll. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1883.

Lee, Vernon. The Countess of Albany. London: W. H. Allen, 1884.

Lee, Vernon. Miss Brown. 3 vols. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1884.

Lee, Vernon. A Phantom Lover: A Fantastic Story. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1886; Boston: Robert Brothers, 1886; Rpt., unaltered, as “Oke of Okehurst” in Hauntings.

Lee, Vernon. Hauntings: Fantastic Stories. 1889. London: Heinemann, 1890. Bodley Head, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: Heinemann, 1892. New York: Lovell Coryell, ca. 1892.

Lee, Vernon. Penelope Brandling: A Tale of the Welsh Coast. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1903.

Lee, Vernon. Pope Jacynth and Other Fantastic Tales. London: Grant Richards, 1904. New York: John Lane, 1907.

Lee, Vernon. Sister Benvenuta and the Christ Child: an Eighteenth Century Legend. New York: Mitchell Kennerly, 1905. London: Grant Richards, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. In Praise of Old Gardens. Portland, Maine: Thomas B. Mosher, 1912.

Lee, Vernon. Louis Norbert: A Two-Fold Romance. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1914. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1920.

Lee, Vernon. For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1927. (Includes “Tanhaüser and the Gods”, “Marsyas in Flanders”, “The Virgin of the Seven Daggers”, “The Doll”, “Winthrop’s Adventure”).

A Vernon Lee Anthology. London: John Lane, 1929.

Lee, Vernon. The Snake Lady and Other Stories. Introd. by Horace Gregory (ed.). New York: Grove Press, 1954.

Lee, Vernon. Supernatural Tales: Excursions into Fantasy. London: Peter Owen, 1955.

Lee, Vernon. Pope Jacynth, and More Supernatural Tales. London: Peter Owen, 1956.

b) Tales, short stories, essays

Lee, Vernon. « Tuscan Peasant Plays ». Fraser’s Magazine. February 1877.

Lee, Vernon. « Amour Dure ». Hauntings : Fantastic Stories (1890). London : John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1906. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "Dionea". Hauntings : Fantastic Stories (1890). London : John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "Oke of Okehurst" (or "The Phantom Lover"). Hauntings : Fantastic Stories (1890). London : John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "A Wicked Voice". Hauntings : Fantastic Stories (1890). London : John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1906. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "Pictor Sacrilegus". The Contemporary Review, 60 (1891): 188-206, 372-387. Reprinted in Renaissance Studies and Fancies. London: Smith, Elder, 1895.

Lee, Vernon. "Lady Tal". Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: William Heinemann, 1892, 7-19. Rpt. In Showalter, Elaine (ed.). Daughters of Decadence: Women Writers of the Fin-de-siècle. London: Virago, 1993. 192-261.

Lee, Vernon. "A Frivolous Conversion". Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: William Heinemann, 1892.

Lee, Vernon. "A Worldly Woman". Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: William Heinemann, 1892.

Lee, Vernon. "The Legend of Madame Krasinska". Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: William Heinemann, 1892. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "Ravenna and her Ghosts". Macmillan’s, 70 (1894): 380-389. Reprinted in the second edition of Limbo and Other Essays. London: Grant Richards, 1908.

Lee, Vernon. “Dionysus in the Euganean Hills. W. H. Pater In Memoriam ». The Contemporary Review 120 (September 1921): 346-53.

Lee, Vernon. "The Gods and Ritter Tanhûser". For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1927.

Lee, Vernon. "Marsyas in Flanders". For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1927.

Lee, Vernon. “The House with the Loop-Holes”. Life and Letters, Aug. 1930 : 69-84.

Lee, Vernon. “A Culture Ghost: Or, Winthrop’s Adventure.” In Fraser’s Magazine, January 1881:1-29; rpt. in Appleton’s Journal, N° 10 (1881): 330-45; Rpt. In For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, the Bodley Head, 1927 (title: “Winthrop’s Adventure; an Eighteenth Century Singer”).

Lee, Vernon. “Voix maudite.” (Originally in French). In Les Lettres et les arts. Août 1887, 125-53. Rpt. In [Vernon Lee], Au pays de Vénus. Paris: Dentu, 1894.

Lee, Vernon. “The Virgin of the Seven Daggers ». In For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, 1927. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "The Doll" (1899). Rpt. For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London : John Lane, the Bodley Head, 1927.

Lee, Vernon. “A Wicked Voice.” (Slightly different from the French version). In Hauntings: Fantastic Stories. London: Heinemann, 1890. 195-237. Rpt. Hauntings: Fantastic Stories. New York: Books for Libraries, 1971.

Lee, Vernon. “An Eighteenth-Century Singer, an Imaginary Portrait.” The Fortnightly Review 1 Dec. 1891: 842-80.

Lee, Vernon. “A Seeker of Pagan Perfection. Being the Life of Domenico Neroni, Pictor Sacrilegus.” The Contemporary Review 60 (1891): 188-206, 372-387. Rpt. in Renaissance Fancies and Studies. London: Smith, Elder, 1895; Rpt. in The Snake Lady and Other Stories. Horace Gregory (ed.), 1956.

Lee, Vernon. “Ravenna and her Ghosts”. Macmillan’s, 70 (1894): 380-89. Rpt. In the 2nd ed. of Limbo and Other Essays. London: Grant Richards, 1908.

Lee, Vernon. “Prince Alberic and the Snake Lady”. The Yellow Book X, July 1896, 289-344. Rpt. In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "Pope Jayncth". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "A Wedding Chest". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "St Eudaemon and his Orange-Tree". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "The Featureless Wisdom". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "Ariadne in Mantua". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. “Schwester Benvenuta und das Christkind. Eine Klostergeschichte aus dem 18. Jahrhunderdt”. Deutsche Rundschau. Julius Rodenberg ed. Gebrüder Paetel, Berlin. 125 Band. Oktober-Dezember 1905, pp. 448-472.

Lee, Vernon. “Das Kruzifix in der Kirche zu Dunes.” Deutsche Rundschau. Julius Rodenberg ed. Gebrüder Paetel, Berlin. 138 Band. Januar-März 1909, pp. 129-139.

Lee, Vernon. “The Virgin of the Seven Daggers.” The English Review. January-February 1909. Rpt. in For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London : John Lane, the Bodley Head, 1927.

Lee, Vernon. “Out of Venice at Last”. The Westminster Gazette 1 June 1910.

Lee, Vernon. “The House with the Loop-Holes”. Life and Letters. Aug. 1930.

Lee, Vernon. “The Handling of Words: A Page of Walter Pater”. Life and Letters. 9: 50 (Sept-Nov 1933): 287-310.

"A Picture of The Nativity by Fra Filippo Lippi, as Explained by a Pious Florentine Gossip of his Day".

4- Essays

a) Books

Lee, Vernon. Studies of the Eighteenth Century in Italy. London: W. Satchel, 1880. (2nd ed. 1887). Rpt. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1907. Rpt. New York : Da Capo Press, 1978.

Lee, Vernon. Belcaro: Being Essays on Sundry Aesthetical Questions. London: W. Satchell, 1881. Rpt. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1887.

Lee, Vernon. Euphorion: Being Studies of the Antique and the Medieval in the Renaissance. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1884.

Lee, Vernon. Baldwin. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1886.

Lee, Vernon. Juvenilia. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1887.

Lee, Vernon. Althea: A Second Book of Dialogues on Aspirations and Duties. London: Osgood, McIlvaine, 1894. [Includes “Orpheus in Rome]

Lee, Vernon. Renaissance Fancies and Studies. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1895.

Lee, Vernon. Limbo and Other Essays. London: Grant Richards, 1897.

Lee, Vernon. Genius Loci: Notes on Places. London: Grant Richards, 1899.

Lee, Vernon. Hortus Vitae: Essays on the Gardening of Life. London: Bodley Head, 1904.

Lee, Vernon. Hortus Vitae and Limbo. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1907.

Lee, Vernon. The Enchanted Woods and Other Essays. London: John Lane, 1905.

Lee, Vernon. The Spirit of Rome: Leaves from a Diary. London: John Lane, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. Genius Loci and the Enchanted Woods. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. The Sentimental Traveller. London: John Lane, 1908.

Lee, Vernon. Gospels of Anarchy and Other Contemporary Studies. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1908. [Includes “The Deterioration of the Soul”, “The Economic Parasitism of Women”]

Lee, Vernon. Limbo and Other Essays, to Which is Now Added Ariadne in Mantua. London: Bodley Head, 1908.

Lee, Vernon. Laurus Nobilis: Chapters on Art and Life. London: Bodley Head, 1909. [Includes “The Use of Beauty”, “Beauty and Sanity”]

Lee, Vernon. The Spirit of Rome and Laurus Nobilis. (1906). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1910.

Lee, Vernon. Vital Lies: Studies of Some Varieties of Recent Obscurantism. London: John Lane, 1912.

Lee, Vernon and Clementina Anstruther-Thomson. Beauty and Ugliness. London: John Lane, 1912.

Lee, Vernon. The Beautiful; A Introduction to Psychological Aesthetics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1913.

Lee, Vernon. The Tower of the Mirrors and Other Essays on the Spirit of Places. London: John Lane, 1914. Rpt. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1922.

Lee, Vernon. The Ballet of the Nations: a Present-Day Morality. London: Chatto & Windus, 1915. New York: Putnam, 1915 (included and rewritten in Satan the Waster).

Lee, Vernon. Peace with Honour: Controversial Notes on the Settlement. London: Union of Democratic Control, 1915.

Lee, Vernon. Satan the Waster: a Philosophic War Trilogy with Notes and Introduction. London: John Lane, 1920. Rpt. With preface added in 1930.

Lee, Vernon. The Handling of Words and other Studies in Literary Psychology. London: John Lane, 1923. Rpt. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1968 (with an introduction by Royal A. Gettmann).

Lee, Vernon. The Handling of Words and other Studies in Literary Psychology. D. Seed ed. & intr. Lewiston: Edward Mellen Press, 1992.

Lee, Vernon (ed.) Art and Man: Essays & Fragments, by Clementina Anstruther-Thomson. Introduction by Vernon Lee. London: John Lane, 1924; Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press. 1924. Reprinted 1969.

Lee, Vernon. The Golden Key. London: John Lane, 1925. Rpt. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1925.

Lee, Vernon. Proteus: Or the Future of Intelligence. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1925.

Lee, Vernon. The Poet’s Eye. Notes on Some Differences Between Verse and Prose. London: Hogarth Press, 1926.

Lee, Vernon. Music and Its Lovers: An Empirical Study of Emotional and Imaginative Responses to Music.  London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1932.

b) Articles and book chapters

Lee, Vernon. “Musical expression and the Composers of the 18th Century ». New Quarterly Magazine, April 1877.

Lee, Vernon. « The Artistic Dualism of the Renaissance ». The Contemporary Review(Septembre 1879) : 44-65.

Lee, Vernon. “The Art of Singing, Past and Present ». British Quarterly Review. Oct. 1880.

Lee, Vernon. “Botticelli at the Villa Lemmi”. The Cornhill Magazine. July-Dec. 1882.

Lee, Vernon. “The Responsibilities of Unbelief: A Conversation between Three Rationalists”. The Contemporary Review 43 (May 1883): 685-710.

Lee, Vernon. Review of Giosuè Carducci, Lettere disperse ed inedite di Pietro Metastasio, vol. I (Bologne, Zanichelli). The Academy n° 602, (Nov. 17, 1883): 331.

Lee, Vernon. “The Immortality of the Maestro Galuppi ». Chap. 1 in Juvenilia, vol. II, 1887.

Lee, Vernon. “Orpheus in Rome: Irrelevant Talks on the Use of the Beautiful.” The Contemporary Review. June 1889: 828-49.

Lee, Vernon. “Emerson, Transcendentalists and Utilitarians”. The Contemporary Review, LXVII (March 1895), 345-420.

Lee, Vernon. "Cosmopolis" 1896. Rpt. 1904.

Lee, Vernon. “The Need to Believe: an Agnostic’s Notes on Professor Wm. James ». The Fortnightly Review, LXXII (n. s. LXVI), Nov. 1899, 827-42.

Lee, Vernon. “Le rôle de l’élément moteur dans la perception esthétique visuelle.” MS essay. 1901.

Vernon Lee and C. Anstruther-Thomson “Michelangelo’s Medicean Tombs”. Architectural Review. (16, no. 94, Septembre 1904), 101-110.

Lee, Vernon. "Introduction to The Life of St Mary Magdalen". transl. from the Italian of an unknown XIVth century writer by Valentina Hawtrey. John Lane, 1904.

Lee, Vernon. “The Riddle of Music.” The Quarterly Review 204 (Jan. 1906): 207-27. A scholarly review of: The Power of Sound by Edmund Gurney (London: Smith & Elder, 1880); Vom Musikalisch Shönen by Eduard Hanslick (9th ed. Leipzig: Barth, 1896); Essai sur l’esprit musical by Lionel Dauriac (Paris: Alcan, 1904); Les rapports de la musique et de la poésie by Jules Combarieu (Paris: Alcan, 1894); Die Musik als Ausdruck by Friedrich von Hausegger (Munich, 1887); La logique des sentiments by Théodule Ribot (Paris: Alcan, 1905); Grundegung der Aesthetick by Theodor Lipps (Hamburg: Voss, 1903).

Lee, Vernon. “Beauty and Sanity ». Laurus Nobilis: Chapters on Art and Life. London: Bodley Head, 1909.

Lee, Vernon. “The Religious and Moral Status of Wagner ». The Fortnightly Review. New Series, 89, Jan-June 1911, pp. 868-885.

Lee, Vernon. "The Ethics of Glass Houses". The Nation (1912).

Lee, Vernon. “Vicarious Tragedy”. The Nation XI (29 June 1912): 466-7.

Lee, Vernon. “Angels Fear to Tread”. The Nation XI (7 September 1912): 828-9.

Lee, Vernon. “The Sense of Nationality”. The Nation XII (12 October 1912): 96-8.

Lee, Vernon. "Lessons of History". The Nation (1913).

Lee, Vernon. “Ein neuer Schweizer Roman”. Literarische Rundschau, 1913, pp. 471-473. Review of Waser, Maria. Die Geschichte der Anna Waser. Ein Roman aus der Wende des 17. Jahrhunderdts. Stuttgart, Berlin: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1913.

Lee, Vernon. “The Policy of the Allies”. The Nation XVI (2 February 1915): 649-50.

Lee, Vernon. “Bismarck Towers”. The New Statesman IV (20 February 1915): 481-3.

Lee, Vernon. “Militarists against Militarism”. Labour Leader XII, no. 13 (1 April 1915): 3.

Lee, Vernon. “May Day Messages for British Women”. Labour Leader XII, no. 17 (29 April 1915): 5.

Lee, Vernon. “Après la Mêlée”. The New Statesman V (19 June 1915): 249-51.

Lee, Vernon. “The Wish for Unanimity and the Willingness for War, France-Italy, 1911-13”. [written before August 1914]. The Cambridge Magazine IV (12 June 1915): 482, 484.

Lee, Vernon. “War the Grave of All Good”. Labour Leader XII, no. 43 (28 October 1915): 3.
Lee, Vernon. “Enmity”. War and Peace III, no. 25 (October 1915): 11-12.

Lee, Vernon. “The Heart of a Neutral”. The Atlantic Monthly CXVI (November 1915): 687.

Lee, Vernon. “Letter to the Editor”. The Nation XV (22 August 1914): 766-7.

Lee, Vernon. “Introduction”. Mnemic Psychology. By Richard Semon. Transl. from the German by Bella Duffy. New York: Macmillan, 1923. 11-53. Rpt. London; Allen and Unwin, 1923.

Lee, Vernon. “Introduction”. Art and Man: Essays and Fragments. By Clementina Anstruther-Thomson. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1924.

Lee, Vernon. “John Singer Sargent: In Memoriam.” In Evan Charteris (ed.). John Singer Sargent. London: Heinemann, 1927.

Reception of Vernon Lee

1- Translations and critical editions

Translations into French

"Le théâtre populaire en Toscane" [signé A. V. (V. Paget)]. S. l. n. d. Revue britannique, 9ème série, tome III.

"Orphée à Rome". S. l., 1895. Revue des Deux Mondes, 1er novembre 1895.

Lee, Vernon. Miss Brown. Translated by "Robert de Cerisy". Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1889.

Lee, Vernon. Ariane à Mantoue. Drame traduit de l’anglais par Mme A. Foulon de Vaulx et l’auteur. S. l. , 1910.

Lee, Vernon. Les mensonges vitaux : études sur quelques variétés de l’obscurantisme contemporain. Traduit de l’anglais par le Dr Eugène Bernard Leroy. Paris : F. Alcan, 1921. [Comprend : "Les deux pragmatismes"; "Qu’est-ce-que la vérité ?"; "Les Vérités mystiques"; "Fruits pour la vie"; "Modernisme et volonté de croire"; "L’Apologétique anthropologique"; "Le Mythe syndicaliste"; "Vérités qui sont des malentendus"; "Adieux aux mensonges vitaux"; "Humanisme".]

Lee, Vernon. Etudes et Réflexions sur l’Art. Choix et traduction de Berthe Noufflard. D’après Renaissance Fancies and Studies (1895). Paris : Corréâ, 1938.

Lee, Vernon. Les épées de l’effroi; histoires surnaturelles; le monde évanescent des ombres et des mystères abandonnés. Trad. par Michel Chrestien. Verviers: Marabout, “Fantastique, 363”, 1970.

Lee, Vernon. “Une voix maléfique.” Trad. par Michel Chrestien. In [Vernon Lee] Les épées de l’effroi; histoires surnaturelles ; le monde évanescent des ombres et des mystères abandonnés. Verviers: Marabout, “Fantastique, 363”, 1970.

Richter, Anne (ed.). Le Fantastique féminin, d’Anne Radcliffe à Patricia Highsmith. Verviers: André Gérard, Marabout, 1977. Rpt. Paris : Complexe, 1995. (Reprints “Une voix maléfique.” Translated by Michel Chrestien.)

Lee, Vernon. “La Vierge aux sept poignards.” Trad. par Michel Chestien. In [Vernon Lee] Les épées de l’effroi; histoires surnaturelles. Verviers: Marabout, “Fantastique, 363”, 1970.

Lee, Vernon. Alice Oke. Trad. par Michel Desforges. Toulouse : Ombres, 1990.

Lee, Vernon. La voix maudite ; trois nouvelles fantastiques de Vernon Lee. Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux (ed. and transl.), Rennes : Terre de Brume, 2001 [Includes : « La voix maudite », « Winthrop, fantaisie musicale », « La Vierge aux sept poignards », and a short story by Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux: « Poggio Bracciolini »].

« La poupée », Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux transl., in Le Visage vert. Paris, Joëlle Losfeld, 2001, pp. 70-81. From Vernon Lee, « The Doll » (1899); rpt. in For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, 1927.

Antonio Vivarelli, portrait imaginaire d’un chanteur italien du XVIIIème siècle. Trad. par Michel Desforges.  Toulouse : Ombres, “Petite bibliothèque Ombres”, 1993.

« Winthrop, fantaisie musicale ». Trad par Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux. La voix maudite2001; from Vernon Lee, “Winthrop’s Adventure, an Eighteenth Century Singer ». Fraser’s Magazine. January 1881.

“La Vierge aux sept poignards ». Trad par Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux. La voix maudite2001; from Vernon Lee, “The Virgin of the Seven Daggers ». In For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, 1927.

Ravenne et ses fantômes, traduit de l'anglais, annoté et postfacé par Olivier Favier. Évian: Alidades, 2009.

Translations into Italian

Ottilie, Un idillio settecentesco, a cura e traduzione di Elisa Bizzotto. Edizioni Solfanelli. 2023. [ISBN-978-88-3305-486-5]

Satana Il Dilapidore. Trilogia filosofica della Grande Guerra. Trad. Alberto Palazzi. Italia: il glifo ebooks, 27 maggio 2020. 368 p. ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 8897527523; ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-8897527527.

Il Settecento in Italia : letteratura, teatro, musica ; studii di Vernon Lee. Milano : Fratelli Dumolard, 1881. 2 vol.

Il parassitismo della donna by Vernon Lee. Traduzione autorizzata di Carolina Pironti. Città di Castello : S. Lapi, 1912.

Il Settecento in Italia : accademie, musica, teatro by Vernon Lee. Traduzione dall’ultima edizione inglese di Margherita Farina-Cini. Napoli : R. Ricciardi, 1932.

Possessioni : tre storie improbabili by Vernon Lee. Traduzione e nota di Attilio Brilli .Palermo : Sellerio, [1982].

Il sangue e la rosa : storie di vampiri by Vernon Lee, Horacio Quiroga, Bram Stoker e altri. A cura di Claudio De Nardi. Trento : Reverdito, [1988].

Ombre italiane : racconti by Vernon Lee. Traduzione di Arnaldo Ederle ; con uno scritto di Mario Praz. Parma : U. Guanda, [1988].

La vita musicale nell’Italia del Settecento by Vernon Lee. Introduzione di Armando Torno. Firenze : Passigli, [1994].

Arianna in Mantova. Severi, Rita (ed.). Verona: Edizioni Postumia-Cierre, 1996.

Arianna a Mantova by Vernon Lee. A cura di Enrico Groppali. Palermo : Sellerio, [1996].

L’avventura di Winthrop, La leggenda di madame Krasinska, Il cassone nunziale by Vernon Lee. Traduzione e cura di Sandro Melani. Bologna : Re Enzo, 2000.

Dionea e altre storie fantastiche by Vernon Lee. Con una nota di Attilio Brilli ; traduzione di Simonetta Neri. Palermo : Sellerio, 2001].

Ravenna e i suoi fantasmi : un racconto dimenticato di Vernon Lee e note sull’immagine e l’immaginario di una città. A cura di Eraldo Baldini e Sara Trevisan ; testi di Eraldo Baldini … [et al.]. Ravenna : Longo, [2005].

Gilman, Charlotte Stetson. La donna e l’economia sociale : studio delle relazioni economiche fra uomini e donne e della loro azione nell’evoluzione sociale / C. P. Stetson. Traduzione autorizzata di Carolina Pironti. Con proemio di Vernon Lee. Firenze : G. Barbèra, 1902.

Translations into German

Genius Loci: Ins Deutsche. Übertragen von Irene Forbes-Mosse (geb. Gräfin von Flemming). Jena; Leipzig: Eugen Diederichs, 1905.

Unsere Liebe Frau der Sieben Dolche / The Virgin of the Seven Daggers, bilingual (German/English) edition. Saarbrücken: Calambac Verlag, 2017.

Schemen. Phantastische Geschichten. Wien: Wiener Verlag, 1900.


Translations into Spanish

La Psicologià de una escritora de arte. Prologo de Rafael Accorinti. Carpe Noctem, 2022. https://www.casadellibro.com/libro-la-psicologia-de-una-escritora-de-arte/9788412615401/13507655

Genius Loci. Notas sobre sitios. Prologo de Maria Belmonte. Trad. Rodrigo Verano. Athenaica, 2022.

El espiritu de Roma: Fragmentos de un diario. Trad. and ed. Amparo Serrano de Haro, La Linea del Horizonte, Cuadernos de Horizonte, 2019.

El Principe Alberico y la dama serpiente. Valdemar, 2006.

La Voz maligna. Atalanta. 2006.

