CORREZ - Édition des lettres internationales adressées à Émile Zola

Lettre de P. Mariotte-Davies à Émile Zola non datée

Auteur(s) : Mariotte-Davies, P.


Texte de la lettre

Papier à lettre.

Tampon argenté :

Purdue University

La Fayette And.

            Cher Maître,

            It will be my privilege, as soon as a translation in English of your chef d'oeuvre “Paris” appears in America, to review it for the Indianapolis newspapers.

            As there will be, I am sorry to say many unauthorized translations of your wotk. May I presume to ask you, who your authorized translation will be, and when will the translation appear ?

            Hoping to be favored with an answer from you or your secretary.

            I remain admiringly

            Yours very truly.

  1. Mariotte-Davies

Prof of French in Purdue State University

            La Fayette


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Notice créée par Richard Walter Notice créée le 21/12/2018 Dernière modification le 21/08/2020