CORREZ - Édition des lettres internationales adressées à Émile Zola

Lettre de A. A. Christian à Émile Zola datée du 25 mars 1898

Auteur(s) : Christian, A. A.


Texte de la lettre

Papier à lettre


Déjà dactylographié en haut à gauche :

Book News

John Wanamaker,


  1. A. Christian, Editor.

Vol XVI Philadelphia No 181.


Dactylographié en bleu :


March 25. 1898


Emile Zola[1],

c/o The Macmillan Co[2].


Dear Sir[3] :

            “Book News”, which deals as far as possible in onformation and news about books instead of any gossip about authors and criticisms, is anxious to print from time to time a statement in a sentence or two from authors in regard to their purpose in writing a particular book ; a sort of statement which will lead the reader to want to read the book. In the nature of things the critic, however faithful, often misses, even with the aid of the preface, the object which the author had in mind in writing the book.

            Can you favor “Book News” on the enclosed card, which is ready to be slipped into the enclosed envelope, with a sentence or two expressing your purpose in writing “Paris”.[4]

Such an andwer as you would give to a friend who asks you why you wrote the book.

                        Very Truly yours,

Signature : A. A. Christian

[1]          Dactylographié en violet.

[2]              Dactylographié en violet.

[3]          Dactylographié en violet.

[4]          Titre dactylographié en violet.


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