Els déus i el cavaller Tanhûser. Trad. catalàn Roser Berdagué. Laertes editorial, Coleccio L'Arcà, 1996.

El fantasma enamorat. Trad. catalàn. Laertes editorial, 1987.

Amour dure, Vernon Lee. Presentacion de Javier mariàs. Nota previa, traduccion y edicion de Antonio Iriarte. Reino de Redonda, 2007.


2 – Adaptations

Farinelli. Film by Gérard Corbiau, with Stefano Dionisi, 1994. Probably based on Lee’s “Wicked Voice” stories.

3 – Modern collections and anthologies

Clute, John. “Vernon Lee.” Supernatural Fiction Writers. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1985. 329-35.

The Snake Lady, and Other Stories. New York: Grove Press, 1954. Republished, with somewhat different contents, as Supernatural Tales: Excursions into Fantasy. London: Peter Owen, 1955. This British edition was republished as The Virgin of the Seven Daggers. London: Transworld, 1962.

Pope Jacynth, and More Supernatural Tales. London: Peter Owen, 1956.

Ravenna and her Ghosts. London: Transworld, 1962.

Aesthetes and Decadents of the 1890’s: An Anthology of British Prose and Poetry. Beckson, Karl, ed. New York: Vintage, 1966.

Possessioni. Palermo: Sellerio editore, 1982. Translation into Italian; notes and a post face “Gli enigmi della duchessa” by Attilio Brilli. Contents: "Amour Dure"; "A Wicked Voice"; "The Doll").

Il sangue e la rosa : storie di vampiri by Vernon Lee ("Marsyas in Flanders"), Horacio Quiroga, Bram Stoker e altri. A cura di Claudio De Nardi. Trento : Reverdito, 1988.

The Snake Lady and Other Stories, edited with an introduction by Horace Gregory, New York: Grove Press, 1954.

Supernatural Tales: Excursions into Fantasy. With an introduction by Irene Cooper Willis, London: P. Owen, 1955; rpt. 1987.

Showalter, Elaine (ed.). Daughters of Decadence: Women Writers of the Fin-de-siècle. London: Virago, 1993.

Pulham, Patricia & Catherine Maxwell (eds.). Vernon Lee : Hauntings and Other Fantastic Tales. Broadview Press, 2005.

Ravenna e i suoi fantasmi : un racconto dimenticato di Vernon Lee e note sull’immagine e l’immaginario di una città. A cura di Eraldo Baldini e Sara Trevisan ; testi di Eraldo Baldini … [et al.]. Ravenna : Longo, 2005.

The Virgin of the Seven Daggers – And Other Chilling Tales of Mystery and Imagination (1962)

A Vernon Lee Anthology. Selections from the Earlier Works Made by Irene Cooper Willis. USA : Ardley Press, 2007. 224 pp.

In the Yule-Log Glow. Book 2. Illustrated edition. Ngims publishing, 2010. Contents include "A Picture of the Nativity by Fra Filippo Lippi" by Vernon Lee.

Yuen, Karen (ed.) Vernon Lee, Miss Brown (1884). In New Woman Fiction, 1881–1899. General Editor: de la L. Oulton, Carolyn W. Volume Editors: Brenda Ayres, Karen Yuen and Alexandra Warwick (Part I); Adrienne E Gavin, SueAnn Schatz and Vybarr Cregan-Reid (Part II); Andrew King, Paul March-Russell and Carolyn W de la L Oulton (Part III)
Part I: Volumes 1-3: 1136 pp., 2010
Part II: Volumes 4-6: 816 pp., 2010
Part III: Volumes 7-9: c. 1200 pp., 2011.

Harris-Fain, D. (ed.). British Fantasy and Science-Fiction Writers before World War I [Gale Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 178 ]. Detroit: Gale Research, 1997.

4 – Contemporaneous reception of Vernon Lee

Beaunis, H. "Vernon Lee, Psychologie d’un écrivain sur l’art (Observation personnelle)". In L’année psychologique. 1903 vol. 10. pp. 487-92.

Beaunis H., Binet Alfred, Bourdon B., Foucault Marcel, Larguier des Bancels J. "Vernon Lee, Essais d’esthétique empirique". In L’année psychologique. 1905 vol. 12. pp. 664-66.

Cooper Willis, Irene. “Biographical Essay on Vernon Lee (unpublished)”. Vernon Lee Collection, Colby Library.

Duclaux, A. Mary F. Robinson. “In Casa Paget, A Retrospect. In Memoriam Eugène Lee-Hamilton”. Country Life (28 December 1907): 935-7.

France, Anatole. Le lys rouge. Paris : Calmann Lévy, 1894. (Refers to Vernon Lee).

Hennequin, Emile. Quelques écrivains français; Flaubert, Zola, Hugo, Goncourt, Huysmans… Paris : Perrin, 1890.

Janet, Pierre. De l’angoisse à l’extase. Études sur les croyances et les sentiments. Un délire religieux. La croyance. Tome I, Troisième partie : "Les troubles intellectuels dans le délire religieux". Paris : Librairie Félix Alcan, 1926. Rpt. Paris: la Société Pierre Janet et le Laboratoire de psychologie pathologique de la Sorbonne avec le concours du CNRS, 1975, 432 pp. Janet cite Vernon Lee, Vital Lies.

MacCarthy, Desmond. “Out of the Limelight (Vernon Lee).” Humanities. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1951.

MacCarthy, Desmond. Articles on Vernon Lee in The New Statesman. July 3, 1920; Feb. 10, 1923; March 28, 1925.

Monkhouse, Cosmo. "Miss Brown"The Academy n° 3 (January 1885), pp. 6-7.

Pater, Walter. “Vernon Lee’s Juvenilia”. Pall Mall Gazette (5 August 1887): 5.

Preston, Harriet Waters. “Vernon Lee”. The Atlantic Monthly 55 (February 1885): 219-27.

Sharp, William. 1903. "Eugene Lee-Hamilton". Selected Writings, Vol. 3, William Sharp. 321-348.

Shaw, George Bernard.  "A Political Contrast", Nation, 18 September 1920, pp. 758–60 (p. 760).

Smyth, Ethel. What Happened Next. London: Longmans, Green, 1940.

Waterlow, Sydney. "A Review of The Beautiful by Vernon Lee". The International Journal of Ethics, vol. 24, N°. 4 (July 1914), pp. 459-63.

5 – Critical studies and monographs on Vernon Lee, her circle and her times

a) Books

Adelson, Warren and Richard Ormond. Sargent’s Venice. Yale University Press, 2006. 224 p.

Bizzotto, Elisa. La mano e l’anima: il ritratto immaginario fin de siècle. Milan: Cisalpino, 2001. 128 pp.

Boni, Donatella. Geografia del desiderio. Italia immaginata e immagini italiane nelle opere di Frederick Rolfe, Vernon Lee, Norman Douglas. Edizioni La Conchiglia, 2003.

Bräm, Emil Max. Die italienische Renaissance in dem englischen Geistesleben des 19. Jahrhunderdts im besondern bei John Ruskin, John Addington Symonds und Vernon Lee. Brugg: Buchdr. Effingerhof A.-G., 1932.

Cenni, Serena and Elisa Bizzotto, eds. Dalla stanza accanto: Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. (articles from the Vernon Lee Conference in Florence, 2005).

Cenni, Serena, Elisa Bizzotto and Sophie Geoffroy (eds.). Violet del Palmerino; Aspetti della cultura cosmopolita nel salotto di Vernon Lee, 1889-1935. Proceedings of the International Conference of Florence, Sept. 2012. Florence: Consiglio Regionale de Toscana, 2014.

Colby, Vineta. The Singular Anomaly: Women Novelists of the Nineteenth Century. New York: New York University Press, 1970. [See “The Puritan Aesthete: Vernon Lee.” pp. 235-304].

Colby, Vineta. Vernon Lee : A Literary Biography. Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press, Victorian Lit. & Culture Series, 2003.

Cross, Esther y Betina González, La aventura sobrenatural, Historias reales de apariciones, literatura y ocultismo. Edición en Español. Seix Barral Argentina, 2023.

Dellamora, Richard (ed.). Victorian Sexual Dissidence. Chicago & London : University of Chicago Press, 1999.

Desmarais, Jane (ed.). Volupté, Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadent Studies. Volume 5, Issue 2 (Winter 2022), "Vernon Lee".

Delyfer, Catherine and Bénédicte Coste (eds.). British Aestheticisms. Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens. Montpellier : Presses Universitaires de Montpellier.

Demoor, Marysa (ed.). Marketing the Author: Authorial Personae, Narrative Selves and Self-Fashioning, 1880-1930. Houndmills, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Denisoff, Dennis. Aestheticism and Sexual Parody: 1840-1940. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Denisoff, Dennis. Sexual Visuality from Literature to Film, 1850-1950. London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2004.

Dowling, Linda. Aestheticism and Decadence: A Selected Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland Publishing, 1977.

Duclaux, Mary. La Vie de Emile Duclaux. Ed. Philippe Gilles. Aurillac: Jeux de mots, 2023.

Ehnenn, Jill. Women’s Literary Collaboration, Queerness and Late-Victorian Culture. Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008. (Includes a section on Lee’s work with Kit ; also mentions many of her other essays (like “On Writers and Readers”, etc.).

Franseen, Kristin M. Imagining Musical Pasts: The Queer Literary Musicology of Vernon Lee, Rosa Newmarch, and Edward Prime-Stevenson. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2023. 280 p. ISBN 9781638040583-eISBN 9781638040590

Fraser, Hilary. The Victorians and Renaissance Italy. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992. [Voir l’analyse de V. Lee, Euphorion : being Studies of the Antique and the Mediaeval in the Renaissance, 1884 et de V. Lee, Renaissance Fancies and Studies : being a Sequel to Euphorion, 1895].

Gardner, Burdett. The Lesbian Imagination (Victorian Style); A Psychological and Critical Study of ‘Vernon Lee’. New York and London: Garland, 1987.

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.). Women and Political Theory: Vernon Lee and her Radical Circle. Proceedings of the International Conference « Les femmes et la pensée politique : Vernon Lee et les cercles radicaux », Paris, 2013. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.

Gobbi, Grazia. The Florentine Villa: Architecture, History, Society. 2007. 223 pp. Refers to Vernon Lee’s villa at Maiano.

Gunn, Peter. Vernon Lee, Violet Paget, 1856-1935. London: Oxford University Press, 1964.

Heilmann, Ann (ed.). Feminist Forerunners: (New) Womanism and Feminism in the Early Twentieth Century. London: Pandora Press, 2003.

Kandola, Sondeep. Vernon Lee. Tavistock: Northcote House, “Writers and their Works” series, 2010.

Kane, Mary Patricia. Spurious Ghosts: the Fantastic Tales of Vernon Lee. Rome: Carocci, 2004.

Laing, Kathryn, and Sinéad Mooney (eds.). Irish Women Writers at the Turn of the 20th Century: Alternative Histories, New NarrativesEER, 2020.

Laing, Kathryn, and Faith Binckes. Hannah Lynch (1859-1904): Irish Writer, Cosmopolitan, New Woman. Cork: Cork University Press, 2019.

Mamoli Zorzi, Rosella, Anne McCauly et al. Gondola Days: Isabella Stewart Gardner and the Palazzo Barbaro Circle. Gardner Museum, 2004.

McCormick, Lizzie, Mitchell, Jennifer and Rebecca Soares (eds.). The Female Fantastic: Gendering the Supernatural in the 1890s and 1920s. London & New York: Routledge, 2020.

Maxwell, Catherine. Scents and Sensibility: Perfume in Victorian Literary Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

Maxwell, Catherine and Patricia Pulham (eds). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006.

Maxwell, Catherine. Second Sight ; The Visionary Imagination in Late Victorian Literature. Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2009, 288 pp. Includes : “‘An aching pulse of melodies’: Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s poetic magnetism” ; “Walter Pater’s ‘strange veil of sight’” ; “Of Venus, vagueness, and vision: Vernon Lee, Eugene Lee-Hamilton, and ‘the spell of the fragment’” ; “Theodore Watts-Dunton’s Aylwin and the reduplications of Romanticism” ; “Thomas Hardy’s poetry: ‘the intenser stare of the mind’”.

O’Neill, Michael, Mark Sandy and Sarah Wootton (eds.). Venice and the Cultural Imagination: ‘This Strange Dream upon the Water’. Features “Vernon Lee’s Venice of the Imagination” by Patricia Pulham.

O'Young, James. A History of Western Philosophy of Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Pfister, Manfred and Barbara Schaff (eds.). Venetian Views, Venetian Blinds. English Fantasies of Venice. Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA, 1999, VI, 255 pp. Features “An Amazon in Venice: Vernon Lee’s “Lady Tal”” by Ina Schabert.

Pireddu, Nicoletta. Antropologi alla corte della bellezza : decadenza ed economia simbolica nell’Europa fin de siècle. Verona : Edizioni Fiorini, “Mneme”, 2002. 479 p.

Prins, Yopie. Victorian Sappho. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999.

Pritchard, Melissa. Palmerino. New York: The Bellevue Literary Press, 2014. 191 pp.

Pulham, Patricia. Art and the Transitional Object in Vernon Lee’s Supernatural Tales. Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008. 188 pp.

Pulham, Patricia, The Sculpural Body in Victorian Literature, Encrypted Sexualities, Edinburgh University Press, 2020. 240 pp.

Raitt, Suzanne and Trudi Tate. Women’s Fiction and the Great War. Clarendon Press , 1997. 304 pages. (1 chapter on V. Lee).

Rancy, Catherine. Fantastique et décadence en Angleterre, 1890-1914. CNRS/Centre Régional de Publication de Toulouse, 1982. [Voir chapitre V : “Etude d’un cas : Vernon Lee (1856-1935)” : pp. 142-57.]

Riddell, Fraser. Music and the Queer Body in English Literature at the Fin de Siècle. Cambridge University Press, 2022.

Rigg, Patricia. A. Mary F. Robinson: Victorian Poet and Modern Woman of Letters. 2021. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2021.

Samuels, Ernest. Bernard Berenson, the Making of a Connoisseur. Cambridge, Mass. & London: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1979.

Schmidt, Gunnar. Die Literarisierung des Unbewusten: Studien zu den phantastischen Erzählungen von Oliver Onions und Vernon Lee. New York: Peter Lang, 1984.

Schaffer, Talia. The Forgotten Female Aesthetes: Literary Culture in Late-Victorian England. London: University Press of Virginia, 2000.

Schaffer, Talia and Kathy Alexis Psomiades (eds.). Women and British Aestheticism. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2000.

Smith, Andrew. The ghost story 1840–1920: A cultural history. Manchester University Press, 2012.

Smith, Patricia Juliana. Lesbian Panic: Homoeroticism in Modern British Women’s Fiction. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.

Stratchey, Barbara. Remarkable Relations : The Story of the Pearsall-Smith Family. London: Victor Gollancz, 1980.

Tearle, Oliver. Bewilderments of Vision: Hallucination and Literature, 1880-1914. Brighton, UK: Sussex Academic Press, 2014. 

Tylee, Claire (ed.). Women, the First World War and the Dramatic Imagination. International Essays (1914-1999). Lewiston, New York and Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.

Vicinus, Martha (ed.). Suffer and Be Still: Women in the Victorian Age. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1972.

Vicinus, Martha. Intimate Friends : Women who Loved Women, 1778-1928. Chicago : Chicago University Press, 2004. [Includes a chapter on V. Lee, pp. 152-73].

Zorn, Christa. Vernon Lee: Aesthetics, History and the Victorian Female Intellectual. Ohio University Press, 2003. 256 pp.

b) Journal articles and book chapters

Acidini, Cristina. “Inglesi e giardini : la salvezza delle colline di Firenze”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 19-26.

Agnew, Lois. “Vernon Lee and the Victorian Aesthetic Movement: ‘Feminine Souls’ and Shifting Sites of Contest”. Nineteenth Century Prose 26: 2 (1999): 127-42.

Baldacchino, Rachel. “Otherness and the Essay in the Pacifist Work of Vernon Lee”, in The Essay at the Limits: Poetics, Politics and Form, ed. Mario Aquilina (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021) pp. 125-136.

Balestra, Gianfranca. “Vernon Lee e Edith Wharton : viaggiatrici nel tempo e Nello spazio”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 209-18.

Barrera-Medrano, Leire. “‘Dolls in Agony’: Vernon Lee in Southern Spain”Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens [Online], 83 Printemps | 2016, Online since 31 May 2016.

Beer, Gillian. “The Dissidence of Vernon Lee: Satan the Waster and ‘The Will to Believe’”. In Suzanne Raitt and Trudi Tate (eds.). Women’s Fiction and the Great War. Oxford: Clarendon, 1997. 107-31.

Bincks, Faith and Kathryn Laing, Hannah Lynch 1859-1904: Irish writer, cosmopolitan, New Woman, Cork University Press, 2019.

Bini, Benedetta. “Vernon Lee, Henry James e le regole del gioco”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 308-17.

Biron, Archille H. “Paget in Parays.” Colby Library Quarterly (June 1960): 123-27.

Bizzotto, Elisa. “Pater’s Reception in Italy: a General View”. In Stephen Bann (ed.). The Reception of Walter Pater in Europe. Athlone Press, 2004. (shows that Pater’s reception in Italy was launched by V. Lee).

Bizzotto, Elisa. Review of Nicoletta Pireddu, Antropologi all corte della bellezza. Decadenza ed economia simbolica nell Europa fin de siècle. Verona: Edizioni Fiorini, 2002. Tracce, december 2003.

Bizzotto, Elisa. “L’Olimpo mediterraneo di Vernon Lee tra Pater e Forster”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 362-75.

Blackburn-Daniels, Sally, 'Vernon Lee, Influenced and Influencer: Lee’s Aesthetic Philosophy, 1880–1914', in Lydia Moland, and Alison Laura Stone (eds), The Oxford Handbook of American and British Women Philosophers in the Nineteenth Century (online edn, Oxford Academic, 18 July 2023), https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197558898.013.15,

Blackburn-Daniels, Sally. and Sophie Geoffroy. “‘Traces of the Exotic’ in Vernon Lee’s ‘Oke of Okehurst; or, The Phantom Lover’”, Women's Writing, 28:4 (2021) 569-588.

Blackburn-Daniels, Sally. “A Theatrical Performance of Vernon Lee’s The Ballet of the Nations. SKENÈ Journal of Theatre and Drama Studies. Capelli, Piero (ed.). “Jewish Theatres”, Vol 6 No 2 (2020).

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Newman, Sally. “The Archival Traces of Desire : Vernon Lee’s Failed Sexuality and the History of the Interpretation of Letters in Lesbian History”. Journal of the History of Sexuality. University of Texas Press. Vol. 14, n°1-2, January/April 2005 : 51-75.

Neri, Simonetta. “Paesaggi reali e immaginari nei racconti di Vernon Lee”. In Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 356-61.

Ni Bheachàin, Caoilfhionn and Angus Mitchell, “Alice Stopford Green and Vernon Lee: Salon Culture and Intellectual Exchange,” Journal of Victorian Culture, 2020, Vol. 25, No. 1, 77-94. doi: 10.1093/jvcult/vcz053

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Ormond, Richard. “John Singer Sargent and Vernon Lee”. The Colby Library Quaterly(September 1970): 154-78.

Paolini, Claudio. “L’immagine della casa toscana nella Firenze di Vernon Lee : suggestioni e modelli”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 107-115.

Palacio, Jean de. “Y a-t-il une écriture féminine de la décadence?” Romantisme 13 (1983): 177-86.

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Parretti, Federica. "Il Palmerino, A Retreat for Arts and Studies in Florence". Associazione Culturale Il Palmerino. 15 Mai 2015.

Pireddu, Nicoletta. “Satan the Waster : Peace and the Gift”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 270-84.

Pireddu, Nicoletta. “Between Darwin and San Francesco: Zoographic Ambivalences in Mantegazza, Ouida, and Vernon Lee”. Gothic Studies, Special Issue “European and Italian Eco-Gothic in the Long 19th Century”, 16 (1), May 2014: 111-127.

Pireddu, Nicoletta. “Vernon Lee: Aesthetic Expenditure, noblesse oblige”. Marucci, F. and E. Sdegno (eds.) Athena’s shuttle.  Milano: Cisalpino, Istituto Editoriale Universitario, 2000): 175-194.

Plain, Gill. “The Shape of Things to Come: the Remarkable Modernity of Vernon Lee’s Satan the Waster (1915-1920)”. Claire Tylee (ed.). Women, the First World War and the Dramatic Imagination. International Essays (1914-1999). Lewiston, New York and Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000. 5-21.

Psomiades, Kathy Alexis. “‘Still Burning from this Strangling Embrace’: Vernon Lee on Desire and Aesthetics”. Richard Dellamora (ed.). Victorian Sexual Dissidence. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1999: 21-41.

Pulham, Patricia. “Vernon Lee: a Forgotten Voice”. The Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 5: 2 (Spring 1999), 51-62.

Pulham, Patricia. “The Castrato and the Cry in Vernon Lee’s Wicked Voices.” Victorian Literature and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. p. 421-37.

Pulham, Patricia. “A Transatlantic Alliance: Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Vernon Lee”.  Heilmann, Ann (ed.). Feminist Forerunners: (New) Womanism and Feminism in the Early Twentieth Century. London: Pandora Press, 2003, pp. 34-43.

Pulham, Patricia. “’I found for you a scarlet blossom rare’: Reconsidering the Friendship of Amy Levy and Vernon Lee”. Conference Proceedings of Amy Levy: a Colloquium. University of Southampton, Sept. 2002. Forthcoming 2004.

Pulham, Patricia. “Duality and Desire in Louis Norbert”. Maxwell, C. and P. Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 123-42.

Reader, Simon. Notework: Victorian Literature and Nonlinear Style (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2021).

Rigg, Patricia. “Eugene Lee-Hamilton’s Sonnets of the Wingless Hours: Baudelaire, Neurasthenia, and Poetic Recovery.” Victorian Studies 63.4 (2021): 491-513.

Robbins, Ruth. “Vernon Lee : Decadent Woman”. Fin de siècle/Fin du Globe : Fears and Fantasies of the Late Nineteenth Century. Stokes, John (ed.). New York : St Martin’s, 1992.

Rockhill, Jim. “Cruel Love, Cruel Death : Vernon Lee’s ‘Amour Dure’”. Accessible online :

Rockhill, Jim. “Vernon Lee’s ‘Sister Benvenuta & the Christ Child’ : A Commentary”. Accessible online :

Rockhill, Jim. “Vernon Lee’s ‘A Phantom Lover’.” 2000. Accessible online :

Rutledge, Alison. "Louis Norbert and the Travel Essays of Vernon Lee: Aesthetic Empathy, the Genius Loci, and the “Historical Emotion”." English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, vol. 62 no. 3, 2019, p. 352-370. Project MUSE muse.jhu.edu/article/721843.

Sasso, Eleonora. “Vernon Lee e la messinscena della folia”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 344-55.

Saunier Philippe. “Préraphaélisme et Esthétisme en France : vingt ans d'effusion lyrique (1880-1900)”. Histoires littéraires, 2007, n° 29, p. 9-152.

Schabert, Ina. “An Amazon in Venice: Vernon Lee’s ‘Lady Tal'”. Pfister, Manfred and Barbara Schaff (eds.). Venetian Views, Venetian Blinds. English Fantasies of Venice. Amsterdam & Atlanta, GA, 1999.

