Guizot épistolier

François Guizot épistolier :
Les correspondances académiques, politiques et diplomatiques d’un acteur du XIXe siècle

230_Correspondance de Jared Sparks à Guizot : 1829-1853

Auteurs : Sparks, Jared (1789-1866) ; Guizot, François (1787-1874)

Présentation de la collection

Jared Sparks (May 10, 1789 – March 14, 1866),  American historian, educator, and Unitarian minister. He served as President of Harvard College from 1849 to 1853.

Jared Sparks was the third signatory of this letter. Born in 1789, this Unitarian pastor, a former editor of the North American Review and later a history professor at Harvard, was a library and archive connoisseur in the United States and in Europe at the time, who had impressive publications to his credit. He had undertaken to produce The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution in twelve volumes and had also published between 1834 and 1837, The Life and Writings of George
Washington, also in twelve volumes. For this project, he had drawn upon the 200 volumes of manuscripts bequeathed by the first president of the United States to his nephew Bushrod Washington. Congress later
purchased these volumes to deposit in the state archives in Washington D.C.; he also studied other public and private archives—including those in Paris.

Fiche descriptive de la collection

  • Guizot, François (1787-1874)
  • Sparks, Jared (1789-1866)
  • France (1814-1830, Restauration)
  • France (1830-1848, Monarchie de Juillet)
Collection créée par Marie Dupond Collection créée le 29/03/2024 Dernière modification le 16/04/2024