CORREZ - Édition des lettres internationales adressées à Émile Zola

Lettre de Chas. Schwartz à Émile Zola datée du 14 mars 1898

Auteur(s) : Schwartz, Chas.


Texte de la lettre

Dactylographié à l'encre noire


Minneapolis, Minn. March, 14th, 1898.


Mr. M. Zola,

            Paris, France.

            Dear Sir :-: At a regular meeting of the Baron Hirsch Society, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, held on March 10th, the following resolution was passed unanimously, and the secretary was instructed to mail a copy of same to you.

            Resolved, that we, the members of the Baron Hirsch Society, of Minneapolis, Minn., congratulate you, and express our gratitude to you for your courageous attittude to justice and equal rights to all.

            And, be it resolved, that we denounce the deviation of the Court Martial from just and humane laws of France.

            And be it further resolved, that we denounce Esterhazy and his circle of guilty followers.

            Yours respectuflly,


Signature : Chas. Schwartz,


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