Lettre de Frank A. Burrelle à Émile Zola datée du 23 février 1898
Auteur(s) : Burrelle, Frank A.
Papier à lettre
En haut :
New York. Washington. Chicago. London.
Tampon à gauche :
Burrelle's Press Lipping Bureau, FST B' D” 1886
Dans un encart stylisé avec des torches
Déjà dactylographié à droite :
Frank A. Burrelle, Prest.
Executive office
32 Park Row, New York
Dactylographié à l'encre violette :
Feb. 23, 1898
Mon. Emile Zola,
Paris, France.
Dear Sir:-
A paragraph is going the rounds of the American Press to the effect that there is a possibility of your visiting our Country to give a series of lectures.
In passing I may say that you may rest assured of a most hearty welcome and a large following.
The nature of our business I presume you understand and we wish to suggest that during your stay in America there will be much published concerning you, your movements, expressions and personality.
All this matter should be preserved as a souvenir of the occasion (sic) and we are very glad to extend to you a special price of one cent (five centimes) per item[1].
Asking your instructions by mail before your departure from France that we may secure everything we beg to subscribe ourselves, with great respect,
Yours truly,
Signature : F. A. Burrelle, Prest.
[1] « per item » a été rajouté à la main au crayon à papier.
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