Schaffer, Talia. “Fashioning Aestheticism by Aestheticizing Fashion : Wilde, Beerbohm, and the Male Aesthetes’ Sartorial Codes”. Victorian Literature and Culture (2000), 28: 39-54. Cambridge University Press.

Seed, David. “Introduction”. The Handling of Words and Other Studies in Literary Psychology, by Vernon Lee. Lampeter: Edwin Mellen, 1992. i-xxx.

Severi, Rita. “Vernon Lee and Mantua”. Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies 5 (1998), 179-200.

Severi, Rita. “Vernon Lee a Bologna: la scrittrice ricorda I suoi viaggi”. Il Carrobbio (2002) 217-26.

Severi, Rita. “Vernon Lee through the Enchanted Woods of Travel Writing”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 219-27.

Sieberg, Herward. “Vernon Lee’s German Connections and Her Friendship with Irene Forbes-Mosse”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 285-307.

Small, Ian. “Vernon Lee, Association and ‘Impressionist Criticism’ ». The British Journal of Aesthetics 17: 2 (Spring 1977): 178-84.

Stableford, Brian. “Haunted by the Pagan Past: an Introduction to Vernon Lee.” 2001. Accessible online :

Stavropoulos, Rea. "A Drama for our Times: The Ballet of the Nations. Vernon Lee's dance drama performed for the first time at Villa Il Palmerino". The Florentine, 29 May 2019.

Stephenson, Andrew. “‘A keen sight for the sign of the races’: John Singer Sargent, Whiteness and the Fashioning of Angloperformativity”. Visual Culture in Britain. Manchester University Press. Volume 6, Number 2, Winter 2005, pp. 207-25 (19).

Stetz, Margaret. “The Snake Lady and the Bruised Bodley Head : Vernon Lee and Oscar Wilde in The Yellow Book ». Maxwell, C. and P. Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 112-22.

Tintner, Adeline R. “Fiction is the Best Revenge: Portraits of Henry James by Four Women Writers”. Turn of the Century Women 2:2 Winter (1985), pp. 42-9.

Tobin, Claudia. “Inhaling Colour: Vernon Lee and the Chromatic Body”, Studies in Walter Pater and Aestheticism, 6 (Autumn 2021), 107-136.

Towheed, Shafquat. “The Creative Evolution of Scientific Paradigms: Vernon Lee and the Debate over the Hereditary Transmission of Acquired Characters”. Victorian Studies 49:1 (Autumn 2006), 33-61.

Towheed, Shafquat. “Determining “Fluctuating Opinions”: Vernon Lee, Popular Fiction, and Theories of Reading.” Nineteenth-Century Literature 60:2 (September 2005), 199-236.

Towheed, Shafquat. “The Science of Musical Memory: Vernon Lee and the Remembrance of Sounds Past”. Phyllis Weliver & Katharine Ellis (eds.). Words and Notes in the Long Nineteenth Century. Boydell & Brewer, 2013. 272 pp.

Townley, Sarah. “Vernon Lee and Elitism: Redefining British Aestheticism”. English Literature in Transition. 54:4. 2011 (Forthcoming).

Valentine C. "On Vernon Lee's Walter Pater and Translating the Victorians." Victorian Literature and Culture. 2023;51(2):293-305. doi:10.1017/S1060150322000237

Valentine, Colton. "Vernon Lee, Queer Relations, and a New Guard of Victorianist Multilingualism." Victorian Studies 64, no. 1 (2021): 62-87. https://doi.org/10.2979/victorianstudies.64.1.03.

Ventrella, Francesco. “Beyond the Gallery Handbook: Vernon Lee, Mary Berenson and Constance Jocelyn Foulkes,” Gendering Museum Histories Conference, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, September 8, 2016.

Ventralla, Francesco, “Encountering the Niobe’s Children: Vernon Lee’s Queer Formalism and the Empathy of Sculpture”. In Funke, Jana and Jen Grove (eds.), Sculpture, Sexuality and History: Encounters in Literature, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2019, pp. 195-220.

Vicinus, Martha. “The Adolescent Boy: Fin de Siècle Femme Fatale?” Journal of the History of Homosexuality 5 (1994), 90-114. Rpt. in Dellamora, Richard (ed.). Victorian Sexual Decadence. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1999, pp. 83-106.

Vicinus, Martha. “‘A Legion of Ghosts’ : Vernon Lee (1856-1935) and the Art of Nostalgia”. GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 10/4 (2004) : 599-616.

Volpi, Alessandro. “Vernon Lee e alcuni amici fiorentini : riflessioni sul Rinascimento e sull’Italia”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 53-81.

Weber, Carl J. “Henry James and His Tiger-Cat”. PMLA, 68 (September 1953): 672-87.

Weber, Carl J. “An Interim Bibliography of Vernon Lee”. Colby Library Quarterly(November 1952): 133-34.

Weber, Carl J. “Letters from Gosse and Benson.” Colby Library Quarterly (November 1952): 134-36.

Weber, Carl J. “A List of Those Who Wrote Letters to Vernon Lee.” Colby Library Quarterly (November 1952): 127-29.

Weber, Carl J. “Mr. Wells and Vernon Lee.” Colby Library Quarterly (November 1952): 129-33.

Weber, Carl J. “Correspondence. Mr. Wells and ‘Vernon Lee.”‘ Nation (New York) 99 (October 22, 1914): 495.

Wellek, René. “Vernon Lee, Bernard Berenson, and Aesthetics”. Discriminations: Further Concepts of Criticism. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1970.

Wiley, Catherine Anne. “’Warming me like a Cordial’: the Ethos of the Body in Vernon Lee’s Aesthetics”. Maxwell, C. and P. Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 58-74.

Winick, Mimi. “The Sophisticated Amateur: Vernon Lee versus the Vital Liars”, in The Critic as Amateur (Bloomsbury academic, 2020), pp. 151-178.

Zorn, Christa. “Aesthetic Intertextuality as Cultural Critique: Vernon Lee Rewrites History Through Walter Pater’s ‘La Gioconda’”. The Victorian Newsletter 91 (Spring 1997), 4-11.

Zorn, Christa. “The Handling of Words: Reader-Response Victorian Style”. Maxwell, C. and P. Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 174-92.

Zorn, Christa. “The Cosmopolitan Intellectual During World War I”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 255-69.

Compte-rendus de lecture

“Aestheticism in Lee”. Review of Schaffer, Talia and Kathy Alexis Psomiades (eds.). Women and British Aestheticism. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1999. pp. x+304.

Bilston, Sarah. “Vernon Lee’s Reputation”. English Literature in Transition 1880-1920. ELT Press. 22 March 2005. Review of Zorn, Christa. Vernon Lee: Aesthetics, History, and the Victorian Female Intellectual. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2003. xxxi + 281 pp.

Dellamora, Richard. “Vernon Lee’s Moment”. Review of Zorn, Christa. Vernon Lee: Aesthetics, History, and the Victorian Female Intellectual. In Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies. Issue 2.2 (Summer 2006).

Evangelista, Stefano. Review of Pulham, Patricia. 2008. Art and the Transitional Object in Vernon Lee’s Supernatural Tales. Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate.188 pp. In Melmoth, supplement to The Oscholars. N° 2. November 2008.

Kandola, Sondeep. 2010. “Art and the Transitional Object in Vernon Lee’s Supernatural Tales by Patricia Pulham”. English Literature in Transition 1880-1920, 53 :233-237.

Lappin, Linda. “The Ardent Pen of Vernon Lee”. The Kenyon Review, 22 June 2005. Review of Colby, Vineta. Vernon Lee: A Literary Biography. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2003. 432 pp.

Maier, Pauline. “A World of Women”The New York Times. December 12, 1982. Review of Barbara Strachey. Remarkable Relations ; The Story of the Pearsall-Smith Women. New York: Universe Books, 1982. 351 pp.

Moran, Maureen, review of Maxwell and Pulham (eds). Vernon Lee, in English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 51:3. London: John Hopkins University Press, 2008, pp. 320-3.

Schaffer, Talia. Review of Jordan Jane and Andrew King (eds.). Ouida and Victorian Popular Culture. Romanticism on the Net, Issue #65, 2014-2015.

Wright, Sarah Bird. Review of Wharton, Edith. Italian Backgrounds. Accessible online : http://www.wsu.edu/~campbelld/wharton/disc/id20.htm

Doctorate Dissertations

Barrera-Medrano, Leire. The correspondence of Vernon Lee and José Fernández Giménez (1832-1903). Birkbeck College, University of London. Supervised by Ana Parejo Vadillo.

Bizzotto, Elisa. Il ritratto immaginario fin de siècle: studio della short story decadente.  (see “I discepoli pateriani: I portraits storico-mitologici di Vernon Lee e Oscar Wilde”). PhD Thesis, University of Florence, 2001.

Blackburn-Daniels, Sally. ‘The Scholar’s Copy Book’ and the ‘Blotting-Book Mind’: Stratigraphic Approaches to Interdisciplinary Reading and Writing in the Work of Vernon Lee. PhD Thesis. University of Liverpool. August 2018.

Brockington, Grace. “Above the Battle”: Art for Art’s Sake and Pacifism during the First World War. University of Oxford, Sept. 2003. (A chapter on Lee entitled: “Performing Pacifism”).

Gagel, Amanda. Selected Letters of Vernon Lee (1856-1935). PhD Dissertation. Boston University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. 2008.

Garcia, Raymond III. Revelations from Vernon Lee’s “Life-Poem”: Subverting  Decadence and Embracing Individuality in Miss Brown.  Texas A & M University, Kingsville. 2010.

Kandola, Sonny. The “Aesthetic-Gothic”: Liberalism, Nationalism and Social Reform in Gothic Writings, 1700-1900. University of London, 2003. A chapter on Lee (ch. 5) entitled: “An Impressionist Supernaturalism—the work of Vernon Lee”.

Mahoney, Kristin. Aestheticist Renaissances: Economics, Aesthetics, and the Transition to Modernism. University of Notre Dame (to be submitted 2005). A chapter on Lee entitled: “Haunted Collections: Late-Victorian Theories of Ethical Consumption.”

Pulham, Patricia. Grown-Up Toys: Aesthetic Forms and Transitional Objects in Vernon Lee’s Supernatural Tales. University of London, 2001.

Thue-Tun, Marie Carmen. Vernon Lee (Violet Paget, 1856-1935), une odyssée scripturale entre romantisme et modernité. University of La Réunion, Nov. 2010.

Wiley, Catherine. “Amphibious Creatures”: Essayism and Transformative Play in Walter Pater, Vernon Lee, and John Addington Symonds. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 2001.

Zorn, Christa (as Christa Zorn-Belde). Vernon Lee: Aesthetics, History and the Female Subject in the Nineteenth Century. University of Florida, 1994.

Master dissertations

Anrifani, Aminati. The Struggle against Patriarchy in “Amour dure” by Vernon Lee Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2018.

Boyer, Nathalie. “Gender Roles and Class Relations in Miss Brown by Vernon Lee”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2003.

Cerveaux, Clara. “’The Snake Lady’ by Vernon Lee and the Roman de Mélusine by Jean d’Arras: a Comparative Study”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion.

Ethève, Elodie. “Vernon Lee’s Letters : a New Woman in the Making ?” Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, Sept. 2011.

Figur, David. A Translation and Critical Analysis of “The Legend of Madame Krasinska” by Vernon Lee”, Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2018.

Grondin, Patricia. “Les Dieux et Ritter Tanhüser. Traduction et commentaire littéraire de ‘The Gods and Ritter Tanhûser’ (1927) de Vernon Lee”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 1998.

Guerdin, Stéphanie. “Time and Art in Vernon Lee’s ‘’Prince Alberic and the Snake Lady’ and ‘The Virgin of the Seven Daggers’.” Dir. Sophie (Geoffroy-)Menoux. University of La Réunion, 2001.

Hoareau, Audrey. A Critical Analysis of the Translation of Vernon Lee’s Miss Brown (1884) by Robert de Cerisy (Marguerite Paris), Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy, University of La Réunion, 2018.

Hortense, Julie. A Translation and Critical Analysis of “Amour dure” by Vernon Lee Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2018.

Laude, Sophie. “The Vernon Lee Letters at McGill University”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, Sept. 2011.

Philogène, Nicolas. Vernon Lee, H.G. Wells and Capitalism: V. Lee as a Reader of The Shape of Things to Come (1933) by H. G. Wells, Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2016.

Thue-Tun, Carmen. “Mythes, pouvoir et images de la femme dans Miss Brown (1884) de Vernon Lee”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2005.

Torpos, Marie-Aude. “’Lady Tal’ by Vernon Lee and ‘Miss Grief’ by Constance Fenimore Wolson: a Comparative Study”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion.

Melchior, Wynella. Translation and Commentary of Satan the Waster by Vernon Lee, Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2015.

Work in Progress

Dalleau, Cécilia. Les inédits de Vernon Lee, 1914-1919 : carnets et écrits. Traduction et édition critique. PhD. Université de La Réunion. Research supervisor: Sophie Geoffroy.

Townley, Sarah. Redefining British Aestheticism: Literary Value, Elitism and Readerships, 1865-1928. Summer 2011. Sarah Townley’s doctoral research aims to expand traditional accounts of the evolution of British Aestheticism to encompass a more complex understanding of its theorization of its elite readerships. She focuses on the works of Matthew Arnold, Walter Pater, Henry James, Vernon Lee (Violet Paget) and Rebecca West. Research Supervisors: Josephine Guy, David James.

Ventrella Francesco. Visitations; Vernon Lee, Art History and Psychological Aesthetics. 2015.

Research ressources

The British Institute of Florence. The Vernon Lee Library.
“After her death in 1935, some 350 books from Vernon Lee’s Library at the Villa ‘Il Palmerino’ were presented to the British Institute of Florence by her friend and executrix, Irene Cooper Willis. These reflect the wide range of Vernon Lee’s interests. ‘The width of her reading in scientific subjects,’ writes her biographer Peter Gunn, ‘and more particularly in the social sciences, is quite astonishing.’ Many of the books bear the dates of reading and re-reading, and are copiously annotated.
All the items in this collection can be found in the online catalogue, either by the classmark (prefixed by ‘VL’) or by the subject heading of ‘Lee, Vernon – former owner’.” (Home page presentation)
To consult the online catalogue:
http://www.britishinstitute.it/ita/vernonlee.html  (Il Fondo Vernon Lee in Italian)
For more information, e –mail the library at library@britishinstitute.it

The Vernon Lee Archive, Miller Library at Colby College, ME, USA
Colby College
4000 Mayflower Hill
Waterville, ME 04901-8840
P: 207-872-3000

Archival material relating to Vernon Lee listed at the UK National Register of Archives

The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, especially the Berenson Archive, Villa I Tatti, Fiesole at http://itatti.harvard.edu/

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Florence – http://www.bncf.firenze.sbn.it/

Biblioteca Marucelliana (Florence), especially Carteggio Placci (correspondence between Carlo Placci and Vernon Lee).

The British Library, London, UK

Mc Gill University, Montreal, Quebec

Les manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Victor Cousin, Paris

At the Circulating Library, A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Victorian Fiction Research Guides 

Reading Experience Database

The Yellow Nineties Online

and The Yellow Nineties beta database :


1 – Vernon Lee’s Texts Online

Vernon Lee’s texts can be found online, thanks to  Victorian Women Writers Project (Indiana University). For instance :

Miss Brown. London: 1884. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. November 1997: Miss Brown I; 
Miss Brown II;
Miss Brown III.

Gospels of Anarchy and Other Contemporary Studies. London: 1908. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. November 1997. 

Hauntings. London: Heinemann, 1890. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. August 1998.

Limbo and Other Essays. London: Grant Richards, 1897. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. August 1998.

Vanitas, Polite Stories. London: Heinemann, 1892. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. September 1998.

Books by Vernon Lee sur Gutenberg

In Praise of Old Gardens

Anstruther-Thomson, Clementina and Vernon Lee. Art and Man. London: John Lane, "The Bodley Head", 1924.

Vernon Lee on Sargent

2. Website and blog dedicated to Vernon Lee and her circle

The Sibyl, A Journal of Vernon Lee Studies

3. Online Journals dedicated to Vernon Lee and her era

19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century

Verse and Music, Transgression

"Ein Zimmer für sich allein", Frauen in Virgina Woolf's Hogarth Press 1917-1941.

The Latchkey, Journal of New Woman Studies


Romanticism on the Net

BRANCH: Britain, representation, and Nineteenth-Century History

Volupté, Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadence Studies

The Victoran Web

Irish Women’s Writing Network


4 – Papers (conferences, seminars, symposia)

Barrera-Medrano, Leire. ‘In remembrance of the Spanish Legends he was wont to tell me’: Vernon Lee’s Decadent Recovery of Romantic Spain. 14 June 2013.

Mannocchi, Phyllis F. “The Development of Vernon Lee’s Politics”. Paper read at the Vernon lee Conference in Florence, Violet del Palmerino, 27-28 sept. 2012.

Way, Peter. “Color and Copper: Mary Cassatt and Vernon Lee”. http://colorandcopper.blogspot.fr

Other ressources


Vimeo channel: Vernon Lee Online

41 videos to this date: complete list.


"John Singer Sargent, Study of Vernon Lee", Old Dirty Masters, June 30, 2020


"When We Shall be Dust". Short Poetry Collection 235. Lee Vogler (Reader). LibriVox 2023.

Hauntings. Ben Tucker (Narrator). LibriVox 2022.

"Marsyas in Flanders". A short story from the British Library Tales of the Weird collection “A Phantom Lover and Other Dark Tales by Vernon Lee”. David Thorpe (Narrator). Audible Audiolibro. Isis Publishing Ltd, 2022.

The Enchanted Woods. A short essay from the British Library Tales of the Weird collection “A Phantom Lover and Other Dark Tales by Vernon Lee”. Julia Franklin (Narrator). Audiolibro de Audible. Isis Publishing Ltd, 2022.

The Legend of Madame Krasinska. A short story from the British Library Tales of the Weird collection “A Phantom Lover and Other Dark Tales by Vernon Lee”. John Telfer (Narrator). Audiolibro de Audible. Isis Publishing Ltd, 2022.

Amour Dure: A Victorian Christmas Spirit Story. Jonathan Rhodes (Narrator). Andrews UK Limited, 2021.

Great Half Hour Stories. H. G. Wells, Morgan Robertson, Hugh Walpole, Vernon Lee (Marsyas in Flanders), et al. Cathy Dobson (Narrator). Red Door Audiobooks, 2017.

Amour Dure: A Victorian Christmas Spirit Story. Jonathan Rhodes (Narrator). Andrews UK Limited, 2021.

A Wedding Chest (in Horror Story Collection 004), MP3-CD. ‎ IDB Productions, 2019.

"Marsyas in Flanders". Short Ghost and Horror Collection. Tony Addison (Narrator). LibriVox 2017.

"A Picture of the Nativity by Fra Filippo Lippi". Christmas Short Works Collection. David Laurence (Narrator). LibriVox 2011.

A Phantom Lover. Anthony Leslie (Narrator). LibriVox 2011.

A Wedding Chest. Tysto (Narrator). Catharine Eastman (Book coordinator and meta coordinator). LibriVox 2008.



Theatre plays (performances)

Ariadne in Mantua, sur le site du Great War Theatre

The Ballet of the Nations. Choreography: Angeliki Papoulia. Mise en scène: Angeliki Papoulia et Federica Parretti. Scientific adviser: Sally Blackburn-Daniels. Villa Il Palmerino, Florence. 31 May-1 June 2019. Production: Associazione Culturale Il Palmerino, 2019.

The Ballet of the Nations. Impermanence Dance Theatre. Written & Directed by: Roseanna Anderson & Joshua Ben-Tovim. Scientific adviser: Grace Brockington. 2018.

Community of Vernon Lee scholars and students

International Vernon Lee Society (IVLS)

BAVS (British Association of Victorian Studies)

BADS (British Association of Decadence Studies)

North American Victorian Studies Associations

SAGEF (Société des Anglicistes sur les Femmes, le Sexe et le Genre)

SFEVE (Société Française des Etudes Victoriennes et Edouardiennes)

Associazione Culturale Il Palmerino

Els déus i el cavaller Tanhûser. Trad. catalàn Roser Berdagué. Laertes editorial, Coleccio L'Arcà, 1996.

El fantasma enamorat. Trad. catalàn. Laertes editorial, 1987.

Texts by Vernon Lee

1- Letters

Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). Vernon Lee’s Letters Home. London: Privately Printed, 1937.

Gagel, Amanda and Sophie Geoffroy. Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935. 6 Vols. London and New York: Routledge, 2016-2029. Contains unpublished letters by Vernon Lee, most of them translated for the first time into English by Crystal Hall (Italian-English) ; Sophie Geoffroy (French-English); Christa Zorn (German-English). In 6 volumes : Vol. I : 1866-1886 ; Vol. II : 1887-1889 ; Vol. III : 1890-1896; Vol. IV: 1897-1904; Vol. V: 1905-1919; Vol. VI: 1920-1935.

Gagel, Amanda (ed.) and Sophie Geoffroy (assoc. ed). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English), Crystal Hall (Italian-English) and Christa Zorn (German-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume I, 1865-1884. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2016. 658 p.

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume II, 1885-1889. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2020.

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume III, 1890-1896. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2023.

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume IV, 1897-1904. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2025. Forthcoming

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume V, 1905-1919. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2027. Forthcoming

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.) and Amanda Gagel (assoc. ed.). Transl.: Sophie Geoffroy (French-English) and Crystal Hall (Italian-English). Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935; Volume VI, 1920-1935. London & New York: Routledge, "The Pickering Masters", 2029. Forthcoming

Sieberg, Herward and Christa Zorn (eds.). Foreword by Phyllis Mannocchi. The Anglo-German Correspondence of Vernon Lee and Irene Forbes-Mosse during World War I ; Women Writers’ Friendship Transcending Enemy Lines. Lewiston : Edwin Mellen Press, 2014. 464 pp.

2- Theatre

Lee, Vernon. The Prince of the Hundred Soups. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1883.

Lee, Vernon. Ariadne in Mantua: A Romance in 5 Acts. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1903.

Lee, Vernon. The Ballet of the Nations: A Present-Day Morality (New York: Putnam’s Sons, 1915), unpaginated.

3- Fiction

a) Books

Lee, Vernon. Tuscan Fairy Tales (Taken Down from the Mouths of the People). London: W. Satchell, 1880. (Published anonymously.)

Lee, Vernon. Ottilie: an Eighteenth Century Idyll. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1883.

Lee, Vernon. The Countess of Albany. London: W. H. Allen, 1884.

Lee, Vernon. Miss Brown. 3 vols. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1884.

Lee, Vernon. A Phantom Lover: A Fantastic Story. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1886; Boston: Robert Brothers, 1886; Rpt., unaltered, as “Oke of Okehurst” in Hauntings.

Lee, Vernon. Hauntings: Fantastic Stories. 1889. London: Heinemann, 1890. Bodley Head, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: Heinemann, 1892. New York: Lovell Coryell, ca. 1892.

Lee, Vernon. Penelope Brandling: A Tale of the Welsh Coast. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1903.

Lee, Vernon. Pope Jacynth and Other Fantastic Tales. London: Grant Richards, 1904. New York: John Lane, 1907.

