Lettre de E. H. Strictlemet à Émile Zola non datée
Auteur(s) : Strictclemet, E. H.
Papier à lettre
Tampon en haut :
Dragon violet portant la devise : “Mon dieu, mon roi et mon ami”
The Cedars
Benton Harbor Mich.
À la main :
- Emile Zola,
My Dear Sir,
I am [mot illisible] to Mr Theodore Stanton for your address, who assures me that if I write you he feels confident you will oblige me in the request I am about to make. I have a large and valued collection of autograph mementoes, which I am preparing with portrait to present to our State Library. Will you do me the honor and kindly favor to grant a few lines from your pen to fill the page in my [mot illisible] reserved for you. I shall be most sincerely obliged and prize the constribution highly.
I am Sir with respect and regards.
Very truly yours
Signature : E. H. Strictclemet
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