CORREZ - Édition des lettres internationales adressées à Émile Zola

Lettre de S. Harris à Émile Zola datée du 13 juin 1899

Auteur(s) : Harris, S.


Texte de la lettreDactylographiée à l'encre violette.

New York, June 13, 1899.

M. Emile Zola,

Honored Sir :-
You will please pardon the liberty I take in writing to you, but I desire to offer you my congratulations for the noble stand you took in the Dreyfus case. You have made may admirers in this country, among them, your humble servant.
I take great pleasure in enclosing a card, which I would be more than pleased to have you write your signature on, so as to give me the great pleasure and privilege to place it in my autograph collection. Should you inscribe a sentiment on the card, it would be more than appreciated.
I am, dear Sir, with best wishes for your future welfare and happiness,
Yours very truly,

Signature : S. Harris.

Les mots clés



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