CORREZ - Édition des lettres internationales adressées à Émile Zola

Lettre de James P. Pond à Émile Zola datée du 16 septembre 1898

Auteur(s) : Pond, James B.


Texte de la lettrePapier à lettres, une demi page d'écritures imprimées à l'encre rouge.

En haut à gauche :

tampon avec les initiales B. P.
Cable Address
New York

À droite :
Established 1873.

Au milieu :
proprietor and manager
Everett House, corner 4th avenue and 17th Street, New York.
Lectures, concert and all descriptions of Musical, Lyceum an d literary entertainments. Engagements with all the most celebrated lecturers and musical made through this agency.

Season of 1898-1899
Liste de tous les Lecturers, monologue, readers, combinations, et soloists.

All engagements made by this agency are conditional upon the ability of the Artists and Lecturers to fulfill them. In case of detention by sickness, accident or any legitimate or unavoidable cause, it is understood that there shall be so claim for damages, though a new date will always be given during the same season, if possible.

Eberett house, New York, _____________ 189

À la main :

Eberett house, New York,sept 16, 1898.

Emile Zola :
Dear Sir :
There are rumour that you are coming to America to lecture. I have been asked try some showmen here if you I will undertake to book a tour for you I declined, because, a gentleman of letters like yourself should not be carled about & exhibited as a show. Our American lyceum system of lectures is one of our means of education and the greatest men of letters are [mot illisible] do lecture for them. It means that in every city where they lecture they are introduced under the auspices of some local committee or society. If you would come over and give [mot illisible] lectures I am quite certain I could give you some magnificent audiences & make it very profitable for you. The enclose will show you some of the successes I have conducted. You would do a great business & be enthusiastically received. My terms are, after deducting all expenses including lecturers hotel & trouding, the lecturer takes two thirds of the profit & I one third. I would expect to make for you a [mot illisible] sum of money. Say $10,000. I refer you to one American Ambassador. Gon. Horace Ponty & any name on above list.
I am, Yours sincerely
Signature : J. B. Pond.

Les mots clés



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