Texte de la lettrePapier tapé à la machine avec un texte ajouté à la main à l'encre violette.
Texte tapé à la machine :
New York, January, 13, 1891.
Dear Sir,
Will you have the kindness to join a select number of authorities in all parts of the world in answering, within the space of two hundred and fifty words, this question :
What are the qualities most essential to the development of the Perfect man ?
Yours very truly,
James Gordon Bennett.
Address : Dr. Wallsee Wood,
Care of Herald, New York City,
Ajouté à la main :
The question being one of more than passion moment we shall be very glad if you will communicate to us your views. Whatever you may send will be of especial value and will be given a high place.
Nalian Wood m9
([mots illisibles) of the city of New York)
Texte tapé à la machine :
New York, January, 13, 1891.
Dear Sir,
Will you have the kindness to join a select number of authorities in all parts of the world in answering, within the space of two hundred and fifty words, this question :
What are the qualities most essential to the development of the Perfect man ?
Yours very truly,
James Gordon Bennett.
Address : Dr. Wallsee Wood,
Care of Herald, New York City,
Ajouté à la main :
The question being one of more than passion moment we shall be very glad if you will communicate to us your views. Whatever you may send will be of especial value and will be given a high place.
Nalian Wood m9
([mots illisibles) of the city of New York)
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