Holographical-Lee (HoL)
Vernon Lee (Violet Paget) : Letters, notebooks and manuscripts - Lettres, carnets et manuscrits

Sally Blackburn-Daniels

Document de présentation

Dr Sally Blackburn-Daniels is Research Fellow for the Centre of Culture and Creativity at Teesside University (Middlesbrough, UK), Visiting Fellow at The Open University (Milton Keynes, UK) and Visiting Fellow at University of Liverpool (Liverpool, UK). She completed her PhD in January 2019, titled "'The Scholar's Copy Book' and 'The Blotting-Book Mind': Stratigraphic Approaches to Interdisciplinary Reading and Writing in the Work of Vernon Lee." Sally is Vice-President for the International Vernon Lee Society (IVLS) and works on transcriptions for the Holographical-Lee project (HoL). She is also Newsletter Editor for the British Association of Decadent Studies (BADS) and reviews scholarly titles on Victorian Poetry for the Year's Work in English Studies (YWES). Publications for 2020 include: Alessio Antonini, Francesca Benatti and Sally Blackburn-Daniels, 'On Links To Be: Exercises in Style #2' in "Proceedings of 2020ACM Hypertext" which won the Douglas Engelbert Best Paper Award. Also, Sally Blackburn-Daniels, '''Struggling With the Tempter': the Queer Archival Spaces of Vernon Lee, Mary Robinson and Amy Levy", "Volupté", 3:1 (Summer 2020).