Lettre d'Harold Cooke à Émile Zola datée du 31 mars 1898
Auteur(s) : Cooke, Harold
Papier à lettre
Déjà dactylographié en haut :
The Associated news,
Déjà dactylographié en haut à gauche :
Telegraph department.
Sunday department.
Dramatic department.
Art review department.
Fashion department.
Illustrating department.
Legal department.
Eclesiastical Dep't.
Correspondence department.
In answering this letter
Please refer to N° 7795.
Déjà dactylographié en haut à droite :
102 Fulton Street.
The leading newspapers of united states supplied with news.
New York, March 31st 1898
Dactylographié en noir :
Mr Emile Zola.
Paris, France.
Dear Sir:-
We learn as soon as you are permitted to do so you will come to the United States for a lecture tour. Will you kindly let us know if this is true, when you are likely to start, what sort of lectures you are going to give. We would like to give a full account of this to the America public by publishing it in the leading papers all over the country. We are sure that such a publication will not only greatly interest the public but afford them the greatest pleasure.
Kindly enclose us your photograph and oblige,
Very truly yours,
Signature : Harold Cooke
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