Lee, Vernon. Sister Benvenuta and the Christ Child: an Eighteenth Century Legend. New York: Mitchell Kennerly, 1905. London: Grant Richards, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. In Praise of Old Gardens. Portland, Maine: Thomas B. Mosher, 1912.

Lee, Vernon. Louis Norbert: A Two-Fold Romance. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1914. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1920.

Lee, Vernon. For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1927. (Includes “Tanhaüser and the Gods”, “Marsyas in Flanders”, “The Virgin of the Seven Daggers”, “The Doll”, “Winthrop’s Adventure”).

A Vernon Lee Anthology. London: John Lane, 1929.

Lee, Vernon. The Snake Lady and Other Stories. Introd. by Horace Gregory (ed.). New York: Grove Press, 1954.

Lee, Vernon. Supernatural Tales: Excursions into Fantasy. London: Peter Owen, 1955.

Lee, Vernon. Pope Jacynth, and More Supernatural Tales. London: Peter Owen, 1956.

b) Tales, short stories, essays

Lee, Vernon. « Tuscan Peasant Plays ». Fraser’s Magazine. February 1877.

Lee, Vernon. « Amour Dure ». Hauntings : Fantastic Stories (1890). London : John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1906. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "Dionea". Hauntings : Fantastic Stories (1890). London : John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "Oke of Okehurst" (or "The Phantom Lover"). Hauntings : Fantastic Stories (1890). London : John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "A Wicked Voice". Hauntings : Fantastic Stories (1890). London : John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1906. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "Pictor Sacrilegus". The Contemporary Review, 60 (1891): 188-206, 372-387. Reprinted in Renaissance Studies and Fancies. London: Smith, Elder, 1895.

Lee, Vernon. "Lady Tal". Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: William Heinemann, 1892, 7-19. Rpt. In Showalter, Elaine (ed.). Daughters of Decadence: Women Writers of the Fin-de-siècle. London: Virago, 1993. 192-261.

Lee, Vernon. "A Frivolous Conversion". Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: William Heinemann, 1892.

Lee, Vernon. "A Worldly Woman". Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: William Heinemann, 1892.

Lee, Vernon. "The Legend of Madame Krasinska". Vanitas: Polite Stories. London: William Heinemann, 1892. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "Ravenna and her Ghosts". Macmillan’s, 70 (1894): 380-389. Reprinted in the second edition of Limbo and Other Essays. London: Grant Richards, 1908.

Lee, Vernon. “Dionysus in the Euganean Hills. W. H. Pater In Memoriam ». The Contemporary Review 120 (September 1921): 346-53.

Lee, Vernon. "The Gods and Ritter Tanhûser". For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1927.

Lee, Vernon. "Marsyas in Flanders". For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1927.

Lee, Vernon. “The House with the Loop-Holes”. Life and Letters, Aug. 1930 : 69-84.

Lee, Vernon. “A Culture Ghost: Or, Winthrop’s Adventure.” In Fraser’s Magazine, January 1881:1-29; rpt. in Appleton’s Journal, N° 10 (1881): 330-45; Rpt. In For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, the Bodley Head, 1927 (title: “Winthrop’s Adventure; an Eighteenth Century Singer”).

Lee, Vernon. “Voix maudite.” (Originally in French). In Les Lettres et les arts. Août 1887, 125-53. Rpt. In [Vernon Lee], Au pays de Vénus. Paris: Dentu, 1894.

Lee, Vernon. “The Virgin of the Seven Daggers ». In For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, 1927. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "The Doll" (1899). Rpt. For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London : John Lane, the Bodley Head, 1927.

Lee, Vernon. “A Wicked Voice.” (Slightly different from the French version). In Hauntings: Fantastic Stories. London: Heinemann, 1890. 195-237. Rpt. Hauntings: Fantastic Stories. New York: Books for Libraries, 1971.

Lee, Vernon. “An Eighteenth-Century Singer, an Imaginary Portrait.” The Fortnightly Review 1 Dec. 1891: 842-80.

Lee, Vernon. “A Seeker of Pagan Perfection. Being the Life of Domenico Neroni, Pictor Sacrilegus.” The Contemporary Review 60 (1891): 188-206, 372-387. Rpt. in Renaissance Fancies and Studies. London: Smith, Elder, 1895; Rpt. in The Snake Lady and Other Stories. Horace Gregory (ed.), 1956.

Lee, Vernon. “Ravenna and her Ghosts”. Macmillan’s, 70 (1894): 380-89. Rpt. In the 2nd ed. of Limbo and Other Essays. London: Grant Richards, 1908.

Lee, Vernon. “Prince Alberic and the Snake Lady”. The Yellow Book X, July 1896, 289-344. Rpt. In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "Pope Jayncth". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "A Wedding Chest". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906. Rpt. in Supernatural Tales. Cooper Willis, Irene (ed.). London : Peter Owen, 1987.

Lee, Vernon. "St Eudaemon and his Orange-Tree". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "The Featureless Wisdom". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. "Ariadne in Mantua". In Pope Jacynth (1904). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. “Schwester Benvenuta und das Christkind. Eine Klostergeschichte aus dem 18. Jahrhunderdt”. Deutsche Rundschau. Julius Rodenberg ed. Gebrüder Paetel, Berlin. 125 Band. Oktober-Dezember 1905, pp. 448-472.

Lee, Vernon. “Das Kruzifix in der Kirche zu Dunes.” Deutsche Rundschau. Julius Rodenberg ed. Gebrüder Paetel, Berlin. 138 Band. Januar-März 1909, pp. 129-139.

Lee, Vernon. “The Virgin of the Seven Daggers.” The English Review. January-February 1909. Rpt. in For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London : John Lane, the Bodley Head, 1927.

Lee, Vernon. “Out of Venice at Last”. The Westminster Gazette 1 June 1910.

Lee, Vernon. “The House with the Loop-Holes”. Life and Letters. Aug. 1930.

Lee, Vernon. “The Handling of Words: A Page of Walter Pater”. Life and Letters. 9: 50 (Sept-Nov 1933): 287-310.

"A Picture of The Nativity by Fra Filippo Lippi, as Explained by a Pious Florentine Gossip of his Day".

4- Essays

a) Books

Lee, Vernon. Studies of the Eighteenth Century in Italy. London: W. Satchel, 1880. (2nd ed. 1887). Rpt. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1907. Rpt. New York : Da Capo Press, 1978.

Lee, Vernon. Belcaro: Being Essays on Sundry Aesthetical Questions. London: W. Satchell, 1881. Rpt. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1887.

Lee, Vernon. Euphorion: Being Studies of the Antique and the Medieval in the Renaissance. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1884.

Lee, Vernon. Baldwin. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1886.

Lee, Vernon. Juvenilia. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1887.

Lee, Vernon. Althea: A Second Book of Dialogues on Aspirations and Duties. London: Osgood, McIlvaine, 1894. [Includes “Orpheus in Rome]

Lee, Vernon. Renaissance Fancies and Studies. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1895.

Lee, Vernon. Limbo and Other Essays. London: Grant Richards, 1897.

Lee, Vernon. Genius Loci: Notes on Places. London: Grant Richards, 1899.

Lee, Vernon. Hortus Vitae: Essays on the Gardening of Life. London: Bodley Head, 1904.

Lee, Vernon. Hortus Vitae and Limbo. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1907.

Lee, Vernon. The Enchanted Woods and Other Essays. London: John Lane, 1905.

Lee, Vernon. The Spirit of Rome: Leaves from a Diary. London: John Lane, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. Genius Loci and the Enchanted Woods. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1906.

Lee, Vernon. The Sentimental Traveller. London: John Lane, 1908.

Lee, Vernon. Gospels of Anarchy and Other Contemporary Studies. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1908. [Includes “The Deterioration of the Soul”, “The Economic Parasitism of Women”]

Lee, Vernon. Limbo and Other Essays, to Which is Now Added Ariadne in Mantua. London: Bodley Head, 1908.

Lee, Vernon. Laurus Nobilis: Chapters on Art and Life. London: Bodley Head, 1909. [Includes “The Use of Beauty”, “Beauty and Sanity”]

Lee, Vernon. The Spirit of Rome and Laurus Nobilis. (1906). Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1910.

Lee, Vernon. Vital Lies: Studies of Some Varieties of Recent Obscurantism. London: John Lane, 1912.

Lee, Vernon and Clementina Anstruther-Thomson. Beauty and Ugliness. London: John Lane, 1912.

Lee, Vernon. The Beautiful; A Introduction to Psychological Aesthetics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1913.

Lee, Vernon. The Tower of the Mirrors and Other Essays on the Spirit of Places. London: John Lane, 1914. Rpt. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1922.

Lee, Vernon. The Ballet of the Nations: a Present-Day Morality. London: Chatto & Windus, 1915. New York: Putnam, 1915 (included and rewritten in Satan the Waster).

Lee, Vernon. Peace with Honour: Controversial Notes on the Settlement. London: Union of Democratic Control, 1915.

Lee, Vernon. Satan the Waster: a Philosophic War Trilogy with Notes and Introduction. London: John Lane, 1920. Rpt. With preface added in 1930.

Lee, Vernon. The Handling of Words and other Studies in Literary Psychology. London: John Lane, 1923. Rpt. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1968 (with an introduction by Royal A. Gettmann).

Lee, Vernon. The Handling of Words and other Studies in Literary Psychology. D. Seed ed. & intr. Lewiston: Edward Mellen Press, 1992.

Lee, Vernon (ed.) Art and Man: Essays & Fragments, by Clementina Anstruther-Thomson. Introduction by Vernon Lee. London: John Lane, 1924; Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press. 1924. Reprinted 1969.

Lee, Vernon. The Golden Key. London: John Lane, 1925. Rpt. Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1925.

Lee, Vernon. Proteus: Or the Future of Intelligence. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1925.

Lee, Vernon. The Poet’s Eye. Notes on Some Differences Between Verse and Prose. London: Hogarth Press, 1926.

Lee, Vernon. Music and Its Lovers: An Empirical Study of Emotional and Imaginative Responses to Music.  London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1932.

b) Articles and book chapters

Lee, Vernon. “Musical expression and the Composers of the 18th Century ». New Quarterly Magazine, April 1877.

Lee, Vernon. « The Artistic Dualism of the Renaissance ». The Contemporary Review(Septembre 1879) : 44-65.

Lee, Vernon. “The Art of Singing, Past and Present ». British Quarterly Review. Oct. 1880.

Lee, Vernon. “Botticelli at the Villa Lemmi”. The Cornhill Magazine. July-Dec. 1882.

Lee, Vernon. “The Responsibilities of Unbelief: A Conversation between Three Rationalists”. The Contemporary Review 43 (May 1883): 685-710.

Lee, Vernon. Review of Giosuè Carducci, Lettere disperse ed inedite di Pietro Metastasio, vol. I (Bologne, Zanichelli). The Academy n° 602, (Nov. 17, 1883): 331.

Lee, Vernon. “The Immortality of the Maestro Galuppi ». Chap. 1 in Juvenilia, vol. II, 1887.

Lee, Vernon. “Orpheus in Rome: Irrelevant Talks on the Use of the Beautiful.” The Contemporary Review. June 1889: 828-49.

Lee, Vernon. “Emerson, Transcendentalists and Utilitarians”. The Contemporary Review, LXVII (March 1895), 345-420.

Lee, Vernon. "Cosmopolis" 1896. Rpt. 1904.

Lee, Vernon. “The Need to Believe: an Agnostic’s Notes on Professor Wm. James ». The Fortnightly Review, LXXII (n. s. LXVI), Nov. 1899, 827-42.

Lee, Vernon. “Le rôle de l’élément moteur dans la perception esthétique visuelle.” MS essay. 1901.

Vernon Lee and C. Anstruther-Thomson “Michelangelo’s Medicean Tombs”. Architectural Review. (16, no. 94, Septembre 1904), 101-110.

Lee, Vernon. "Introduction to The Life of St Mary Magdalen". transl. from the Italian of an unknown XIVth century writer by Valentina Hawtrey. John Lane, 1904.

Lee, Vernon. “The Riddle of Music.” The Quarterly Review 204 (Jan. 1906): 207-27. A scholarly review of: The Power of Sound by Edmund Gurney (London: Smith & Elder, 1880); Vom Musikalisch Shönen by Eduard Hanslick (9th ed. Leipzig: Barth, 1896); Essai sur l’esprit musical by Lionel Dauriac (Paris: Alcan, 1904); Les rapports de la musique et de la poésie by Jules Combarieu (Paris: Alcan, 1894); Die Musik als Ausdruck by Friedrich von Hausegger (Munich, 1887); La logique des sentiments by Théodule Ribot (Paris: Alcan, 1905); Grundegung der Aesthetick by Theodor Lipps (Hamburg: Voss, 1903).

Lee, Vernon. “Beauty and Sanity ». Laurus Nobilis: Chapters on Art and Life. London: Bodley Head, 1909.

Lee, Vernon. “The Religious and Moral Status of Wagner ». The Fortnightly Review. New Series, 89, Jan-June 1911, pp. 868-885.

Lee, Vernon. "The Ethics of Glass Houses". The Nation (1912).

Lee, Vernon. “Vicarious Tragedy”. The Nation XI (29 June 1912): 466-7.

Lee, Vernon. “Angels Fear to Tread”. The Nation XI (7 September 1912): 828-9.

Lee, Vernon. “The Sense of Nationality”. The Nation XII (12 October 1912): 96-8.

Lee, Vernon. "Lessons of History". The Nation (1913).

Lee, Vernon. “Ein neuer Schweizer Roman”. Literarische Rundschau, 1913, pp. 471-473. Review of Waser, Maria. Die Geschichte der Anna Waser. Ein Roman aus der Wende des 17. Jahrhunderdts. Stuttgart, Berlin: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1913.

Lee, Vernon. “The Policy of the Allies”. The Nation XVI (2 February 1915): 649-50.

Lee, Vernon. “Bismarck Towers”. The New Statesman IV (20 February 1915): 481-3.

Lee, Vernon. “Militarists against Militarism”. Labour Leader XII, no. 13 (1 April 1915): 3.

Lee, Vernon. “May Day Messages for British Women”. Labour Leader XII, no. 17 (29 April 1915): 5.

Lee, Vernon. “Après la Mêlée”. The New Statesman V (19 June 1915): 249-51.

Lee, Vernon. “The Wish for Unanimity and the Willingness for War, France-Italy, 1911-13”. [written before August 1914]. The Cambridge Magazine IV (12 June 1915): 482, 484.

Lee, Vernon. “War the Grave of All Good”. Labour Leader XII, no. 43 (28 October 1915): 3.
Lee, Vernon. “Enmity”. War and Peace III, no. 25 (October 1915): 11-12.

Lee, Vernon. “The Heart of a Neutral”. The Atlantic Monthly CXVI (November 1915): 687.

Lee, Vernon. “Letter to the Editor”. The Nation XV (22 August 1914): 766-7.

Lee, Vernon. “Introduction”. Mnemic Psychology. By Richard Semon. Transl. from the German by Bella Duffy. New York: Macmillan, 1923. 11-53. Rpt. London; Allen and Unwin, 1923.

Lee, Vernon. “Introduction”. Art and Man: Essays and Fragments. By Clementina Anstruther-Thomson. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1924.

Lee, Vernon. “John Singer Sargent: In Memoriam.” In Evan Charteris (ed.). John Singer Sargent. London: Heinemann, 1927.

Reception of Vernon Lee

1- Translations and critical editions

Translations into French

"Le théâtre populaire en Toscane" [signé A. V. (V. Paget)]. S. l. n. d. Revue britannique, 9ème série, tome III.

"Orphée à Rome". S. l., 1895. Revue des Deux Mondes, 1er novembre 1895.

Lee, Vernon. Miss Brown. Translated by "Robert de Cerisy". Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1889.

Lee, Vernon. Ariane à Mantoue. Drame traduit de l’anglais par Mme A. Foulon de Vaulx et l’auteur. S. l. , 1910.

Lee, Vernon. Les mensonges vitaux : études sur quelques variétés de l’obscurantisme contemporain. Traduit de l’anglais par le Dr Eugène Bernard Leroy. Paris : F. Alcan, 1921. [Comprend : "Les deux pragmatismes"; "Qu’est-ce-que la vérité ?"; "Les Vérités mystiques"; "Fruits pour la vie"; "Modernisme et volonté de croire"; "L’Apologétique anthropologique"; "Le Mythe syndicaliste"; "Vérités qui sont des malentendus"; "Adieux aux mensonges vitaux"; "Humanisme".]

Lee, Vernon. Etudes et Réflexions sur l’Art. Choix et traduction de Berthe Noufflard. D’après Renaissance Fancies and Studies (1895). Paris : Corréâ, 1938.

Lee, Vernon. Les épées de l’effroi; histoires surnaturelles; le monde évanescent des ombres et des mystères abandonnés. Trad. par Michel Chrestien. Verviers: Marabout, “Fantastique, 363”, 1970.

Lee, Vernon. “Une voix maléfique.” Trad. par Michel Chrestien. In [Vernon Lee] Les épées de l’effroi; histoires surnaturelles ; le monde évanescent des ombres et des mystères abandonnés. Verviers: Marabout, “Fantastique, 363”, 1970.

Richter, Anne (ed.). Le Fantastique féminin, d’Anne Radcliffe à Patricia Highsmith. Verviers: André Gérard, Marabout, 1977. Rpt. Paris : Complexe, 1995. (Reprints “Une voix maléfique.” Translated by Michel Chrestien.)

Lee, Vernon. “La Vierge aux sept poignards.” Trad. par Michel Chestien. In [Vernon Lee] Les épées de l’effroi; histoires surnaturelles. Verviers: Marabout, “Fantastique, 363”, 1970.

Lee, Vernon. Alice Oke. Trad. par Michel Desforges. Toulouse : Ombres, 1990.

Lee, Vernon. La voix maudite ; trois nouvelles fantastiques de Vernon Lee. Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux (ed. and transl.), Rennes : Terre de Brume, 2001 [Includes : « La voix maudite », « Winthrop, fantaisie musicale », « La Vierge aux sept poignards », and a short story by Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux: « Poggio Bracciolini »].

« La poupée », Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux transl., in Le Visage vert. Paris, Joëlle Losfeld, 2001, pp. 70-81. From Vernon Lee, « The Doll » (1899); rpt. in For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, 1927.

Antonio Vivarelli, portrait imaginaire d’un chanteur italien du XVIIIème siècle. Trad. par Michel Desforges.  Toulouse : Ombres, “Petite bibliothèque Ombres”, 1993.

« Winthrop, fantaisie musicale ». Trad par Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux. La voix maudite2001; from Vernon Lee, “Winthrop’s Adventure, an Eighteenth Century Singer ». Fraser’s Magazine. January 1881.

“La Vierge aux sept poignards ». Trad par Sophie Geoffroy-Menoux. La voix maudite2001; from Vernon Lee, “The Virgin of the Seven Daggers ». In For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories. London: John Lane, 1927.

Ravenne et ses fantômes, traduit de l'anglais, annoté et postfacé par Olivier Favier. Évian: Alidades, 2009.

Translations into Italian

Ottilie, Un idillio settecentesco, a cura e traduzione di Elisa Bizzotto. Edizioni Solfanelli. 2023. [ISBN-978-88-3305-486-5]

Satana Il Dilapidore. Trilogia filosofica della Grande Guerra. Trad. Alberto Palazzi. Italia: il glifo ebooks, 27 maggio 2020. 368 p. ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 8897527523; ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-8897527527.

Il Settecento in Italia : letteratura, teatro, musica ; studii di Vernon Lee. Milano : Fratelli Dumolard, 1881. 2 vol.

Il parassitismo della donna by Vernon Lee. Traduzione autorizzata di Carolina Pironti. Città di Castello : S. Lapi, 1912.

Il Settecento in Italia : accademie, musica, teatro by Vernon Lee. Traduzione dall’ultima edizione inglese di Margherita Farina-Cini. Napoli : R. Ricciardi, 1932.

Possessioni : tre storie improbabili by Vernon Lee. Traduzione e nota di Attilio Brilli .Palermo : Sellerio, [1982].

Il sangue e la rosa : storie di vampiri by Vernon Lee, Horacio Quiroga, Bram Stoker e altri. A cura di Claudio De Nardi. Trento : Reverdito, [1988].

Ombre italiane : racconti by Vernon Lee. Traduzione di Arnaldo Ederle ; con uno scritto di Mario Praz. Parma : U. Guanda, [1988].

La vita musicale nell’Italia del Settecento by Vernon Lee. Introduzione di Armando Torno. Firenze : Passigli, [1994].

Arianna in Mantova. Severi, Rita (ed.). Verona: Edizioni Postumia-Cierre, 1996.

Arianna a Mantova by Vernon Lee. A cura di Enrico Groppali. Palermo : Sellerio, [1996].

L’avventura di Winthrop, La leggenda di madame Krasinska, Il cassone nunziale by Vernon Lee. Traduzione e cura di Sandro Melani. Bologna : Re Enzo, 2000.

Dionea e altre storie fantastiche by Vernon Lee. Con una nota di Attilio Brilli ; traduzione di Simonetta Neri. Palermo : Sellerio, 2001].

Ravenna e i suoi fantasmi : un racconto dimenticato di Vernon Lee e note sull’immagine e l’immaginario di una città. A cura di Eraldo Baldini e Sara Trevisan ; testi di Eraldo Baldini … [et al.]. Ravenna : Longo, [2005].

Gilman, Charlotte Stetson. La donna e l’economia sociale : studio delle relazioni economiche fra uomini e donne e della loro azione nell’evoluzione sociale / C. P. Stetson. Traduzione autorizzata di Carolina Pironti. Con proemio di Vernon Lee. Firenze : G. Barbèra, 1902.

Translations into German

Unsere Liebe Frau der Sieben Dolche / The Virgin of the Seven Daggers, bilingual (German/English) edition. Saarbrücken: Calambac Verlag, 2017.

Genius Loci: Ins Deutsche. Übertragen von Irene Forbes-Mosse (geb. Gräfin von Flemming). Jena; Leipzig: Eugen Diederichs, 1905.

Schemen. Phantastische Geschichten. Wien: Wiener Verlag, 1900.

Translations into Spanish

La Psicologià de una escritora de arte. Prologo de Rafael Accorinti. Carpe Noctem, 2022. https://www.casadellibro.com/libro-la-psicologia-de-una-escritora-de-arte/9788412615401/13507655

Genius Loci. Notas sobre sitios. Prologo de Maria Belmonte. Trad. Rodrigo Verano. Athenaica, 2022.

El espiritu de Roma: Fragmentos de un diario. Trad. and ed. Amparo Serrano de Haro, La Linea del Horizonte, Cuadernos de Horizonte, 2019.

Els déus i el cavaller Tanhûser. Trad. catalàn Roser Berdagué. Laertes editorial, Coleccio L'Arcà, 1996.

El fantasma enamorat. Trad. catalàn. Laertes editorial, 1987.



2 – Adaptations

Farinelli. Film by Gérard Corbiau, with Stefano Dionisi, 1994. Probably based on Lee’s “Wicked Voice” stories.

3 – Modern collections and anthologies

Clute, John. “Vernon Lee.” Supernatural Fiction Writers. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1985. 329-35.

The Snake Lady, and Other Stories. New York: Grove Press, 1954. Republished, with somewhat different contents, as Supernatural Tales: Excursions into Fantasy. London: Peter Owen, 1955. This British edition was republished as The Virgin of the Seven Daggers. London: Transworld, 1962.

