CORREZ - Édition des lettres internationales adressées à Émile Zola

Lettre de Edward B. Goodyear à Émile Zola datée du 27 août 1895

Auteur(s) : Goodyear, Edward B.


Texte de la lettreNaugatuck, Conn., August. 27, 1895

M. Emile Zola.
Dear Sir,

Enclosed herewith is a cutting from New York Sun of Aug. 26th. I had just read your book "Lourdes" with great interest, and, doubtless, about as much belief in the miraculous in that connection as you have. Now, assuming the report of the finish (?) of the career of Delannoy to be correct, will it have any appreciable effect on the belief of the thousands this week at Lourdes, that a miracle was wrought in his cure there is years ago ?
I write in English as I am not able to write in French, but can read some French. Envelope enclosed for reply if you find time and inclination. Yes or No is sufficient, if that is all I can get. Am not hunting an autograph, but an impression.
Yours very truly,

Edward B. Goodyear

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Notice créée par Richard Walter Notice créée le 02/07/2018 Dernière modification le 21/08/2020