CORREZ - Édition des lettres internationales adressées à Émile Zola

Lettre de Jas B. Wilkinson à Émile Zola datée du 28 février 1898

Auteur(s) : Wilkinson, Jas B.


Texte de la lettre

N.Y. 2/28/98


M Emile Zola


            Your trial has demonstratice to the Civilized World that Justice and Sunny France is found only in her Dictionnaries.

            I am not a Jew nor a Jew love _ but a native born American.

            Your championship of Truth has added more to your Fame than all the words you have ever written.

            “Truth crushed to Earth will rise again,

            The eternal years of god are hers ;

            But Error wounded withes in pain,

            And dies amid her worshippers.”


            Signature : Jas. B. Wilkinson


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Notice créée par Richard Walter Notice créée le 21/12/2018 Dernière modification le 21/08/2020