Pope Jacynth, and More Supernatural Tales. London: Peter Owen, 1956.

Ravenna and her Ghosts. London: Transworld, 1962.

Aesthetes and Decadents of the 1890’s: An Anthology of British Prose and Poetry. Beckson, Karl, ed. New York: Vintage, 1966.

Possessioni. Palermo: Sellerio editore, 1982. Translation into Italian; notes and a post face “Gli enigmi della duchessa” by Attilio Brilli. Contents: "Amour Dure"; "A Wicked Voice"; "The Doll").

Il sangue e la rosa : storie di vampiri by Vernon Lee ("Marsyas in Flanders"), Horacio Quiroga, Bram Stoker e altri. A cura di Claudio De Nardi. Trento : Reverdito, 1988.

The Snake Lady and Other Stories, edited with an introduction by Horace Gregory, New York: Grove Press, 1954.

Supernatural Tales: Excursions into Fantasy. With an introduction by Irene Cooper Willis, London: P. Owen, 1955; rpt. 1987.

Showalter, Elaine (ed.). Daughters of Decadence: Women Writers of the Fin-de-siècle. London: Virago, 1993.

Pulham, Patricia & Catherine Maxwell (eds.). Vernon Lee : Hauntings and Other Fantastic Tales. Broadview Press, 2005.

Ravenna e i suoi fantasmi : un racconto dimenticato di Vernon Lee e note sull’immagine e l’immaginario di una città. A cura di Eraldo Baldini e Sara Trevisan ; testi di Eraldo Baldini … [et al.]. Ravenna : Longo, 2005.

The Virgin of the Seven Daggers – And Other Chilling Tales of Mystery and Imagination (1962)

A Vernon Lee Anthology. Selections from the Earlier Works Made by Irene Cooper Willis. USA : Ardley Press, 2007. 224 pp.

In the Yule-Log Glow. Book 2. Illustrated edition. Ngims publishing, 2010. Contents include "A Picture of the Nativity by Fra Filippo Lippi" by Vernon Lee.

Yuen, Karen (ed.) Vernon Lee, Miss Brown (1884). In New Woman Fiction, 1881–1899. General Editor: de la L. Oulton, Carolyn W. Volume Editors: Brenda Ayres, Karen Yuen and Alexandra Warwick (Part I); Adrienne E Gavin, SueAnn Schatz and Vybarr Cregan-Reid (Part II); Andrew King, Paul March-Russell and Carolyn W de la L Oulton (Part III)
Part I: Volumes 1-3: 1136 pp., 2010
Part II: Volumes 4-6: 816 pp., 2010
Part III: Volumes 7-9: c. 1200 pp., 2011.

4 – Contemporaneous reception of Vernon Lee

Beaunis, H. "Vernon Lee, Psychologie d’un écrivain sur l’art (Observation personnelle)". In L’année psychologique. 1903 vol. 10. pp. 487-92.

Beaunis H., Binet Alfred, Bourdon B., Foucault Marcel, Larguier des Bancels J. "Vernon Lee, Essais d’esthétique empirique". In L’année psychologique. 1905 vol. 12. pp. 664-66.

Cooper Willis, Irene. “Biographical Essay on Vernon Lee (unpublished)”. Vernon Lee Collection, Colby Library.

Duclaux, A. Mary F. Robinson. “In Casa Paget, A Retrospect. In Memoriam Eugène Lee-Hamilton”. Country Life (28 December 1907): 935-7.

France, Anatole. Le lys rouge. Paris : Calmann Lévy, 1894. (Refers to Vernon Lee).

Hennequin, Emile. Quelques écrivains français; Flaubert, Zola, Hugo, Goncourt, Huysmans… Paris : Perrin, 1890.

Janet, Pierre. De l’angoisse à l’extase. Études sur les croyances et les sentiments. Un délire religieux. La croyance. Tome I, Troisième partie : "Les troubles intellectuels dans le délire religieux". Paris : Librairie Félix Alcan, 1926. Rpt. Paris: la Société Pierre Janet et le Laboratoire de psychologie pathologique de la Sorbonne avec le concours du CNRS, 1975, 432 pp. Janet cite Vernon Lee, Vital Lies.

MacCarthy, Desmond. “Out of the Limelight (Vernon Lee).” Humanities. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1951.

MacCarthy, Desmond. Articles on Vernon Lee in The New Statesman. July 3, 1920; Feb. 10, 1923; March 28, 1925.

Monkhouse, Cosmo. "Miss Brown"The Academy n° 3 (January 1885), pp. 6-7.

Pater, Walter. “Vernon Lee’s Juvenilia”. Pall Mall Gazette (5 August 1887): 5.

Preston, Harriet Waters. “Vernon Lee”. The Atlantic Monthly 55 (February 1885): 219-27.

Sharp, William. 1903. "Eugene Lee-Hamilton". Selected Writings, Vol. 3, William Sharp. 321-348.

Shaw, George Bernard.  "A Political Contrast", Nation, 18 September 1920, pp. 758–60 (p. 760).

Smyth, Ethel. What Happened Next. London: Longmans, Green, 1940.

Waterlow, Sydney. "A Review of The Beautiful by Vernon Lee". The International Journal of Ethics, vol. 24, N°. 4 (July 1914), pp. 459-63.

5 – Critical studies and monographs on Vernon Lee, her circle and her times

a) Books

Adelson, Warren and Richard Ormond. Sargent’s Venice. Yale University Press, 2006. 224 p.

Bizzotto, Elisa. La mano e l’anima: il ritratto immaginario fin de siècle. Milan: Cisalpino, 2001. 128 pp.

Bräm, Emil Max. Die italienische Renaissance in dem englischen Geistesleben des 19. Jahrhunderdts im besondern bei John Ruskin, John Addington Symonds und Vernon Lee. Brugg: Buchdr. Effingerhof A.-G., 1932.

Cenni, Serena and Elisa Bizzotto, eds. Dalla stanza accanto: Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. (articles from the Vernon Lee Conference in Florence, 2005).

Cenni, Serena, Elisa Bizzotto and Sophie Geoffroy (eds.). Violet del Palmerino; Aspetti della cultura cosmopolita nel salotto di Vernon Lee, 1889-1935. Proceedings of the International Conference of Florence, Sept. 2012. Florence: Consiglio Regionale de Toscana, 2014.

Colby, Vineta. The Singular Anomaly: Women Novelists of the Nineteenth Century. New York: New York University Press, 1970. [See “The Puritan Aesthete: Vernon Lee.” pp. 235-304].

Colby, Vineta. Vernon Lee : A Literary Biography. Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press, Victorian Lit. & Culture Series, 2003.

Dellamora, Richard (ed.). Victorian Sexual Dissidence. Chicago & London : University of Chicago Press, 1999.

Jane Desmarais (ed.). Volupté, Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadent Studies. Volume 5, Issue 2 (Winter 2022), "Vernon Lee".

Delyfer, Catherine and Bénédicte Coste (eds.). British Aestheticisms. Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens. Montpellier : Presses Universitaires de Montpellier.

Demoor, Marysa (ed.). Marketing the Author: Authorial Personae, Narrative Selves and Self-Fashioning, 1880-1930. Houndmills, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Denisoff, Dennis. Aestheticism and Sexual Parody: 1840-1940. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Denisoff, Dennis. Sexual Visuality from Literature to Film, 1850-1950. London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2004.

Dowling, Linda. Aestheticism and Decadence: A Selected Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland Publishing, 1977.

Ehnenn, Jill. Women’s Literary Collaboration, Queerness and Late-Victorian Culture. Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008. (Includes a section on Lee’s work with Kit ; also mentions many of her other essays (like “On Writers and Readers”, etc.).

Fraser, Hilary. The Victorians and Renaissance Italy. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992. [Voir l’analyse de V. Lee, Euphorion : being Studies of the Antique and the Mediaeval in the Renaissance, 1884 et de V. Lee, Renaissance Fancies and Studies : being a Sequel to Euphorion, 1895].

Gardner, Burdett. The Lesbian Imagination (Victorian Style); A Psychological and Critical Study of ‘Vernon Lee’. New York and London: Garland, 1987.

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.). Women and Political Theory: Vernon Lee and her Radical Circle. Proceedings of the International Conference « Les femmes et la pensée politique : Vernon Lee et les cercles radicaux », Paris, 2013. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.

Gobbi, Grazia. The Florentine Villa: Architecture, History, Society. 2007. 223 pp. Refers to Vernon Lee’s villa at Maiano.

Gunn, Peter. Vernon Lee, Violet Paget, 1856-1935. London: Oxford University Press, 1964.

Heilmann, Ann (ed.). Feminist Forerunners: (New) Womanism and Feminism in the Early Twentieth Century. London: Pandora Press, 2003.

Kandola, Sondeep. Vernon Lee. Tavistock: Northcote House, “Writers and their Works” series, 2010.

Kane, Mary Patricia. Spurious Ghosts: the Fantastic Tales of Vernon Lee. Rome: Carocci, 2004.

Laing, Kathryn, and Sinéad Mooney (eds.). Irish Women Writers at the Turn of the 20th Century: Alternative Histories, New NarrativesEER, 2020.

Laing, Kathryn, and Faith Binckes. Hannah Lynch (1859-1904): Irish Writer, Cosmopolitan, New Woman. Cork: Cork University Press, 2019.

Mamoli Zorzi, Rosella, Anne McCauly et al. Gondola Days: Isabella Stewart Gardner and the Palazzo Barbaro Circle. Gardner Museum, 2004.

McCormick, Lizzie, Mitchell, Jennifer and Rebecca Soares (eds.). The Female Fantastic: Gendering the Supernatural in the 1890s and 1920s. London & New York: Routledge, 2020.

Maxwell, Catherine. Scents and Sensibility: Perfume in Victorian Literary Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

Maxwell, Catherine and Patricia Pulham (eds). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006.

Maxwell, Catherine. Second Sight ; The Visionary Imagination in Late Victorian Literature. Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2009, 288 pp. Includes : “‘An aching pulse of melodies’: Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s poetic magnetism” ; “Walter Pater’s ‘strange veil of sight’” ; “Of Venus, vagueness, and vision: Vernon Lee, Eugene Lee-Hamilton, and ‘the spell of the fragment’” ; “Theodore Watts-Dunton’s Aylwin and the reduplications of Romanticism” ; “Thomas Hardy’s poetry: ‘the intenser stare of the mind’”.

O’Neill, Michael, Mark Sandy and Sarah Wootton (eds.). Venice and the Cultural Imagination: ‘This Strange Dream upon the Water’. Features “Vernon Lee’s Venice of the Imagination” by Patricia Pulham.

O'Young, James. A History of Western Philosophy of Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Pfister, Manfred and Barbara Schaff (eds.). Venetian Views, Venetian Blinds. English Fantasies of Venice. Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA, 1999, VI, 255 pp. Features “An Amazon in Venice: Vernon Lee’s “Lady Tal”” by Ina Schabert.

Pireddu, Nicoletta. Antropologi alla corte della bellezza : decadenza ed economia simbolica nell’Europa fin de siècle. Verona : Edizioni Fiorini, “Mneme”, 2002. 479 p.

Prins, Yopie. Victorian Sappho. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999.

Pritchard, Melissa. Palmerino. New York: The Bellevue Literary Press, 2014. 191 pp.

Pulham, Patricia. Art and the Transitional Object in Vernon Lee’s Supernatural Tales. Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008. 188 pp.

Pulham, Patricia, The Sculpural Body in Victorian Literature, Encrypted Sexualities, Edinburgh University Press, 2020. 240 pp.

Raitt, Suzanne and Trudi Tate. Women’s Fiction and the Great War. Clarendon Press , 1997. 304 pages. (1 chapter on V. Lee).

Rancy, Catherine. Fantastique et décadence en Angleterre, 1890-1914. CNRS/Centre Régional de Publication de Toulouse, 1982. [Voir chapitre V : “Etude d’un cas : Vernon Lee (1856-1935)” : pp. 142-57.]

Riddell, Fraser. Music and the Queer Body in English Literature at the Fin de Siècle. Cambridge University Press, 2022.

Rigg, Patricia. A. Mary F. Robinson: Victorian Poet and Modern Woman of Letters. 2021. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2021.

Samuels, Ernest. Bernard Berenson, the Making of a Connoisseur. Cambridge, Mass. & London: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1979.

Schmidt, Gunnar. Die Literarisierung des Unbewusten: Studien zu den phantastischen Erzählungen von Oliver Onions und Vernon Lee. New York: Peter Lang, 1984.

Schaffer, Talia. The Forgotten Female Aesthetes: Literary Culture in Late-Victorian England. London: University Press of Virginia, 2000.

Schaffer, Talia and Kathy Alexis Psomiades (eds.). Women and British Aestheticism. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2000.

Smith, Patricia Juliana. Lesbian Panic: Homoeroticism in Modern British Women’s Fiction. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.

Stratchey, Barbara. Remarkable Relations : The Story of the Pearsall-Smith Family. London: Victor Gollancz, 1980.

Tearle, Oliver. Bewilderments of Vision: Hallucination and Literature, 1880-1914. Brighton, UK: Sussex Academic Press, 2014. 

Tylee, Claire (ed.). Women, the First World War and the Dramatic Imagination. International Essays (1914-1999). Lewiston, New York and Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.

Vicinus, Martha (ed.). Suffer and Be Still: Women in the Victorian Age. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1972.

Vicinus, Martha. Intimate Friends : Women who Loved Women, 1778-1928. Chicago : Chicago University Press, 2004. [Includes a chapter on V. Lee, pp. 152-73].

Zorn, Christa. Vernon Lee: Aesthetics, History and the Victorian Female Intellectual. Ohio University Press, 2003. 256 pp.

b) Journal articles and book chapters

Acidini, Cristina. “Inglesi e giardini : la salvezza delle colline di Firenze”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 19-26.

Agnew, Lois. “Vernon Lee and the Victorian Aesthetic Movement: ‘Feminine Souls’ and Shifting Sites of Contest”. Nineteenth Century Prose 26: 2 (1999): 127-42.

Baldacchino, Rachel. “Otherness and the Essay in the Pacifist Work of Vernon Lee”, in The Essay at the Limits: Poetics, Politics and Form, ed. Mario Aquilina (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021) pp. 125-136.

Balestra, Gianfranca. “Vernon Lee e Edith Wharton : viaggiatrici nel tempo e Nello spazio”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 209-18.

Barrera-Medrano, Leire. “‘Dolls in Agony’: Vernon Lee in Southern Spain”Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens [Online], 83 Printemps | 2016, Online since 31 May 2016.

Beer, Gillian. “The Dissidence of Vernon Lee: Satan the Waster and ‘The Will to Believe’”. In Suzanne Raitt and Trudi Tate (eds.). Women’s Fiction and the Great War. Oxford: Clarendon, 1997. 107-31.

Bincks, Faith and Kathryn Laing, Hannah Lynch 1859-1904: Irish writer, cosmopolitan, New Woman, Cork University Press, 2019.

Bini, Benedetta. “Vernon Lee, Henry James e le regole del gioco”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 308-17.

Biron, Archille H. “Paget in Parays.” Colby Library Quarterly (June 1960): 123-27.

Bizzotto, Elisa. “Pater’s Reception in Italy: a General View”. In Stephen Bann (ed.). The Reception of Walter Pater in Europe. Athlone Press, 2004. (shows that Pater’s reception in Italy was launched by V. Lee).

Bizzotto, Elisa. Review of Nicoletta Pireddu, Antropologi all corte della bellezza. Decadenza ed economia simbolica nell Europa fin de siècle. Verona: Edizioni Fiorini, 2002. Tracce, december 2003.

Bizzotto, Elisa. “L’Olimpo mediterraneo di Vernon Lee tra Pater e Forster”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 362-75.

Blackburn-Daniels, Sally, 'Vernon Lee, Influenced and Influencer: Lee’s Aesthetic Philosophy, 1880–1914', in Lydia Moland, and Alison Laura Stone (eds), The Oxford Handbook of American and British Women Philosophers in the Nineteenth Century (online edn, Oxford Academic, 18 July 2023), https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197558898.013.15,

Blackburn-Daniels, Sally. and Sophie Geoffroy. “‘Traces of the Exotic’ in Vernon Lee’s ‘Oke of Okehurst; or, The Phantom Lover’”, Women's Writing, 28:4 (2021) 569-588.

Blackburn-Daniels, Sally. “A Theatrical Performance of Vernon Lee’s The Ballet of the Nations. SKENÈ Journal of Theatre and Drama Studies. Capelli, Piero (ed.). “Jewish Theatres”, Vol 6 No 2 (2020).

Blackburn-Daniels, Sally. ‘“Struggling with the tempter”: the Queer Archival Spaces of Vernon Lee, Mary Robinson, and Amy Levy’. Volupté: Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadence Studies, 3.1 (2020), 92–110. DOI: 10.25602/GOLD.v.v3i1.1405.g1519

Boni, Donatella. “Profetiche e polemiche parole d’amore : Vernon Lee scrive agli italiani di ieri e di oggi”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 242-54.

Bosnjak, Lana. "Diversity in Gender via Genre in Vernon Lee's Prince Alberic and the Snake Lady". April 8, 2019.

Bozant Witcher, Heather. Collaborative writing in the long nineteenth century: sympathetic partnerships and artistic creation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022).

Brake, Laurel. “Vernon Lee and the Pater Circle”. In Maxwell & Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006. 40-57.

Brake, Laurel. “Vernon Lee and the Pater Circle”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 161-85.

Briggs, Jo. “Plural Anomalies: Gender and Sexuality in Bio-Critical Readings of Vernon Lee”. Maxwell & Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 160-73.

Brilli, Attilio. “Gli dei in esilio e lo spirito del luogo”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 32-7.

Brockington, Grace. “Performing Pacifism: the Battle between Artist and Author in The Ballet of the Nations”. Maxwell & Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 143-159.

Brosch, Renate. “Verbalizing the Visual: Ekphrasis as a Commentary on Modes of Representation”. Emig, J., A. Lehmann and I. Maasen (eds.). Mediale Performanzen. Freiburg: Rombach, 2002.

Brown, Alison. “Vernon Lee, Brewster and the Berensons in the 1890s.” Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 125-41.

K. Bunting, Kirsty, (2016). ‘Feelings of Vivid Fellowship’: Vernon Lee and Clementina Anstruther-Thomson’s Quest for Collaborative ‘Aesthetic Sociability’. Forum For Modern Language Studies. 52(2), pp.203-217.

Caballero, Carlo. “’A Wicked Voice’: on Vernon Lee, Wagner, and the Effects of Music.” Victorian Studies. Indiana University Press, 35: 4 (Summer 1992): 385-408.

Cary, Richard. “Aldous Huxley, Vernon Lee and the Genius Loci.” Colby Literary Quaterly. June 1960.

Cenni, Serena. “‘The Rape of Life and Beauty’ : Ottilie, un’ambigua confessione”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 376-86.

Christensen, Peter. “The Burden of History in Vernon Lee’s Ghost Story ‘Amour Dure’.” Studies in the Humanities 16: 1 (1989), 33-43.

Christensen, Peter. “’A Wicked Voice’: V. Lee’s Artist Parable”. Lamar Journal of the Humanities 15: 2 (1989), 3-15.

Clute, John. “Vernon Lee”. Supernatural Fiction Writers: Fantasy and Horror. E.F. Bleiler (ed.). New York: Scribner, ca. 1985. 2 vol. pp. 329-44.

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Ormond, Leonée. “Framing the Painting: The Victorian ‘Picture Sonnet'”. Accessible online :

Ormond, Richard. “John Singer Sargent and Vernon Lee”. The Colby Library Quaterly(September 1970): 154-78.

Paolini, Claudio. “L’immagine della casa toscana nella Firenze di Vernon Lee : suggestioni e modelli”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 107-115.

Palacio, Jean de. “Y a-t-il une écriture féminine de la décadence?” Romantisme 13 (1983): 177-86.

Pantazzi, Sybille. “Enrico Nencioni, William Wetmore Story, and Vernon Lee.” English Miscellany. Rome: The British Council, no. 10 (1959): 249-60.

Pantazzi, Sybille. “Carlo Placci and Vernon Lee; Their Letters and Their Friends”. English Miscellany. Rome: The British Council, no. 12 (1961) : 97-122.

Parretti, Federica. "Il Palmerino, A Retreat for Arts and Studies in Florence". Associazione Culturale Il Palmerino. 15 Mai 2015.

Pireddu, Nicoletta. “Satan the Waster : Peace and the Gift”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 270-84.

Pireddu, Nicoletta. “Between Darwin and San Francesco: Zoographic Ambivalences in Mantegazza, Ouida, and Vernon Lee”. Gothic Studies, Special Issue “European and Italian Eco-Gothic in the Long 19th Century”, 16 (1), May 2014: 111-127.

Pireddu, Nicoletta. “Vernon Lee: Aesthetic Expenditure, noblesse oblige”. Marucci, F. and E. Sdegno (eds.) Athena’s shuttle.  Milano: Cisalpino, Istituto Editoriale Universitario, 2000): 175-194.

Plain, Gill. “The Shape of Things to Come: the Remarkable Modernity of Vernon Lee’s Satan the Waster (1915-1920)”. Claire Tylee (ed.). Women, the First World War and the Dramatic Imagination. International Essays (1914-1999). Lewiston, New York and Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000. 5-21.

Psomiades, Kathy Alexis. “‘Still Burning from this Strangling Embrace’: Vernon Lee on Desire and Aesthetics”. Richard Dellamora (ed.). Victorian Sexual Dissidence. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1999: 21-41.

Pulham, Patricia. “Vernon Lee: a Forgotten Voice”. The Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 5: 2 (Spring 1999), 51-62.

Pulham, Patricia. “The Castrato and the Cry in Vernon Lee’s Wicked Voices.” Victorian Literature and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. p. 421-37.

Pulham, Patricia. “A Transatlantic Alliance: Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Vernon Lee”.  Heilmann, Ann (ed.). Feminist Forerunners: (New) Womanism and Feminism in the Early Twentieth Century. London: Pandora Press, 2003, pp. 34-43.

Pulham, Patricia. “’I found for you a scarlet blossom rare’: Reconsidering the Friendship of Amy Levy and Vernon Lee”. Conference Proceedings of Amy Levy: a Colloquium. University of Southampton, Sept. 2002. Forthcoming 2004.

Pulham, Patricia. “Duality and Desire in Louis Norbert”. Maxwell, C. and P. Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 123-42.

Reader, Simon. Notework: Victorian Literature and Nonlinear Style (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2021).

Rigg, Patricia. “Eugene Lee-Hamilton’s Sonnets of the Wingless Hours: Baudelaire, Neurasthenia, and Poetic Recovery.” Victorian Studies 63.4 (2021): 491-513.

Robbins, Ruth. “Vernon Lee : Decadent Woman”. Fin de siècle/Fin du Globe : Fears and Fantasies of the Late Nineteenth Century. Stokes, John (ed.). New York : St Martin’s, 1992.

Rockhill, Jim. “Cruel Love, Cruel Death : Vernon Lee’s ‘Amour Dure’”. Accessible online :

Rockhill, Jim. “Vernon Lee’s ‘Sister Benvenuta & the Christ Child’ : A Commentary”. Accessible online :

Rockhill, Jim. “Vernon Lee’s ‘A Phantom Lover’.” 2000. Accessible online :

Sasso, Eleonora. “Vernon Lee e la messinscena della folia”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 344-55.

