Lettre d'R. W. Seager à Émile Zola datée du 31 mars 1898
Auteur(s) : Seager, R. N.
Papier à lettre
St Paul, Minn. U. S. A.
March 31 1898.
Mons Emile Zola. Paris, France.
Honored Sir
Like thousands more of American readers I have followed quite closelyThe developments of events determinating in your temporacy retirements from noise & bustle. I am also one of the many many who concede that you have won immortal fame recently while all yours previous efforts and triumphs were but memories for a few generations.
The enclosed news paper clipping, from our most notable & influential [mot illisible] newspaper, the Chicago Tribune, indicates that you may visit America. By all means some. How welcome will be an astonishment and an amazement such as even Zola has never dreamed of. And I wish I might help [mot illisible][1] the may and “promote” you though a tour of this continent.
You see, I know how to do it. Somebody who knows the country and people of America will have to do the business. It should be one who had had experience as advertiser and business manager & who can “edit” the newspaper, book dates and attend to all the minutia of an entertainment tour.
I am the author of the dramatization of the amateur sacred operas “Queen Esther” & “Belshazzar”, which have been sung, whistled, hammed and listened to by many millions of people upon two continents. [mot illisible] my own personal [mot illisible], in 210 leading cities of America, more than a million and a quarter of [mot illisible] have been delighted with the performances, by amateurs in each city, and I hold receipts for 51 000 net cash that I have given to churches and charities, out of the proceeds. Hence it is not egotistical to clam that 2 case do the business [mot illisible] to drawing great [mot illisible] _ especially with such a powerful drawing card as Mons Zola would be.
You will kindly pardon the length and unskillfulness of this letter, I am sure.
I am 45 years old, with the strength & vitality of 25. Last the least of my recommendations is that I am a most pronounced admirer of your great genius, sir, which 2 esteem as examples foremost among all, the most conspicuous & of any period or country.
I am very, very respectfully yours, for any service within my power?
Signature R W Seager
Reformer, if desired, to a number of the most distinguished people in America.
Note sur l'article joint : This may not seem complimentary. The Tribune is the highly moral grandmother of the portwest.
Note au dos de la carte de visite : If the Tribunes' information is correct, you may have contracted an engagement already. If not, I will simply engage to secure you greater [deux mots illisibles] of best people and a greater sum of net cash Then any entertainment manager in America canda (sic)
[1] Je lis « pave ».
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