CORREZ - Édition des lettres internationales adressées à Émile Zola

Lettre de Robinson à Émile Zola du premier août 1887

Auteur(s) : Robinson


Texte de la lettrePapier à lettres.
En-tête :
Once a week (stylisé)
Fiction.Fact.Sensation Wit.Humor.News
104 to 110 Attorney Street, New York.

Précision de l'adresse et l'état de toutes les "branch Houses"

Fin de l'en-tête.

New York, 1 August 1887


We are getting up an eshaustive article on "French Literature" "Past and Present" which will appear in due course in this paper. If it is not asking too much will you honor me by sending your autograph for reproduction in this article, with there and other famous literateurs.
The enormous circulation of our paper outborders me to hope that you will compell with a request which will give me so much pleasure to hundreds of thousands of your admirers on this side of the Atlantic.
Very [mot illisible] your servant

[Prénom illisible] Robinson
Editor in chief


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Notice créée par Richard Walter Notice créée le 02/07/2018 Dernière modification le 21/08/2020