Holographical-Lee (HoL)
Vernon Lee (Violet Paget) : Letters, notebooks and manuscripts - Lettres, carnets et manuscrits

Purposes of this project

Holographical-Lee, Vernon Lee (Violet Paget): Letters, notebooks and manuscripts is a searchable database and a digital library for archival preservation and research exploitation, specially designed to bring together into an accessible archive documents originally scattered in over 40 repositories around the world.

It makes available to specialists and to a wider reading public a very diverse corpus covering the various avenues of the writer’s production and spanning her entire life. It brings together different types of material, from letters, objects, paintings, notebooks and drafts to proofs of published work, and written in the 4 languages (English, French, Italian, German) fluently used by Vernon Lee.
Thanks to the textometrical approach, Holographical-Lee, HoL offers an important contribution to the study of the evolution of Vernon Lee’s thinking and development of her works in her changing environment.

Furthering and extending the purposes from which the online journal The Sibyl, Journal of Vernon Lee Studies, the website The Sibyl, and the International Vernon Lee Society (IVLS) originated, Holographical-Lee (HoL) intends to foster new interests in Vernon Lee's life and works.

It is developed in parallel to the four-volume Routledge/Taylor & Francis edition of Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856-1935, edited by Sophie Geoffroy et Amanda Gagel. Volume I (1866-1884), A. Gagel (ed.) with S. Geoffroy (assoc. ed.) was published in 2017. Volume II (1885-1889), S. Geoffroy (ed.) with A. Gagel (assoc. ed.), is scheduled on 17 September 2020. Volumes III and IV are in progress.

The initial original data are either in the public domain or belong to the editor's personal collection.


Holographical-Lee, HoL will liaise with existing fac-similes whenever accessible online. The data generated in the course of the HoL project (metadata, diplomatic transcriptions, digitisation of fac-similes) will be available in open access by downloading under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike, BY-SA licence.

Comment citer cette page

Sophie Geoffroy, "Purposes of this project"
Site "Holographical-Lee (HoL)Vernon Lee (Violet Paget) : Letters, notebooks and manuscripts - Lettres, carnets et manuscrits"
Consulté le 27/07/2024 sur la plateforme EMAN
Page créée par Sophie Geoffroy le 12/10/2016
Page modifiée par Sophie Geoffroy le 20/09/2023