Saunier Philippe. “Préraphaélisme et Esthétisme en France : vingt ans d'effusion lyrique (1880-1900)”. Histoires littéraires, 2007, n° 29, p. 9-152.

Schabert, Ina. “An Amazon in Venice: Vernon Lee’s ‘Lady Tal'”. Pfister, Manfred and Barbara Schaff (eds.). Venetian Views, Venetian Blinds. English Fantasies of Venice. Amsterdam & Atlanta, GA, 1999.

Schaffer, Talia. “Fashioning Aestheticism by Aestheticizing Fashion : Wilde, Beerbohm, and the Male Aesthetes’ Sartorial Codes”. Victorian Literature and Culture (2000), 28: 39-54. Cambridge University Press.

Seed, David. “Introduction”. The Handling of Words and Other Studies in Literary Psychology, by Vernon Lee. Lampeter: Edwin Mellen, 1992. i-xxx.

Severi, Rita. “Vernon Lee and Mantua”. Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies 5 (1998), 179-200.

Severi, Rita. “Vernon Lee a Bologna: la scrittrice ricorda I suoi viaggi”. Il Carrobbio (2002) 217-26.

Severi, Rita. “Vernon Lee through the Enchanted Woods of Travel Writing”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 219-27.

Sieberg, Herward. “Vernon Lee’s German Connections and Her Friendship with Irene Forbes-Mosse”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 285-307.

Small, Ian. “Vernon Lee, Association and ‘Impressionist Criticism’ ». The British Journal of Aesthetics 17: 2 (Spring 1977): 178-84.

Stableford, Brian. “Haunted by the Pagan Past: an Introduction to Vernon Lee.” 2001. Accessible online :

Stavropoulos, Rea. "A Drama for our Times: The Ballet of the Nations. Vernon Lee's dance drama performed for the first time at Villa Il Palmerino". The Florentine, 29 May 2019.

Stephenson, Andrew. “‘A keen sight for the sign of the races’: John Singer Sargent, Whiteness and the Fashioning of Angloperformativity”. Visual Culture in Britain. Manchester University Press. Volume 6, Number 2, Winter 2005, pp. 207-25 (19).

Stetz, Margaret. “The Snake Lady and the Bruised Bodley Head : Vernon Lee and Oscar Wilde in The Yellow Book ». Maxwell, C. and P. Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 112-22.

Tintner, Adeline R. “Fiction is the Best Revenge: Portraits of Henry James by Four Women Writers”. Turn of the Century Women 2:2 Winter (1985), pp. 42-9.

Tobin, Claudia. “Inhaling Colour: Vernon Lee and the Chromatic Body”, Studies in Walter Pater and Aestheticism, 6 (Autumn 2021), 107-136.

Towheed, Shafquat. “The Creative Evolution of Scientific Paradigms: Vernon Lee and the Debate over the Hereditary Transmission of Acquired Characters”. Victorian Studies 49:1 (Autumn 2006), 33-61.

Towheed, Shafquat. “Determining “Fluctuating Opinions”: Vernon Lee, Popular Fiction, and Theories of Reading.” Nineteenth-Century Literature 60:2 (September 2005), 199-236.

Towheed, Shafquat. “The Science of Musical Memory: Vernon Lee and the Remembrance of Sounds Past”. Phyllis Weliver & Katharine Ellis (eds.). Words and Notes in the Long Nineteenth Century. Boydell & Brewer, 2013. 272 pp.

Townley, Sarah. “Vernon Lee and Elitism: Redefining British Aestheticism”. English Literature in Transition. 54:4. 2011 (Forthcoming).

Valentine C. "On Vernon Lee's Walter Pater and Translating the Victorians." Victorian Literature and Culture. 2023;51(2):293-305. doi:10.1017/S1060150322000237

Valentine, Colton. "Vernon Lee, Queer Relations, and a New Guard of Victorianist Multilingualism." Victorian Studies 64, no. 1 (2021): 62-87. https://doi.org/10.2979/victorianstudies.64.1.03.

Ventrella, Francesco. “Beyond the Gallery Handbook: Vernon Lee, Mary Berenson and Constance Jocelyn Foulkes,” Gendering Museum Histories Conference, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, September 8, 2016.

Ventralla, Francesco, “Encountering the Niobe’s Children: Vernon Lee’s Queer Formalism and the Empathy of Sculpture”. In Funke, Jana and Jen Grove (eds.), Sculpture, Sexuality and History: Encounters in Literature, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2019, pp. 195-220.

Vicinus, Martha. “The Adolescent Boy: Fin de Siècle Femme Fatale?” Journal of the History of Homosexuality 5 (1994), 90-114. Rpt. in Dellamora, Richard (ed.). Victorian Sexual Decadence. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1999, pp. 83-106.

Vicinus, Martha. “‘A Legion of Ghosts’ : Vernon Lee (1856-1935) and the Art of Nostalgia”. GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 10/4 (2004) : 599-616.

Volpi, Alessandro. “Vernon Lee e alcuni amici fiorentini : riflessioni sul Rinascimento e sull’Italia”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 53-81.

Weber, Carl J. “Henry James and His Tiger-Cat”. PMLA, 68 (September 1953): 672-87.

Weber, Carl J. “An Interim Bibliography of Vernon Lee”. Colby Library Quarterly(November 1952): 133-34.

Weber, Carl J. “Letters from Gosse and Benson.” Colby Library Quarterly (November 1952): 134-36.

Weber, Carl J. “A List of Those Who Wrote Letters to Vernon Lee.” Colby Library Quarterly (November 1952): 127-29.

Weber, Carl J. “Mr. Wells and Vernon Lee.” Colby Library Quarterly (November 1952): 129-33.

Weber, Carl J. “Correspondence. Mr. Wells and ‘Vernon Lee.”‘ Nation (New York) 99 (October 22, 1914): 495.

Wellek, René. “Vernon Lee, Bernard Berenson, and Aesthetics”. Discriminations: Further Concepts of Criticism. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1970.

Wiley, Catherine Anne. “’Warming me like a Cordial’: the Ethos of the Body in Vernon Lee’s Aesthetics”. Maxwell, C. and P. Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 58-74.

Winick, Mimi. “The Sophisticated Amateur: Vernon Lee versus the Vital Liars”, in The Critic as Amateur (Bloomsbury academic, 2020), pp. 151-178.

Zorn, Christa. “Aesthetic Intertextuality as Cultural Critique: Vernon Lee Rewrites History Through Walter Pater’s ‘La Gioconda’”. The Victorian Newsletter 91 (Spring 1997), 4-11.

Zorn, Christa. “The Handling of Words: Reader-Response Victorian Style”. Maxwell, C. and P. Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 174-92.

Zorn, Christa. “The Cosmopolitan Intellectual During World War I”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 255-69.

Compte-rendus de lecture

“Aestheticism in Lee”. Review of Schaffer, Talia and Kathy Alexis Psomiades (eds.). Women and British Aestheticism. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1999. pp. x+304.

Bilston, Sarah. “Vernon Lee’s Reputation”. English Literature in Transition 1880-1920. ELT Press. 22 March 2005. Review of Zorn, Christa. Vernon Lee: Aesthetics, History, and the Victorian Female Intellectual. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2003. xxxi + 281 pp.

Dellamora, Richard. “Vernon Lee’s Moment”. Review of Zorn, Christa. Vernon Lee: Aesthetics, History, and the Victorian Female Intellectual. In Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies. Issue 2.2 (Summer 2006).

Evangelista, Stefano. Review of Pulham, Patricia. 2008. Art and the Transitional Object in Vernon Lee’s Supernatural Tales. Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate.188 pp. In Melmoth, supplement to The Oscholars. N° 2. November 2008.

Kandola, Sondeep. 2010. “Art and the Transitional Object in Vernon Lee’s Supernatural Tales by Patricia Pulham”. English Literature in Transition 1880-1920, 53 :233-237.

Lappin, Linda. “The Ardent Pen of Vernon Lee”. The Kenyon Review, 22 June 2005. Review of Colby, Vineta. Vernon Lee: A Literary Biography. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2003. 432 pp.

Maier, Pauline. “A World of Women”The New York Times. December 12, 1982. Review of Barbara Strachey. Remarkable Relations ; The Story of the Pearsall-Smith Women. New York: Universe Books, 1982. 351 pp.

Moran, Maureen, review of Maxwell and Pulham (eds). Vernon Lee, in English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 51:3. London: John Hopkins University Press, 2008, pp. 320-3.

Schaffer, Talia. Review of Jordan Jane and Andrew King (eds.). Ouida and Victorian Popular Culture. Romanticism on the Net, Issue #65, 2014-2015.

Wright, Sarah Bird. Review of Wharton, Edith. Italian Backgrounds. Accessible online : http://www.wsu.edu/~campbelld/wharton/disc/id20.htm

Doctorate Dissertations

Barrera-Medrano, Leire. The correspondence of Vernon Lee and José Fernández Giménez (1832-1903). Birkbeck College, University of London. Supervised by Ana Parejo Vadillo.

Bizzotto, Elisa. Il ritratto immaginario fin de siècle: studio della short story decadente.  (see “I discepoli pateriani: I portraits storico-mitologici di Vernon Lee e Oscar Wilde”). PhD Thesis, University of Florence, 2001.

Blackburn-Daniels, Sally. ‘The Scholar’s Copy Book’ and the ‘Blotting-Book Mind’: Stratigraphic Approaches to Interdisciplinary Reading and Writing in the Work of Vernon Lee. PhD Thesis. University of Liverpool. August 2018.

Brockington, Grace. “Above the Battle”: Art for Art’s Sake and Pacifism during the First World War. University of Oxford, Sept. 2003. (A chapter on Lee entitled: “Performing Pacifism”).

Gagel, Amanda. Selected Letters of Vernon Lee (1856-1935). PhD Dissertation. Boston University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. 2008.

Garcia, Raymond III. Revelations from Vernon Lee’s “Life-Poem”: Subverting  Decadence and Embracing Individuality in Miss Brown.  Texas A & M University, Kingsville. 2010.

Kandola, Sonny. The “Aesthetic-Gothic”: Liberalism, Nationalism and Social Reform in Gothic Writings, 1700-1900. University of London, 2003. A chapter on Lee (ch. 5) entitled: “An Impressionist Supernaturalism—the work of Vernon Lee”.

Mahoney, Kristin. Aestheticist Renaissances: Economics, Aesthetics, and the Transition to Modernism. University of Notre Dame (to be submitted 2005). A chapter on Lee entitled: “Haunted Collections: Late-Victorian Theories of Ethical Consumption.”

Pulham, Patricia. Grown-Up Toys: Aesthetic Forms and Transitional Objects in Vernon Lee’s Supernatural Tales. University of London, 2001.

Thue-Tun, Marie Carmen. Vernon Lee (Violet Paget, 1856-1935), une odyssée scripturale entre romantisme et modernité. University of La Réunion, Nov. 2010.

Wiley, Catherine. “Amphibious Creatures”: Essayism and Transformative Play in Walter Pater, Vernon Lee, and John Addington Symonds. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 2001.

Zorn, Christa (as Christa Zorn-Belde). Vernon Lee: Aesthetics, History and the Female Subject in the Nineteenth Century. University of Florida, 1994.

Master dissertations

Anrifani, Aminati. The Struggle against Patriarchy in “Amour dure” by Vernon Lee Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2018.

Boyer, Nathalie. “Gender Roles and Class Relations in Miss Brown by Vernon Lee”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2003.

Cerveaux, Clara. “’The Snake Lady’ by Vernon Lee and the Roman de Mélusine by Jean d’Arras: a Comparative Study”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion.

Ethève, Elodie. “Vernon Lee’s Letters : a New Woman in the Making ?” Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, Sept. 2011.

Figur, David. A Translation and Critical Analysis of “The Legend of Madame Krasinska” by Vernon Lee”, Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2018.

Grondin, Patricia. “Les Dieux et Ritter Tanhüser. Traduction et commentaire littéraire de ‘The Gods and Ritter Tanhûser’ (1927) de Vernon Lee”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 1998.

Guerdin, Stéphanie. “Time and Art in Vernon Lee’s ‘’Prince Alberic and the Snake Lady’ and ‘The Virgin of the Seven Daggers’.” Dir. Sophie (Geoffroy-)Menoux. University of La Réunion, 2001.

Hoareau, Audrey. A Critical Analysis of the Translation of Vernon Lee’s Miss Brown (1884) by Robert de Cerisy (Marguerite Paris), Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy, University of La Réunion, 2018.

Hortense, Julie. A Translation and Critical Analysis of “Amour dure” by Vernon Lee Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2018.

Laude, Sophie. “The Vernon Lee Letters at McGill University”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, Sept. 2011.

Philogène, Nicolas. Vernon Lee, H.G. Wells and Capitalism: V. Lee as a Reader of The Shape of Things to Come (1933) by H. G. Wells, Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2016.

Thue-Tun, Carmen. “Mythes, pouvoir et images de la femme dans Miss Brown (1884) de Vernon Lee”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2005.

Torpos, Marie-Aude. “’Lady Tal’ by Vernon Lee and ‘Miss Grief’ by Constance Fenimore Wolson: a Comparative Study”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion.

Melchior, Wynella. Translation and Commentary of Satan the Waster by Vernon Lee, Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2015.

Work in Progress

Dalleau, Cécilia. Les inédits de Vernon Lee, 1914-1919 : carnets et écrits. Traduction et édition critique. PhD. Université de La Réunion. Research supervisor: Sophie Geoffroy.

Townley, Sarah. Redefining British Aestheticism: Literary Value, Elitism and Readerships, 1865-1928. Summer 2011. Sarah Townley’s doctoral research aims to expand traditional accounts of the evolution of British Aestheticism to encompass a more complex understanding of its theorization of its elite readerships. She focuses on the works of Matthew Arnold, Walter Pater, Henry James, Vernon Lee (Violet Paget) and Rebecca West. Research Supervisors: Josephine Guy, David James.

Ventrella Francesco. Visitations; Vernon Lee, Art History and Psychological Aesthetics. 2015.

Research ressources

The British Institute of Florence. The Vernon Lee Library.
“After her death in 1935, some 350 books from Vernon Lee’s Library at the Villa ‘Il Palmerino’ were presented to the British Institute of Florence by her friend and executrix, Irene Cooper Willis. These reflect the wide range of Vernon Lee’s interests. ‘The width of her reading in scientific subjects,’ writes her biographer Peter Gunn, ‘and more particularly in the social sciences, is quite astonishing.’ Many of the books bear the dates of reading and re-reading, and are copiously annotated.
All the items in this collection can be found in the online catalogue, either by the classmark (prefixed by ‘VL’) or by the subject heading of ‘Lee, Vernon – former owner’.” (Home page presentation)
To consult the online catalogue:
http://www.britishinstitute.it/ita/vernonlee.html  (Il Fondo Vernon Lee in Italian)
For more information, e –mail the library at library@britishinstitute.it

The Vernon Lee Archive, Miller Library at Colby College, ME, USA
Colby College
4000 Mayflower Hill
Waterville, ME 04901-8840
P: 207-872-3000

Archival material relating to Vernon Lee listed at the UK National Register of Archives

The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, especially the Berenson Archive, Villa I Tatti, Fiesole at http://itatti.harvard.edu/

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Florence – http://www.bncf.firenze.sbn.it/

Biblioteca Marucelliana (Florence), especially Carteggio Placci (correspondence between Carlo Placci and Vernon Lee).

The British Library, London, UK

Mc Gill University, Montreal, Quebec

Les manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Victor Cousin, Paris

At the Circulating Library, A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Victorian Fiction Research Guides 

Reading Experience Database

The Yellow Nineties Online

and The Yellow Nineties beta database :


1 – Vernon Lee’s Texts Online

Vernon Lee’s texts can be found online, thanks to  Victorian Women Writers Project (Indiana University). For instance :

Miss Brown. London: 1884. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. November 1997: Miss Brown I; 
Miss Brown II;
Miss Brown III.

Gospels of Anarchy and Other Contemporary Studies. London: 1908. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. November 1997. 

Hauntings. London: Heinemann, 1890. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. August 1998.

Limbo and Other Essays. London: Grant Richards, 1897. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. August 1998.

Vanitas, Polite Stories. London: Heinemann, 1892. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. September 1998.

Books by Vernon Lee sur Gutenberg

In Praise of Old Gardens

Anstruther-Thomson, Clementina and Vernon Lee. Art and Man. London: John Lane, "The Bodley Head", 1924.

Vernon Lee on Sargent

2. Website and blog dedicated to Vernon Lee and her circle

The Sibyl, A Journal of Vernon Lee Studies

The Sibyl.org

3. Online Journals dedicated to Vernon Lee and her era

19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century

Verse and Music, Transgression

"Ein Zimmer für sich allein", Frauen in Virgina Woolf's Hogarth Press 1917-1941.

The Latchkey, Journal of New Woman Studies


Romanticism on the Net

BRANCH: Britain, representation, and Nineteenth-Century History

Volupté, Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadence Studies

The Victoran Web

Irish Women’s Writing Network


4 – Papers (conferences, seminars, symposia)

Barrera-Medrano, Leire. ‘In remembrance of the Spanish Legends he was wont to tell me’: Vernon Lee’s Decadent Recovery of Romantic Spain. 14 June 2013.

Mannocchi, Phyllis F. “The Development of Vernon Lee’s Politics”. Paper read at the Vernon lee Conference in Florence, Violet del Palmerino, 27-28 sept. 2012.

Way, Peter. “Color and Copper: Mary Cassatt and Vernon Lee”. http://colorandcopper.blogspot.fr

Other ressources


Vimeo channel: Vernon Lee Online

41 videos to this date: complete list.


"John Singer Sargent, Study of Vernon Lee", Old Dirty Masters, June 30, 2020


Livres audio de Vernon Lee sur LibriVox



Theatre plays (performances)

Ariadne in Mantua, sur le site du Great War Theatre

The Ballet of the Nations. Choreography: Angeliki Papoulia. Mise en scène: Angeliki Papoulia et Federica Parretti. Scientific adviser: Sally Blackburn-Daniels. Villa Il Palmerino, Florence. 31 May-1 June 2019. Production: Associazione Culturale Il Palmerino, 2019.

The Ballet of the Nations. Impermanence Dance Theatre. Written & Directed by: Roseanna Anderson & Joshua Ben-Tovim. Scientific adviser: Grace Brockington. 2018.

Community of Vernon Lee scholars and students

International Vernon Lee Society (IVLS)

BAVS (British Association of Victorian Studies)

BADS (British Association of Decadence Studies)

North American Victorian Studies Associations

SAGEF (Société des Anglicistes sur les Femmes, le Sexe et le Genre)

SFEVE (Société Française des Etudes Victoriennes et Edouardiennes)

Associazione Culturale Il Palmerino

El espiritu de Roma: Fragmentos de un diario. Trad. and ed. Amparo Serrano de Haro, La Linea del Horizonte, Cuadernos de Horizonte, 2019.

Els déus i el cavaller Tanhûser. Trad. catalàn Roser Berdagué Laertes editorial, Coleccio L'Arcà, 1996.

El fantasma enamorat. Trad. catalàn. Laertes editorial, 1987.

2 – Adaptations

Farinelli. Film by Gérard Corbiau, with Stefano Dionisi, 1994. Probably based on Lee’s “Wicked Voice” stories.

3 – Collections modernes et anthologies

Bloom, Clive, and Clive Bloom. The Palgrave Handbook of Steam Age Gothic. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.

Clute, John. “Vernon Lee.” Supernatural Fiction Writers. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1985. 329-35.

Cox, Michael, and R. A. Gilbert. The Oxford Book of English Ghost Stories. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.

Harris-Fain, D. (ed.). British Fantasy and Science-Fiction Writers before World War I [Gale Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 178 ]. Detroit: Gale Research, 1997.

The Snake Lady, and Other Stories. New York: Grove Press, 1954. Republished, with somewhat different contents, as Supernatural Tales: Excursions into Fantasy. London: Peter Owen, 1955. This British edition was republished as The Virgin of the Seven Daggers. London: Transworld, 1962.

Pope Jacynth, and More Supernatural Tales. London: Peter Owen, 1956.

Ravenna and her Ghosts. London: Transworld, 1962.

Aesthetes and Decadents of the 1890’s: An Anthology of British Prose and Poetry. Beckson, Karl, ed. New York: Vintage, 1966.

Ravenna e i suoi fantasmi : un racconto dimenticato di Vernon Lee e note sull’immagine e l’immaginario di una città. A cura di Eraldo Baldini e Sara Trevisan ; testi di Eraldo Baldini … [et al.]. Ravenna : Longo, 2005.

Possessioni. Palermo: Sellerio editore, 1982. Translation into Italian; notes and a post face “Gli enigmi della duchessa” by Attilio Brilli. Contents: "Amour Dure"; "A Wicked Voice"; "The Doll").

Il sangue e la rosa : storie di vampiri by Vernon Lee ("Marsyas in Flanders"), Horacio Quiroga, Bram Stoker e altri. A cura di Claudio De Nardi. Trento : Reverdito, 1988.

The Snake Lady and Other Stories, edited with an introduction by Horace Gregory, New York: Grove Press, 1954.

Supernatural Tales: Excursions into Fantasy. With an introduction by Irene Cooper Willis, London: P. Owen, 1955; rpt. 1987.

Showalter, Elaine (ed.). Daughters of Decadence: Women Writers of the Fin-de-siècle. London: Virago, 1993.

Pulham, Patricia & Catherine Maxwell (eds.). Vernon Lee : Hauntings and Other Fantastic Tales. Broadview Press, 2005.

The Virgin of the Seven Daggers – And Other Chilling Tales of Mystery and Imagination (1962)

A Vernon Lee Anthology. Selections from the Earlier Works Made by Irene Cooper Willis. USA : Ardley Press, 2007. 224 pp.

In the Yule-Log Glow. Book 2. Illustrated edition. Ngims publishing, 2010. Contents include "A Picture of the Nativity by Fra Filippo Lippi" by Vernon Lee.

Yuen, Karen (ed.) Vernon Lee, Miss Brown (1884). In New Woman Fiction, 1881–1899. General Editor: de la L. Oulton, Carolyn W. Volume Editors: Brenda Ayres, Karen Yuen and Alexandra Warwick (Part I); Adrienne E Gavin, SueAnn Schatz and Vybarr Cregan-Reid (Part II); Andrew King, Paul March-Russell and Carolyn W de la L Oulton (Part III)
Part I: Volumes 1-3: 1136 pp., 2010
Part II: Volumes 4-6: 816 pp., 2010
Part III: Volumes 7-9: c. 1200 pp., 2011.

Luckhurst, Roger. Late Victorian Gothic Tales. Reprinted with corrections 2015. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.

4 – Réception contemporaine & critiques de Vernon Lee

Beaunis, H. "Vernon Lee, Psychologie d’un écrivain sur l’art (Observation personnelle)". In L’année psychologique. 1903 vol. 10. pp. 487-92.

Beaunis H., Binet Alfred, Bourdon B., Foucault Marcel, Larguier des Bancels J. "Vernon Lee, Essais d’esthétique empirique". In L’année psychologique. 1905 vol. 12. pp. 664-66.

