Texte de la lettrePapier à lettres
Déjà imprimé en haut :
Jas. M. Hugues, Rest. E. J. Myall, AsstCashr Mme Myall, Cashr
The Citizens Bank
Paris, Ky., Jany 21st, 1898
À la main :
Mons. Émile Zola,
Paris, France,
Dear Sir : -
Whatever may be the outcome of the prosecution to which you are being subjected all the world outside of France admires and applauds your conduct, and condemns the punishment of Dreyfus as not only illegal and unjustifiable but barbarous and unworthy of a Civilized Nation.
You have laid humanity every when under obligation to yourself to challenging the methods by which this unhappy man was condemned, and compelling France to open the case anew in the Court of Justice when testimony can be heard publicly so that all men may know whether this man is guilty or whether he is innocently suffering this cruel an inhuman punishment.
The spirit of hatred which seems to animate the French people in this Case is incomprehensible in a Civilized and Cultivated Nation, and it is perculialy fitting that a great writer, who has spoken through his books to the hearts and consciences of men should speak now to the hearts and consciences of his countrymen demanding in the name of humanity that if the terrible punishment of this man on whom the wrath of the entire nation is centered is to continue, his guilt shall at least be so clearly proven that all men may know it is not an innocent man who suffers. If he is guilty the world has a right to be made certain of his guilt, that its sense of humanity may not be schocked by the barbarous punishment of a man whom nearly all people outside of France believe to be innocent. If he is innocent every sentiment of justice and humanity calls for his immediate release and for such measure of atonement and rehabilitation as a penitent and conscience-stricken nation can make for so great a wrong done to an innocent man, and in either case you have laid all men everywhen, who love justice, under obligation to yourself by compelling the reopening of this case and the open proof of the guilt or innocence of this man.
I have the honor to be with the highest consideration & respect, very truly yours,
Signature : Mme Myall
Déjà imprimé en haut :
Jas. M. Hugues, Rest. E. J. Myall, AsstCashr Mme Myall, Cashr
The Citizens Bank
Paris, Ky., Jany 21st, 1898
À la main :
Mons. Émile Zola,
Paris, France,
Dear Sir : -
Whatever may be the outcome of the prosecution to which you are being subjected all the world outside of France admires and applauds your conduct, and condemns the punishment of Dreyfus as not only illegal and unjustifiable but barbarous and unworthy of a Civilized Nation.
You have laid humanity every when under obligation to yourself to challenging the methods by which this unhappy man was condemned, and compelling France to open the case anew in the Court of Justice when testimony can be heard publicly so that all men may know whether this man is guilty or whether he is innocently suffering this cruel an inhuman punishment.
The spirit of hatred which seems to animate the French people in this Case is incomprehensible in a Civilized and Cultivated Nation, and it is perculialy fitting that a great writer, who has spoken through his books to the hearts and consciences of men should speak now to the hearts and consciences of his countrymen demanding in the name of humanity that if the terrible punishment of this man on whom the wrath of the entire nation is centered is to continue, his guilt shall at least be so clearly proven that all men may know it is not an innocent man who suffers. If he is guilty the world has a right to be made certain of his guilt, that its sense of humanity may not be schocked by the barbarous punishment of a man whom nearly all people outside of France believe to be innocent. If he is innocent every sentiment of justice and humanity calls for his immediate release and for such measure of atonement and rehabilitation as a penitent and conscience-stricken nation can make for so great a wrong done to an innocent man, and in either case you have laid all men everywhen, who love justice, under obligation to yourself by compelling the reopening of this case and the open proof of the guilt or innocence of this man.
I have the honor to be with the highest consideration & respect, very truly yours,
Signature : Mme Myall
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