Cartwright, Julia. A Bright Remembrance: the Diaries of Julia Cartwright, 1851-1924. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1989.

Cooper Willis, Irene. “Biographical Essay on Vernon Lee (unpublished)”. Vernon Lee Collection, Colby Library.

Duclaux, A. Mary F. Robinson. “In Casa Paget, A Retrospect. In Memoriam Eugène Lee-Hamilton”. Country Life (28 December 1907): 935-7.

France, Anatole. Le lys rouge. Paris : Calmann Lévy, 1894. (Refers to Vernon Lee).

Hennequin, Emile. Quelques écrivains français; Flaubert, Zola, Hugo, Goncourt, Huysmans… Paris : Perrin, 1890.

Janet, Pierre. De l’angoisse à l’extase. Études sur les croyances et les sentiments. Un délire religieux. La croyance. Tome I, Troisième partie : "Les troubles intellectuels dans le délire religieux". Paris : Librairie Félix Alcan, 1926. Rpt. Paris: la Société Pierre Janet et le Laboratoire de psychologie pathologique de la Sorbonne avec le concours du CNRS, 1975, 432 pp. Janet cite Vernon Lee, Vital Lies.

MacCarthy, Desmond. “Out of the Limelight (Vernon Lee).” Humanities. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1951.

MacCarthy, Desmond. Articles on Vernon Lee in The New Statesman. July 3, 1920; Feb. 10, 1923; March 28, 1925.

Monkhouse, Cosmo. "Miss Brown"The Academy n° 3 (January 1885), pp. 6-7.

Pater, Walter. “Vernon Lee’s Juvenilia”. Pall Mall Gazette (5 August 1887): 5.

Preston, Harriet Waters. “Vernon Lee”. The Atlantic Monthly 55 (February 1885): 219-27.

Sharp, William. 1903. "Eugene Lee-Hamilton". Selected Writings, Vol. 3, William Sharp. 321-348.

Shaw, George Bernard.  "A Political Contrast", Nation, 18 September 1920, pp. 758–60 (p. 760).

Smyth, Ethel. What Happened Next. London: Longmans, Green, 1940.

Waterlow, Sydney. "A Review of The Beautiful by Vernon Lee". The International Journal of Ethics, vol. 24, N°. 4 (July 1914), pp. 459-63.

5 – Critical studies and monographs on Vernon Lee, her circle and her times

a) Books

Adelson, Warren and Richard Ormond. Sargent’s Venice. Yale University Press, 2006. 224 p.

Ardel Haefele-Thomas. Queer others in Victorian Gothic. Cardiff : University of Wales press, 2012.

Bizzotto, Elisa. La mano e l’anima: il ritratto immaginario fin de siècle. Milan: Cisalpino, 2001. 128 pp.

Bozant Witcher, Heather. Collaborative writing in the long nineteenth century: sympathetic partnerships and artistic creation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022).

Bräm, Emil Max. Die italienische Renaissance in dem englischen Geistesleben des 19. Jahrhunderdts im besondern bei John Ruskin, John Addington Symonds und Vernon Lee. Brugg: Buchdr. Effingerhof A.-G., 1932.

Cenni, Serena and Elisa Bizzotto, eds. Dalla stanza accanto: Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. (articles from the Vernon Lee Conference in Florence, 2005).

Cenni, Serena, Elisa Bizzotto and Sophie Geoffroy (eds.). Violet del Palmerino; Aspetti della cultura cosmopolita nel salotto di Vernon Lee, 1889-1935. Proceedings of the International Conference of Florence, Sept. 2012. Florence: Consiglio Regionale de Toscana, 2014.

Colby, Vineta. The Singular Anomaly: Women Novelists of the Nineteenth Century. New York: New York University Press, 1970. [See “The Puritan Aesthete: Vernon Lee.” pp. 235-304].

Colby, Vineta. Vernon Lee : A Literary Biography. Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press, Victorian Lit. & Culture Series, 2003.

Dellamora, Richard (ed.). Victorian Sexual Dissidence. Chicago & London : University of Chicago Press, 1999.

Delyfer, Catherine and Bénédicte Coste (eds.). British Aestheticisms. Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens. Montpellier : Presses Universitaires de Montpellier.

Demoor, Marysa (ed.). Marketing the Author: Authorial Personae, Narrative Selves and Self-Fashioning, 1880-1930. Houndmills, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Denisoff, Dennis. Aestheticism and Sexual Parody: 1840-1940. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Denisoff, Dennis. Sexual Visuality from Literature to Film, 1850-1950. London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2004.

Denisoff, Dennis. Decadent ecology in British literature and art, 1860-1910: decay, desire, and the pagan revival. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.

Desmarais, Jane (ed.). Volupté, Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadent Studies. Volume 5, Issue 2 (Winter 2022), "Vernon Lee".

Dowling, Linda. Aestheticism and Decadence: A Selected Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland Publishing, 1977.

Ehnenn, Jill. Women’s Literary Collaboration, Queerness and Late-Victorian Culture. Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008. (Includes a section on Lee’s work with Kit ; also mentions many of her other essays (like “On Writers and Readers”, etc.).

Fraser, Hilary. The Victorians and Renaissance Italy. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992. [Voir l’analyse de V. Lee, Euphorion : being Studies of the Antique and the Mediaeval in the Renaissance, 1884 et de V. Lee, Renaissance Fancies and Studies : being a Sequel to Euphorion, 1895].

Gardner, Burdett. The Lesbian Imagination (Victorian Style); A Psychological and Critical Study of ‘Vernon Lee’. New York and London: Garland, 1987.

 Gavin, Andrienne E. and Carolyn W. de la L. Oulton ; [foreword], Linda H. Peterson (eds.). Writing Women of the fin de siècle: Authors of Change. Houndsmills ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012

Geoffroy, Sophie (ed.). Women and Political Theory: Vernon Lee and her Radical Circle. Proceedings of the International Conference "Les femmes et la pensée politique : Vernon Lee et les cercles radicaux", Paris, 2013. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.

Ghosh, Oindrila (ed.). Vision, Contestation and Deception; Interrogating Gender and the Supernatural in Victorian Shorter Fiction. Memari, Burdwan (India): Avenel Press, 2021.

Gobbi, Grazia. The Florentine Villa: Architecture, History, Society. 2007. 223 pp. Refers to Vernon Lee’s villa at Maiano.

Grimes, Hilary. The Late Victorian Gothic : Mental Science, the Uncanny, and Scenes of Writing. Farnham, Surrey : Ashgate, 2011.

Gunn, Peter. Vernon Lee, Violet Paget, 1856-1935. London: Oxford University Press, 1964.

Heilmann, Ann (ed.). Feminist Forerunners: (New) Womanism and Feminism in the Early Twentieth Century. London: Pandora Press, 2003.

Kandola, Sondeep. Vernon Lee. Tavistock: Northcote House, “Writers and their Works” series, 2010.

Kane, Mary Patricia. Spurious Ghosts: the Fantastic Tales of Vernon Lee. Rome: Carocci, 2004.

Laing, Kathryn, and Sinéad Mooney (eds.). Irish Women Writers at the Turn of the 20th Century: Alternative Histories, New NarrativesEER, 2020. 

Laing, Kathryn, and Faith Binckes. Hannah Lynch (1859-1904): Irish Writer, Cosmopolitan, New Woman. Cork: Cork University Press, 2019. 

Liggins, Emma. The Haunted House in Women's Ghost Stories: Gender, Space and Modernity, 1850-1945. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.

Mahoney, Kristin Mary. Literature and the Politics of Post-Victorian Decadence. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

Mamoli Zorzi, Rosella, Anne McCauly et al. Gondola Days: Isabella Stewart Gardner and the Palazzo Barbaro Circle. Gardner Museum, 2004.

McCormick, Lizzie, Mitchell, Jennifer and Rebecca Soares (eds.). The Female Fantastic: Gendering the Supernatural in the 1890s and 1920s. London & New York: Routledge, 2020.

Maxwell, Catherine. Scents and Sensibility: Perfume in Victorian Literary Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

Maxwell, Catherine and Patricia Pulham (eds). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006.

Maxwell, Catherine. Second Sight ; The Visionary Imagination in Late Victorian Literature. Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2009, 288 pp. Includes : “‘An aching pulse of melodies’: Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s poetic magnetism” ; “Walter Pater’s ‘strange veil of sight’” ; “Of Venus, vagueness, and vision: Vernon Lee, Eugene Lee-Hamilton, and ‘the spell of the fragment’” ; “Theodore Watts-Dunton’s Aylwin and the reduplications of Romanticism” ; “Thomas Hardy’s poetry: ‘the intenser stare of the mind’”.

O’Neill, Michael, Mark Sandy and Sarah Wootton (eds.). Venice and the Cultural Imagination: ‘This Strange Dream upon the Water’. Features “Vernon Lee’s Venice of the Imagination” by Patricia Pulham.

Pfister, Manfred and Barbara Schaff (eds.). Venetian Views, Venetian Blinds. English Fantasies of Venice. Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA, 1999, VI, 255 pp. Features “An Amazon in Venice: Vernon Lee’s “Lady Tal”” by Ina Schabert.

Pireddu, Nicoletta. Antropologi alla corte della bellezza : decadenza ed economia simbolica nell’Europa fin de siècle. Verona : Edizioni Fiorini, “Mneme”, 2002. 479 p.

Prins, Yopie. Victorian Sappho. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999.

Pritchard, Melissa. Palmerino. New York: The Bellevue Literary Press, 2014. 191 pp.

Pulham, Patricia. Art and the Transitional Object in Vernon Lee’s Supernatural Tales. Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008. 188 pp.

Pulham, Patricia, The Sculpural Body in Victorian Literature, Encrypted Sexualities, Edinburgh University Press, 2020. 240 pp.

Raitt, Suzanne and Trudi Tate. Women’s Fiction and the Great War. Clarendon Press , 1997. 304 pages. (1 chapter on V. Lee).

Rancy, Catherine. Fantastique et décadence en Angleterre, 1890-1914. CNRS/Centre Régional de Publication de Toulouse, 1982. [Voir chapitre V : “Etude d’un cas : Vernon Lee (1856-1935)” : pp. 142-57.]

Riddell, Fraser. Music and the Queer Body in English Literature at the Fin de Siècle. Cambridge University Press, 2022.

Reader, Simon. Notework: Victorian Literature and Nonlinear Style. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2021.

Rigg, Patricia. A. Mary F. Robinson: Victorian Poet and Modern Woman of Letters. 2021. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2021.

Samuels, Ernest. Bernard Berenson, the Making of a Connoisseur. Cambridge, Mass. & London: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1979.

Schmidt, Gunnar. Die Literarisierung des Unbewusten: Studien zu den phantastischen Erzählungen von Oliver Onions und Vernon Lee. New York: Peter Lang, 1984.

Schaffer, Talia. The Forgotten Female Aesthetes: Literary Culture in Late-Victorian England. London: University Press of Virginia, 2000.

Schaffer, Talia and Kathy Alexis Psomiades (eds.). Women and British Aestheticism. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2000.

Smith, Patricia Juliana. Lesbian Panic: Homoeroticism in Modern British Women’s Fiction. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.

Stratchey, Barbara. Remarkable Relations : The Story of the Pearsall-Smith Family. London: Victor Gollancz, 1980.

Tearle, Oliver. Bewilderments of Vision: Hallucination and Literature, 1880-1914. Brighton, UK: Sussex Academic Press, 2014. 

Tylee, Claire (ed.). Women, the First World War and the Dramatic Imagination. International Essays (1914-1999). Lewiston, New York and Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.

Vicinus, Martha (ed.). Suffer and Be Still: Women in the Victorian Age. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1972.

Vicinus, Martha. Intimate Friends : Women who Loved Women, 1778-1928. Chicago : Chicago University Press, 2004. [Includes a chapter on V. Lee, pp. 152-73].

Zorn, Christa. Vernon Lee: Aesthetics, History and the Victorian Female Intellectual. Ohio University Press, 2003. 256 pp.

b) Journal articles and book chapters

Acidini, Cristina. “Inglesi e giardini : la salvezza delle colline di Firenze”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 19-26.

Agnew, Lois. “Vernon Lee and the Victorian Aesthetic Movement: ‘Feminine Souls’ and Shifting Sites of Contest”. Nineteenth Century Prose 26: 2 (1999): 127-42.

Baldacchino, Rachel. “Otherness and the Essay in the Pacifist Work of Vernon Lee”, in The Essay at the Limits: Poetics, Politics and Form, ed. Mario Aquilina (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021) pp. 125-136.

Balestra, Gianfranca. “Vernon Lee e Edith Wharton : viaggiatrici nel tempo e Nello spazio”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 209-18.

Barnette, Sarah. “Conversing with One’s Self”, Renovatio, The Journal of Zaytuna College, 25 January 2021 https://renovatio.zaytuna.edu/article/conversing-with-ones-self 

Barrera-Medrano, Leire. “‘Dolls in Agony’: Vernon Lee in Southern Spain”Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens [Online], 83 Printemps | 2016, Online since 31 May 2016.

Beer, Gillian. “The Dissidence of Vernon Lee: Satan the Waster and ‘The Will to Believe’”. In Suzanne Raitt and Trudi Tate (eds.). Women’s Fiction and the Great War. Oxford: Clarendon, 1997. 107-31.

Bincks, Faith and Kathryn Laing, Hannah Lynch 1859-1904: Irish writer, cosmopolitan, New Woman, Cork University Press, 2019.

Bini, Benedetta. “Vernon Lee, Henry James e le regole del gioco”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 308-17.

Biron, Archille H. “Paget in Parays.” Colby Library Quarterly (June 1960): 123-27.

Bizzotto, Elisa. “Pater’s Reception in Italy: a General View”. In Stephen Bann (ed.). The Reception of Walter Pater in Europe. Athlone Press, 2004. (shows that Pater’s reception in Italy was launched by V. Lee).

Bizzotto, Elisa. Review of Nicoletta Pireddu, Antropologi all corte della bellezza. Decadenza ed economia simbolica nell Europa fin de siècle. Verona: Edizioni Fiorini, 2002. Tracce, december 2003.

Bizzotto, Elisa. “L’Olimpo mediterraneo di Vernon Lee tra Pater e Forster”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 362-75.

Bizzotto, Elisa, Flavio Gregori. “Introduction: The Supernatural between Fact and Fiction, from the Gothic to the Fin de Siècle”. English Literature Vol. 7, Decembre 2020.

Bizzotto, Elisa, “Vernon Lee, Walter Pater, and the Revival of Medieval Theatre”, Staging Decadence, 12 April 2021.

Blackburn-Daniels, Sally, 'Vernon Lee, Influenced and Influencer: Lee’s Aesthetic Philosophy, 1880–1914', in Lydia Moland, and Alison Laura Stone (eds), The Oxford Handbook of American and British Women Philosophers in the Nineteenth Century (online edn, Oxford Academic, 18 July 2023), https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197558898.013.15,
Blackburn-Daniels, Sally & Sophie Geoffroy (2021) “Traces of the exotic” in Vernon Lee’s “Oke of Okehurst; Or, The Phantom Lover”, Women's Writing, 28:4, 569-588, DOI: 10.1080/09699082.2021.1985294

Blackburn-Daniels, Sally. “A Theatrical Performance of Vernon Lee’s The Ballet of the Nations. SKENÈ Journal of Theatre and Drama Studies. Capelli, Piero (ed.). “Jewish Theatres”, Vol 6 No 2 (2020).

Blackburn-Daniels, Sally. ‘“Struggling with the tempter”: the Queer Archival Spaces of Vernon Lee, Mary Robinson, and Amy Levy’. Volupté: Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadence Studies, 3.1 (2020), 92–110. DOI: 10.25602/GOLD.v.v3i1.1405.g1519

Blackburn-Daniels, Sally. "Vernon Lee: Excavating The Spirit of Rome", Excavating Modernity: Physical, Temporal and Psychological Strata in Literature, 1900-1930 (Abingdon: Routledge, 2018).

Boni, Donatella. “Profetiche e polemiche parole d’amore : Vernon Lee scrive agli italiani di ieri e di oggi”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 242-54.

Bosnjak, Lana. "Diversity in Gender via Genre in Vernon Lee's Prince Alberic and the Snake Lady". April 8, 2019.

Brake, Laurel. “Vernon Lee and the Pater Circle”. In Maxwell & Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006. 40-57.

Brake, Laurel. “Vernon Lee and the Pater Circle”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 161-85.

Briggs, Jo. “Plural Anomalies: Gender and Sexuality in Bio-Critical Readings of Vernon Lee”. Maxwell & Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 160-73.

Brilli, Attilio. “Gli dei in esilio e lo spirito del luogo”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 32-7.

Brockington, Grace. “Performing Pacifism: the Battle between Artist and Author in The Ballet of the Nations”. Maxwell & Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 143-159.

Brosch, Renate. “Verbalizing the Visual: Ekphrasis as a Commentary on Modes of Representation”. Emig, J., A. Lehmann and I. Maasen (eds.). Mediale Performanzen. Freiburg: Rombach, 2002.

-----------------. "'Art can do nothing without collaboration of the beholder': Vernon Lee's Theory of Aesthetic Response." Christian J. Emden and Gabriele Rippl (eds). ImageScapes: studies in intermediality. Oxford ; New York : Peter Lang, 2010.

Brown, Alison. “Vernon Lee, Brewster and the Berensons in the 1890s.” Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 125-41.

K. Bunting, Kirsty, (2016). ‘Feelings of Vivid Fellowship’: Vernon Lee and Clementina Anstruther-Thomson’s Quest for Collaborative ‘Aesthetic Sociability’. Forum For Modern Language Studies. 52(2), pp.203-217.

Caballero, Carlo. “’A Wicked Voice’: on Vernon Lee, Wagner, and the Effects of Music.” Victorian Studies. Indiana University Press, 35: 4 (Summer 1992): 385-408.

Cary, Richard. “Aldous Huxley, Vernon Lee and the Genius Loci.” Colby Literary Quaterly. June 1960.

Cenni, Serena. “‘The Rape of Life and Beauty’ : Ottilie, un’ambigua confessione”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 376-86.

Christensen, Peter. “The Burden of History in Vernon Lee’s Ghost Story ‘Amour Dure’.” Studies in the Humanities 16: 1 (1989), 33-43.

Christensen, Peter. “’A Wicked Voice’: V. Lee’s Artist Parable”. Lamar Journal of the Humanities 15: 2 (1989), 3-15.

Clarke, Meaghan. "Women in the Galleries: New Angles on Old Masters in the Late Nineteenth Century. 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, 28 (2019) <https://doi.org/10.16995/ntn.823>

Clute, John. “Vernon Lee”. Supernatural Fiction Writers: Fantasy and Horror. E.F. Bleiler (ed.). New York: Scribner, ca. 1985. 2 vol. pp. 329-44.

Colby, Vineta. “The Puritan Aesthete: Vernon Lee”. The Singular Anomaly: Women Novelists of the Nineteenth Century. New York and London: New York University Press and London University Press, 1970. pp. 235-304.

Comparretti, Alice Pattee. "A Most Exquisitely Beautiful Play" That Failed to Reach the Stage, Colby Library Quarterly, series 3, no.14, May 1954, p.220-226.

Corrigan, Beatrice. “Vernon Lee and the Old Yellow Book”. The Colby Library Quaterly(June 1960): 116-22.

Corrigan, Beatrice. “Giovanni Ruffini’s Letters to Vernon Lee, 1875-1879.” English Miscellany 13 (1962): 179-240.

Craske, Michael. 'Lying Down or Standing Up for Music: Hearing and Listening in Vernon Lee’s "Music and its Lovers".' Jane Desmarais (ed.). Volupté, Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadent Studies. Volume 5, Issue 2 (Winter 2022), "Vernon Lee".

Dazzi, Andrea e Cristina. “Vernon Lee, San Marcello e le ‘case’ Cini”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 116-21.

Dellamora, Richard. “Productive Decadence: ‘The Queer Comradeship of Outlawed Thought’: Vernon Lee, Max Nordau, and Oscar Wilde”. New Literary History 35 (2005): 1-18.

Delyfer, Catherine. “Etre et paraître dans Miss Brown de Vernon Lee”. Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens. N° 67. Montpellier : Presses Universitaires de Montpellier, avril 2008, pp. 393-406.

Denisoff, Dennis. “Vernon Lee”. In Burnham Bloom, Abigail (ed.). Nineteenth Century British Women Writers. New York: Greenwood, 2000.

Denisoff, Dennis. “The Leering Creatures of W. H. Mallock and Vernon Lee”. Aestheticism and Sexual Parody: 1840-1940. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Denisoff, Dennis. “The Forest Beyond the Frame: Picturing Women’s Desires in Vernon Lee and Virginia Woolf”. Schaffer, Talia, and Kathy Alexis Psomiades (eds.). Women and British Aestheticism. Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 2000. pp. 251-69.

Denisoff, Dennis. “Nasty Business: Vernon Lee and the Decadence of Stability”. Villa, Luisa and Marco Pustianaz (eds.). Maschilità decadenti. La lunga fin de siècle. A cura di M. Pustianaz e L. Villa, Sestante/Bergamo U.P., Bergamo 2004.

Denisoff, Dennis. “Vernon Lee, Decadent Contamination and the Productivist Ethos”. Maxwell & Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 75-90.

Denisoff, Dennis. “The Lie of the Land: Decadence, Ecology, and Arboreal Communications”, Victorian Literature and Culture; 49:4 (2021 Winter) 621-641.

Di Ricco, Alessandra. “Il Settecento letterario italiano di Vernon Lee”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 142-52.

Durante, Sergio. “Settecento e ottocento nel’immagine della musica di Vernon Lee”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 153-60.

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Volunteers in the Middelton: Paradise Regained History Research Group find memorial to Edward Adams in Llanarthne church.

Pireddu, Nicoletta. “Satan the Waster : Peace and the Gift”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 270-84.

Pireddu, Nicoletta. “Between Darwin and San Francesco: Zoographic Ambivalences in Mantegazza, Ouida, and Vernon Lee”. Gothic Studies, Special Issue “European and Italian Eco-Gothic in the Long 19th Century”, 16 (1), May 2014: 111-127.

Pireddu, Nicoletta. “Vernon Lee: Aesthetic Expenditure, noblesse oblige”. Marucci, F. and E. Sdegno (eds.) Athena’s shuttle.  Milano: Cisalpino, Istituto Editoriale Universitario, 2000): 175-194.

Plain, Gill. “The Shape of Things to Come: the Remarkable Modernity of Vernon Lee’s Satan the Waster (1915-1920)”. Claire Tylee (ed.). Women, the First World War and the Dramatic Imagination. International Essays (1914-1999). Lewiston, New York and Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000. 5-21.

Psomiades, Kathy Alexis. “‘Still Burning from this Strangling Embrace’: Vernon Lee on Desire and Aesthetics”. Richard Dellamora (ed.). Victorian Sexual Dissidence. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1999: 21-41.

Pulham, Patricia. “Vernon Lee: a Forgotten Voice”. The Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 5: 2 (Spring 1999), 51-62.

Pulham, Patricia. “The Castrato and the Cry in Vernon Lee’s Wicked Voices.” Victorian Literature and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. p. 421-37.

Pulham, Patricia. “A Transatlantic Alliance: Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Vernon Lee”.  Heilmann, Ann (ed.). Feminist Forerunners: (New) Womanism and Feminism in the Early Twentieth Century. London: Pandora Press, 2003, pp. 34-43.

Pulham, Patricia. “’I found for you a scarlet blossom rare’: Reconsidering the Friendship of Amy Levy and Vernon Lee”. Conference Proceedings of Amy Levy: a Colloquium. University of Southampton, Sept. 2002. Forthcoming 2004.

Pulham, Patricia. “Duality and Desire in Louis Norbert”. Maxwell, C. and P. Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 123-42.

Purkis, Charlotte. Aesthetic Explorations of Personal and Collective Identities and their Construction through ‘imperfect’ listening to music : the case of Vernon Lee (Violet Paget, 1856-1935). 4th Biennial International Conference on Music in 19th-Century Britain. University of Leeds, 24)27 July 2003. https://mncbconference.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/confbookleedsmncb.pdf

Reid, Louis Arnaud 1934. Review Work: ‘Music and its Lovers: An Empirical Study of Emotional and Imaginative Responses to Music’ by Vernon Lee, in: Mind, vol. 43 (170), 232-237.

Rigg, Patricia. “Eugene Lee-Hamilton’s Sonnets of the Wingless Hours: Baudelaire, Neurasthenia, and Poetic Recovery.” Victorian Studies 63.4 (2021): 491-513.

Robbins, Ruth. “Vernon Lee : Decadent Woman”. Fin de siècle/Fin du Globe : Fears and Fantasies of the Late Nineteenth Century. Stokes, John (ed.). New York : St Martin’s, 1992.

Rockhill, Jim. “Cruel Love, Cruel Death : Vernon Lee’s ‘Amour Dure’”. Accessible online :

Rockhill, Jim. “Vernon Lee’s ‘Sister Benvenuta & the Christ Child’ : A Commentary”. Accessible online :

Rockhill, Jim. “Vernon Lee’s ‘A Phantom Lover’.” 2000. Accessible online :

Sasso, Eleonora. “Vernon Lee e la messinscena della folia”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 344-55.

Saunier Philippe. “Préraphaélisme et Esthétisme en France : vingt ans d'effusion lyrique (1880-1900)”. Histoires littéraires, 2007, n° 29, p. 9-152.

Schabert, Ina. “An Amazon in Venice: Vernon Lee’s ‘Lady Tal'”. Pfister, Manfred and Barbara Schaff (eds.). Venetian Views, Venetian Blinds. English Fantasies of Venice. Amsterdam & Atlanta, GA, 1999.

Schaffer, Talia. “Fashioning Aestheticism by Aestheticizing Fashion : Wilde, Beerbohm, and the Male Aesthetes’ Sartorial Codes”. Victorian Literature and Culture (2000), 28: 39-54. Cambridge University Press.

Schiltz, Bronte. "'Mysterious Infuences': Androgyny and Transgressive Sexuality in Vernon Lee's 'A Wicked Voice' and 'Prince Alberic and the Snake Lady'". Oindrila Ghosh (ed.) Vision, Contestation and Deception; Interrogating Gender and the Supernatural in Victorian Shorter Fiction. Memari, Burdwan (India): Avenel Press, 2021, 99-120.

Seed, David. “Introduction”. The Handling of Words and Other Studies in Literary Psychology, by Vernon Lee. Lampeter: Edwin Mellen, 1992. i-xxx.

Severi, Rita. “Vernon Lee and Mantua”. Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies 5 (1998), 179-200.

Severi, Rita. “Vernon Lee a Bologna: la scrittrice ricorda I suoi viaggi”. Il Carrobbio (2002) 217-26.

Severi, Rita. “Vernon Lee through the Enchanted Woods of Travel Writing”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 219-27.

Sieberg, Herward. “Vernon Lee’s German Connections and Her Friendship with Irene Forbes-Mosse”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 285-307.

Small, Ian. “Vernon Lee, Association and ‘Impressionist Criticism’ ». The British Journal of Aesthetics 17: 2 (Spring 1977): 178-84.

  1. Parsons, Donna. 'Ill Advised and Foolishly Ambitious': The Enigmatic Contralto in Vernon Lee's Ariadne in Mantua. 4th Biennial International Conference on Music in 19th-Century Britain. University of Leeds, 24)27 July 2003. https://mncbconference.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/confbookleedsmncb.pdf

Stableford, Brian. “Haunted by the Pagan Past: an Introduction to Vernon Lee.” 2001. Accessible online :

Stavropoulos, Rea. "A Drama for our Times: The Ballet of the Nations. Vernon Lee's dance drama performed for the first time at Villa Il Palmerino". The Florentine, 29 May 2019.

Stephenson, Andrew. “‘A keen sight for the sign of the races’: John Singer Sargent, Whiteness and the Fashioning of Angloperformativity”. Visual Culture in Britain. Manchester University Press. Volume 6, Number 2, Winter 2005, pp. 207-25 (19).

Stetz, Margaret. “The Snake Lady and the Bruised Bodley Head : Vernon Lee and Oscar Wilde in The Yellow Book ». Maxwell, C. and P. Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 112-22.

Tintner, Adeline R. “Fiction is the Best Revenge: Portraits of Henry James by Four Women Writers”. Turn of the Century Women 2:2 Winter (1985), pp. 42-9.

Tobin, Claudia. “Inhaling Colour: Vernon Lee and the Chromatic Body”, Studies in Walter Pater and Aestheticism, 6 (Autumn 2021), 107-136.

Towheed, Shafquat. “The Creative Evolution of Scientific Paradigms: Vernon Lee and the Debate over the Hereditary Transmission of Acquired Characters”. Victorian Studies 49:1 (Autumn 2006), 33-61.

Towheed, Shafquat. “Determining “Fluctuating Opinions”: Vernon Lee, Popular Fiction, and Theories of Reading.” Nineteenth-Century Literature 60:2 (September 2005), 199-236.

Towheed, Shafquat. “The Science of Musical Memory: Vernon Lee and the Remembrance of Sounds Past”. Phyllis Weliver & Katharine Ellis (eds.). Words and Notes in the Long Nineteenth Century. Boydell & Brewer, 2013. 272 pp.

Townley, Sarah. “Vernon Lee and Elitism: Redefining British Aestheticism”. English Literature in Transition. 54:4. 2011 (Forthcoming).

Trakas, Marina. “Affective Memory in Vernon Lee (Violet Paget) (1856-1935)”, History of Women Philosophers and Scientists 

Trakas, Marina. “Music and Memory in VERNON LEE (VIOLET PAGET) (1856-1935)”, History of Women Philosophers and Scientists

Trakas, Marina. “No trace beyond their name? Affective Memories, a forgotten concept”, L'Année psychologique / Topics in Cognitive Psychology, 2021.

Valentine C. On Vernon Lee's Walter Pater and Translating the Victorians. Victorian Literature and Culture. 2023;51(2):293-305. doi:10.1017/S1060150322000237

Valentine, Colton. "Vernon Lee, Queer Relations, and a New Guard of Victorianist Multilingualism." Victorian Studies 64, no. 1 (2021): 62-87. https://doi.org/10.2979/victorianstudies.64.1.03.

Ventrella, Francesco. “Beyond the Gallery Handbook: Vernon Lee, Mary Berenson and Constance Jocelyn Foulkes,” Gendering Museum Histories Conference, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, September 8, 2016.

Ventralla, Francesco, “Encountering the Niobe’s Children: Vernon Lee’s Queer Formalism and the Empathy of Sculpture”. In Funke, Jana and Jen Grove (eds.), Sculpture, Sexuality and History: Encounters in Literature, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2019, pp. 195-220.

Vicinus, Martha. “The Adolescent Boy: Fin de Siècle Femme Fatale?” Journal of the History of Homosexuality 5 (1994), 90-114. Rpt. in Dellamora, Richard (ed.). Victorian Sexual Decadence. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1999, pp. 83-106.

Vicinus, Martha. “‘A Legion of Ghosts’ : Vernon Lee (1856-1935) and the Art of Nostalgia”. GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 10/4 (2004) : 599-616.

Volpi, Alessandro. “Vernon Lee e alcuni amici fiorentini : riflessioni sul Rinascimento e sull’Italia”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 53-81.

Weber, Carl J. “Henry James and His Tiger-Cat”. PMLA, 68 (September 1953): 672-87.

Weber, Carl J. “An Interim Bibliography of Vernon Lee”. Colby Library Quarterly(November 1952): 133-34.

Weber, Carl J. “Letters from Gosse and Benson.” Colby Library Quarterly (November 1952): 134-36.

Weber, Carl J. “A List of Those Who Wrote Letters to Vernon Lee.” Colby Library Quarterly (November 1952): 127-29.

Weber, Carl J. “Mr. Wells and Vernon Lee.” Colby Library Quarterly (November 1952): 129-33.

Weber, Carl J. “Correspondence. Mr. Wells and ‘Vernon Lee.”‘ Nation (New York) 99 (October 22, 1914): 495.

Wellek, René. “Vernon Lee, Bernard Berenson, and Aesthetics”. Discriminations: Further Concepts of Criticism. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1970.

Wiley, Catherine Anne. “’Warming me like a Cordial’: the Ethos of the Body in Vernon Lee’s Aesthetics”. Maxwell, C. and P. Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 58-74.

Winick, Mimi. “The Sophisticated Amateur: Vernon Lee versus the Vital Liars”, in The Critic as Amateur (Bloomsbury academic, 2020), pp. 151-178.

Zorn, Christa. “Aesthetic Intertextuality as Cultural Critique: Vernon Lee Rewrites History Through Walter Pater’s ‘La Gioconda’”. The Victorian Newsletter 91 (Spring 1997), 4-11.

Zorn, Christa. “The Handling of Words: Reader-Response Victorian Style”. Maxwell, C. and P. Pulham (eds.). Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, “Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture”, 2006, pp. 174-92.

Zorn, Christa. “The Cosmopolitan Intellectual During World War I”. Dalla Stanza Accanto ; Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. A cura di Serena Cenni e Elisa Bizzotto. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Università degli Studi di Trento, The British Institute of Florence. Firenze : Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, 2006. 255-69.

Compte-rendus de lecture

“Aestheticism in Lee”. Review of Schaffer, Talia and Kathy Alexis Psomiades (eds.). Women and British Aestheticism. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1999. pp. x+304. 

Bilston, Sarah. “Vernon Lee’s Reputation”. English Literature in Transition 1880-1920. ELT Press. 22 March 2005. Review of Zorn, Christa. Vernon Lee: Aesthetics, History, and the Victorian Female Intellectual. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2003. xxxi + 281 pp.

Dellamora, Richard. “Vernon Lee’s Moment”. Review of Zorn, Christa. Vernon Lee: Aesthetics, History, and the Victorian Female Intellectual. In Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies. Issue 2.2 (Summer 2006).

Evangelista, Stefano. Review of Pulham, Patricia. 2008. Art and the Transitional Object in Vernon Lee’s Supernatural Tales. Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate.188 pp. In Melmoth, supplement to The Oscholars. N° 2. November 2008.

Kandola, Sondeep. 2010. “Art and the Transitional Object in Vernon Lee’s Supernatural Tales by Patricia Pulham”. English Literature in Transition 1880-1920, 53 :233-237.

Lappin, Linda. “The Ardent Pen of Vernon Lee”. The Kenyon Review, 22 June 2005. Review of Colby, Vineta. Vernon Lee: A Literary Biography. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2003. 432 pp.

Maier, Pauline. “A World of Women”The New York Times. December 12, 1982. Review of Barbara Strachey. Remarkable Relations ; The Story of the Pearsall-Smith Women. New York: Universe Books, 1982. 351 pp.

Moran, Maureen, review of Maxwell and Pulham (eds). Vernon Lee, in English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 51:3. London: John Hopkins University Press, 2008, pp. 320-3.

Schaffer, Talia. Review of Jordan Jane and Andrew King (eds.). Ouida and Victorian Popular Culture. Romanticism on the Net, Issue #65, 2014-2015.

Wright, Sarah Bird. Review of Wharton, Edith. Italian Backgrounds. Accessible online : http://www.wsu.edu/~campbelld/wharton/disc/id20.htm

Thèses de doctorat

Barrera-Medrano, Leire. The correspondence of Vernon Lee and José Fernández Giménez (1832-1903). Birkbeck College, University of London. Supervised by Ana Parejo Vadillo.

Bizzotto, Elisa. Il ritratto immaginario fin de siècle: studio della short story decadente.  (see “I discepoli pateriani: I portraits storico-mitologici di Vernon Lee e Oscar Wilde”). PhD Thesis, University of Florence, 2001.

Blackburn-Daniels, Sally. ‘The Scholar’s Copy Book’ and the ‘Blotting-Book Mind’: Stratigraphic Approaches to Interdisciplinary Reading and Writing in the Work of Vernon Lee. PhD Thesis. University of Liverpool. August 2018.

Brockington, Grace. “Above the Battle”: Art for Art’s Sake and Pacifism during the First World War. University of Oxford, Sept. 2003. (A chapter on Lee entitled: “Performing Pacifism”).

Gagel, Amanda. Selected Letters of Vernon Lee (1856-1935). PhD Dissertation. Boston University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. 2008.

Garcia, Raymond III. Revelations from Vernon Lee’s “Life-Poem”: Subverting  Decadence and Embracing Individuality in Miss Brown.  Texas A & M University, Kingsville. 2010.

Kandola, Sonny. The “Aesthetic-Gothic”: Liberalism, Nationalism and Social Reform in Gothic Writings, 1700-1900. University of London, 2003. A chapter on Lee (ch. 5) entitled: “An Impressionist Supernaturalism—the work of Vernon Lee”.

Mahoney, Kristin. Aestheticist Renaissances: Economics, Aesthetics, and the Transition to Modernism. University of Notre Dame (to be submitted 2005). A chapter on Lee entitled: “Haunted Collections: Late-Victorian Theories of Ethical Consumption.”

Pulham, Patricia. Grown-Up Toys: Aesthetic Forms and Transitional Objects in Vernon Lee’s Supernatural Tales. University of London, 2001.

Thue-Tun, Marie Carmen. Vernon Lee (Violet Paget, 1856-1935), une odyssée scripturale entre romantisme et modernité. University of La Réunion, Nov. 2010.

Wiley, Catherine. “Amphibious Creatures”: Essayism and Transformative Play in Walter Pater, Vernon Lee, and John Addington Symonds. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 2001.

Zorn, Christa (as Christa Zorn-Belde). Vernon Lee: Aesthetics, History and the Female Subject in the Nineteenth Century. University of Florida, 1994.

MA Dissertations

Anrifani, Aminati. The Struggle against Patriarchy in “Amour dure” by Vernon Lee Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2018.

Boyer, Nathalie. “Gender Roles and Class Relations in Miss Brown by Vernon Lee”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2003.

Cerveaux, Clara. “’The Snake Lady’ by Vernon Lee and the Roman de Mélusine by Jean d’Arras: a Comparative Study”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion.

Ethève, Elodie. “Vernon Lee’s Letters : a New Woman in the Making ?” Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, Sept. 2011.

Figur, David. A Translation and Critical Analysis of “The Legend of Madame Krasinska” by Vernon Lee”, Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2018.

Grondin, Patricia. “Les Dieux et Ritter Tanhüser. Traduction et commentaire littéraire de ‘The Gods and Ritter Tanhûser’ (1927) de Vernon Lee”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 1998.

Guerdin, Stéphanie. “Time and Art in Vernon Lee’s ‘’Prince Alberic and the Snake Lady’ and ‘The Virgin of the Seven Daggers’.” Dir. Sophie (Geoffroy-)Menoux. University of La Réunion, 2001.

Hoareau, Audrey. A Critical Analysis of the Translation of Vernon Lee’s Miss Brown (1884) by Robert de Cerisy (Marguerite Paris), Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy, University of La Réunion, 2018.

Hortense, Julie. A Translation and Critical Analysis of “Amour dure” by Vernon Lee Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2018.

Laude, Sophie. “The Vernon Lee Letters at McGill University”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, Sept. 2011.

Philogène, Nicolas. Vernon Lee, H.G. Wells and Capitalism: V. Lee as a Reader of The Shape of Things to Come (1933) by H. G. Wells, Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2016.

Thue-Tun, Carmen. “Mythes, pouvoir et images de la femme dans Miss Brown (1884) de Vernon Lee”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2005.

Torpos, Marie-Aude. “’Lady Tal’ by Vernon Lee and ‘Miss Grief’ by Constance Fenimore Wolson: a Comparative Study”. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion.

Melchior, Wynella. Translation and Commentary of Satan the Waster by Vernon Lee, Mémoire de Master LLCE. Dir. Sophie Geoffroy. University of La Réunion, 2015.

Work in progress

Dalleau, Cécilia. Les inédits de Vernon Lee, 1914-1919 : carnets et écrits. Traduction et édition critique. PhD. Université de La Réunion. Research supervisor: Sophie Geoffroy.

Townley, Sarah. Redefining British Aestheticism: Literary Value, Elitism and Readerships, 1865-1928. Summer 2011. Sarah Townley’s doctoral research aims to expand traditional accounts of the evolution of British Aestheticism to encompass a more complex understanding of its theorization of its elite readerships. She focuses on the works of Matthew Arnold, Walter Pater, Henry James, Vernon Lee (Violet Paget) and Rebecca West. Research Supervisors: Josephine Guy, David James.

Ventrella Francesco. Visitations; Vernon Lee, Art History and Psychological Aesthetics. 2015.

 Research resources 

The British Institute of Florence. The Vernon Lee Library.
“After her death in 1935, some 350 books from Vernon Lee’s Library at the Villa ‘Il Palmerino’ were presented to the British Institute of Florence by her friend and executrix, Irene Cooper Willis. These reflect the wide range of Vernon Lee’s interests. ‘The width of her reading in scientific subjects,’ writes her biographer Peter Gunn, ‘and more particularly in the social sciences, is quite astonishing.’ Many of the books bear the dates of reading and re-reading, and are copiously annotated.
All the items in this collection can be found in the online catalogue, either by the classmark (prefixed by ‘VL’) or by the subject heading of ‘Lee, Vernon – former owner’.” (Home page presentation)
To consult the online catalogue:
http://www.britishinstitute.it/ita/vernonlee.html  (Il Fondo Vernon Lee in Italian)
For more information, e –mail the library at library@britishinstitute.it

The Vernon Lee Archive, Miller Library at Colby College, ME, USA
Colby College
4000 Mayflower Hill
Waterville, ME 04901-8840
P: 207-872-3000

Archival material relating to Vernon Lee listed at the UK National Register of Archives

The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, especially the Berenson Archive, Villa I Tatti, Fiesole at http://itatti.harvard.edu/

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Florence – http://www.bncf.firenze.sbn.it/

Biblioteca Marucelliana (Florence), especially Carteggio Placci (correspondence between Carlo Placci and Vernon Lee).

The British Library, London, UK

History of Women Philosophers and Scientists

Mc Gill University, Montreal, Quebec

Les manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Victor Cousin, Paris

At the Circulating Library, A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Victorian Fiction Research Guides 

Reading Experience Database

The Yellow Nineties Online

and The Yellow Nineties beta database


1 – Vernon Lee’s Texts Online

Vernon Lee’s texts can be found online, thanks to  Victorian Women Writers Project (Indiana University). For instance :

Miss Brown. London: 1884. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. November 1997: Miss Brown I; 
Miss Brown II;
Miss Brown III.

Gospels of Anarchy and Other Contemporary Studies. London: 1908. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. November 1997. 

Hauntings. London: Heinemann, 1890. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. August 1998.

Limbo and Other Essays. London: Grant Richards, 1897. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. August 1998. 

Vanitas, Polite Stories. London: Heinemann, 1892. Victorian Women Writers Project. Ed. Perry Willett. Indiana University. September 1998.

Books by Vernon Lee sur Gutenberg

In Praise of Old Gardens

Anstruther-Thomson, Clementina and Vernon Lee. Art and Man. London: John Lane, "The Bodley Head", 1924.

Vernon Lee on Sargent

2. Websitess and blogs dedicated to Vernon Lee and her circle

The Sibyl, A Journal of Vernon Lee Studies

The Sibyl.org

In Japanese (transl. English): Vernon Lee (Violet Paget)

3. Online Journals and blogs dedicated to Vernon Lee's era

19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century

Verse and Music, Transgression

"Ein Zimmer für sich allein", Frauen in Virgina Woolf's Hogarth Press 1917-1941.

The Latchkey, Journal of New Woman Studies


Romanticism on the Net

BRANCH: Britain, representation, and Nineteenth-Century History

Volupté, Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadence Studies

The Victoran Web

Irish Women’s Writing Network


The Victorianist, Or: The Victorian Period Presented in Concise and Regular Articles

4 – Papers (articles, conferences, seminars, symposia)

Barrera-Medrano, Leire. ‘In remembrance of the Spanish Legends he was wont to tell me’: Vernon Lee’s Decadent Recovery of Romantic Spain. 14 June 2013.

Mannocchi, Phyllis F. “The Development of Vernon Lee’s Politics”. Paper read at the Vernon lee Conference in Florence, Violet del Palmerino, 27-28 sept. 2012.

Way, Peter. “Color and Copper: Mary Cassatt and Vernon Lee”. http://colorandcopper.blogspot.fr

5. Links

- “Isabella’s Bookworm Friendship with Vernon Lee”


 - “Lost in time: the wicked voice of Vernon Lee”


 - “Mind’s Eye”


 - “Vernon Lee”


 - “Lates with Lee”: British Association of Decadence Studies


 - “The haunting stories of writer Vernon Lee”


 - “Vernon Lee and the Middleton Estate”


 - “Vernon Lee, Walter Pater, and the Revival of Medieval Theatre”

Vernon Lee, Walter Pater, and the Revival of Medieval Theatre — Staging decadence

Other ressources


Vimeo channel: Vernon Lee Online

41 videos to this date: complete list.


"John Singer Sargent, Study of Vernon Lee", Old Dirty Masters, June 30, 2020

Audio books

Livres audio de Vernon Lee sur LibriVox



Dawkin, Lucie, "The Invention of Empathy", Museum Secrets, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, January 13, 2021, Season 1 Episode 13.

Theatre plays (performances)

Ariadne in Mantua, sur le site du Great War Theatre

The Ballet of the Nations. Choreography: Angeliki Papoulia. Mise en scène: Angeliki Papoulia et Federica Parretti. Scientific adviser: Sally Blackburn-Daniels. Villa Il Palmerino, Florence. 31 May-1 June 2019. Production: Associazione Culturale Il Palmerino, 2019.

The Ballet of the Nations. Impermanence Dance Theatre. Written & Directed by: Roseanna Anderson & Joshua Ben-Tovim. Scientific adviser: Grace Brockington. 2018.

Community of Vernon Lee scholars and students

International Vernon Lee Society (IVLS)

BAVS (British Association of Victorian Studies)

BADS (British Association of Decadence Studies)

North American Victorian Studies Associations

SAGEF (Société des Anglicistes sur les Femmes, le Sexe et le Genre)

SFEVE (Société Française des Etudes Victoriennes et Edouardiennes)

Associazione Culturale Il Palmerino

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Sophie Geoffroy, "Bibliographie de Vernon Lee"
Site "Holographical-Lee (HoL)Vernon Lee (Violet Paget) : Letters, notebooks and manuscripts - Lettres, carnets et manuscrits"
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Page créée par Sophie Geoffroy le 26/09/2018
Page modifiée par Sophie Geoffroy le 19/07/2024